Chapter 944 X Photo Door

Lu Bosheng's anger, Lu Jingtian is shameful and wronged, she caressed her face, her lips groaned, and the big drops of teardrops rolled down from the pale face, which really hurts!

Lu Bosheng looked at her embarrassed and wolverine, and her heart suddenly hurt.

Reach out and want to lift her up.

Lu Jingtian avoided his movements and succumbed to the grievances of the full stomach. He climbed up from the ground and ran up the stairs without going back.

The sound of "砰" sounded off.

Lu Bosheng looked down at his burning palm. He was just angry and angry, and his strength was not small.

It was also too angry, and I slammed it up.

Now it is regrettable.

Lu Bosheng went upstairs and went to Lu Jingtian's room but heard the cry from the room.

When he was worried, he knocked on the door, but the crying stopped.

"Sweet, Dad is wrong, Dad shouldn't hit you... Open the door and talk to Dad about what's going on, okay?"

"Don't care for me! You go, you go!" Lu Jingtian cried.

Lu Bosheng frowned and his heart burned, but Lu Jingtian avoided him, and Lu Bosheng sighed.

Since things have happened, it is not necessary to investigate how it happened.

Right now, after she calms down, he will cross-examine the matter again!

Lu Bosheng's footsteps are gradually drifting away.

Lu Jingtian just cried out.

Into the bathroom, she washed her body over and over again, but no matter how many times she showered her breasts, she groaned as if she had to peel off a layer of skin, but she still felt that the body was so dirty. Can't wash it!

So, just holding the body, Lu Jing sweet in the bath, helplessly crying!

I thought it was such a thing!

However, the next day, something happened that she didn't expect!

In the morning, Lu Jingtian was still asleep. She came back late, took a shower, and cried in the quilt for a long time before she fell asleep.

Song Enya called and awakened her.

"Where is sweet?! You... Where are you now?"

Lu Jingtian was asked to be inexplicable. She hadn’t woken up yet, and she was whispering back and forth: “I am at home!”

"You are still sleeping?!" Song Enya was shocked. With such a big thing, she was still sleeping like a okay person!

Lu Jingtian is even more confused. "I slept very late yesterday... Enya, what happened? Listen to your tone, it seems like something happened!"

" still have to look at Weibo yourself! I... I just knew it! Look at it!"

Song Enya said this, Lu Jing sweet heart vaguely raised an unpredictable hunch, immediately tablet, into the Weibo client.

Just opened the home page, overwhelmingly see #陆景甜*** #霸占了的头头!

Lu Jingtian was stunned and suffocated, his eyes wide open!

It turned out that yesterday, Li Dongqiang recorded the complete video, and later through the editing process, several of the screenshots were sent to the Internet.

In addition to Lu Jingtian, others were painted with mosaics.

I saw the intercepted picture, Lu Jing sweet's hair styling, expression pin / soul enchanting appearance, clear five senses almost instantly let people identify who the woman in the picture is!

Lu Jingtian shook hands with the hand holding the tablet.

This is not finished.

(End of this chapter)

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