Chapter 949 Mu Shao's pet

Kong Xiaoqian went abroad to work a few months ago. Soon after returning to China, the company’s affairs have not yet been handed over.

"We have been working together for so many years. I can see the talents of Huanyu who are so ignorant for the first time! Just out of the way, playing a movie, I am going to fly. Is the movie still not released? The big name is also playing. Is this like this?!"

Kong Xiaoqian fiddled with beautiful nails and smiled and said: "Sun Manager, you are also suffocating! Don't move for a small artist, hehe! Oh, this is not worth it."

"Li always asked me to hand in tomorrow! Anyway, today must bring Yun Shi poem to him, Minister Kong, you also give me a letter, don't let me be too embarrassed!"

"I heard that this Yunshi poetry, the reason why she just debuted, the company has so much resources on her, because she has little relationship with us! Maybe, she is a pet of Mo Shao, maybe it is oh ?"

Kong Xiaoqian said with a smile, quite a bit of a double-double.

Pets, in this circle, this is a jargon.

This means that this is a love-woman who is surrounded by a big man.

Sun Hua is a scornful smile: "I said, it is no wonder that she is so big, it turned out to be such a high branch! Just got out of the road and got the heroine of Lin Dao, out of the limelight, no time, no It’s not by the unspoken rules! Since it’s all based on the unspoken rules, she’s still feeling good!”

Kong Xiaoqian has some hesitation in his heart.

She is somewhat confused about how this relationship between Yun Shi and Mu Yazhe is.

They all said that the relationship between her and Mu Shao is very shallow, but what is the point of this "shallow"?

She is not known.

Sun Hua is like laughing and laughing. He asked in a word: "Mr. Kong, you should not be afraid. This Yunshi poem is a woman of Mo Shao, you dare not move!?"

Kong Xiaoqian said: "Sir manager, if it is really a woman who is admired, I am not afraid to move her one point!"

“How is it possible?! Do you see a woman who is in the entertainment circle?”

Sun Hua snorted and disapproved. "In the end, even if she is a pet of Mu Shaoyang, it is just a play! Mu Shaojin Zun Yugui, where is the man she can climb? One in the sky, one in the Land, not to mention, if it is really a woman who is less admired, how can Mu Shao tolerate her woman in a circle like entertainment? Since it is mixed in this circle, then it is necessary to understand that this circle of games rule!"

After a pause, Sun Hua sneered coldly and said: "Since she likes to climb high, so now has this opportunity in front of her, she is not hurrying up the line? If Li is waiting for the good, the benefits are indispensable. Her! Nature, and you are indispensable!"

Kong Xiaoqian still hesitated, but listened to Sun Huadao: "I heard that Zun has just got the project in the East Bay, but there is still a shortage of funds. If you can get Yunshi poetry, I will go to Li. Said over there, maybe, Yun Shi poetry will serve him well, he is happy, maybe..."

His voice stopped short and he did not continue to say it.

Kong Xiaoqian naturally understands the meaning implied in his words. He touches the red lips slightly, and smiles with Sun Hua.

Yun Shishi’s eyelids jumped very sharply this morning. She was sitting in the office of Qin Zhou, and she always felt faint.

(End of this chapter)

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