One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 930: Mu Yazhe, you hate it the most.

Chapter 930, Mu Yazhe, you hate it the most.

"Who is going to sing this song with me?"

Mu Yazhe listened to the sound of the music, watching the mv on the screen, incredibly scorning the eyebrows, this stupid woman, dare to sing love songs in front of others and others?

court death!

Mu Yazhe turned his head coldly, and a pair of chilly and horrible eyes swept to everyone, with a look of "who dares to pick up the microphone" on his face.

It seems that if you really dare to sing this song with Yun Shi poetry, the company will be flattened by Mu's in the morning.

When everyone saw his sharp and cold eyes, thinking about the industry under his own name, naturally he did not dare to offend the man, and where did he dare to pay attention to Yun Shi poetry?

I saw that the little man who sang the ghost of Ghosts was going to take the microphone of Yun Shishi cheerfully. The man who had a good relationship with him immediately pulled his sleeve and gestured to the direction of Mu Yazhe.

The latter looked at the line ignorantly, only to see a man staring blankly at his half-handed hand, his eyes as sharp as a sharp sword!

Mom... horrible!

Like a murderous look!

The man was shocked when he arrived, his back was cold and sweaty, his forehead was full of black lines, and he immediately took back his hand!

Yun Shishi looked at him inexplicably. He simply looked at the nose and nose and put on the dead body!

She suddenly realized what, faintly turned back, and saw that Mu Yazhe’s eyes were frozen and his eyes were cold and cold, like icebergs.

This man is too overbearing.

I don’t sing with her, even the right to find a partner is not given?

He refuses to sing, but she wants to sing!

So Yun Shi poetry sang on the sofa, sang loudly with the music, and sang the boy's department with a low voice for a while, and then let the high voice sing the girl department, and the small love song was sung by her, and the fierceness was evil. Just like the revolution, it seems like the next moment, it is necessary to rush to the battlefield to kill the Quartet!

A good song, "I miss you," was sung "I want to cut you."

This time, it was the turn of the people to be in the snow.

Mu Yazhe was very satisfied. After she finished singing, she did not forget to say: "It’s hard to hear."

Yun Shishi almost gasped the microphone on the sofa.

When I came out of ktv, Yun Shishi was still a little unhappy.

Mu Yazhe walked in front of the big step, she was behind the ground, reluctant, eyes grievances, like a deep palace blame.

"You don't even want to sing with me..."

"Mu Yazhe, you hate it the most!"

When Mu Yazhe walked in front, he listened to Yun Shi’s poems, and it was very sorrowful and sorrowful. It seemed to be complaining, and it seemed to complain.

That look of resentment seems to be something that he has done sinful!

It’s not that he really doesn’t want to, but he never sang songs. From small to big, the chances of going to KTV or the entertainment city are not too small, but they didn’t open their mouths. When they grew up, they took over the company. Position is there, who else dares to ask him to sing?

I used to have social entertainment before, and the entertainment after the meal was good. Even if a few friends were playing together in private, whoever let him sing, he never opened his mouth. The reason is not that his voice is very bad, the five-tone is not complete, or the rhythm is not good, but he does not have much interest in singing. He usually rarely listens to music. It is so busy at work, where is the time?

There are 20 more noon on the 4th, no see, no lala, la la la ~~~~~~

(End of this chapter)

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