One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 961: Thousands of holdings, but not a word

Chapter 961 has a thousand hands, but it is not a word.

Li Dongliang guessed that Mu Yazhe was only a moment for her.

In his identity, he used to be a woman who was eager for him. He occasionally had a personality and was unconcerned. Naturally, he felt interesting and had a bit of teasing in his heart.

For a long time, the interest in this play is also dull.

You know, a man like Mu Yazhe is not a woman who can get his eyes.

This Yun poetry is nothing but a plaything for Mu Yazhe!

There are so many words in the circle.

- Thousands of holdings, but not a word.

——The entertainment circle is difficult to climb, but the hardest thing is to climb the bed that is less.

This woman, I really thought that Mu Shao was really sincere to her! ?

He suddenly deceived her cheek and laughed lowly. "But just a woman, let him admire Yazhe to touch you, press you underneath, and let me sleep you? Women only, can How expensive is it? I don't believe it. Mu Yazhe will be a woman for you, and I will not be able to go with my Li Dongliang! I just want you, who dares to go with me?! Mom!"

Li Dongliang’s movements were even bigger when he said that he was rough.

Yun Shishi was so frightened that he clenched his fists and stared at him motionlessly, fearing that he would make terrible moves!

In this tense atmosphere, the driver suddenly respectfully said: "The boss, it is here."

Li Dongliang looked at her, a cold glimpse, pushed the door open and slammed her hair, almost dragging her all the way down the car.

Yun Shishi struggles all the way, and my heart meditation over the name over and over again...

Mu Yazhe...

Mu Yazhe...

Late at night, a Bugatti Veyron stopped at the gate of the hotel.

The door was pushed open, and a slender figure crossed the car. The man sneaked into the door of the hotel. The lobby manager politely stepped forward and saw his man, bowing down respectfully, and his face raised a humble smile: Mu Shao."

Mu Yazhe did not look at him, but asked coldly: "What about people?"

His voice was low and cold, revealing a dangerous and oppressive momentum, which made people feel scared.

But he could not understand the meaning of the words in the words of Yazhe. The smile on his face solidified for two seconds, and then he cautiously asked: "Why did you say...who?"

Mu Yazhe’s eyes suddenly swelled in the cold, and he grabbed his clothes. “I ask you, man? Are you stupid with me?”

The lobby manager was frightened. Even though he had seen many big scenes, he was scared by his imposing appearance.

He looked sad and sad: "Mu Shao, I am really sorry... I really don't know... who are you looking for!"

Mu Yazhe sneered, "very good."

At this moment, Mu Xi also rushed, and it was extremely difficult to get to the car along the way, almost ran to the hotel all the way.

Li Quan said that Yun Shishi had returned to the company, but she did not believe it.

On the road, I made a phone call to Yun Shishi, but it turned out to be a shutdown state, and then I used Yun Shishi’s spare mobile phone, and no one answered it.

She only knows that this is a big deal!

She rushed to the hotel with eager enthusiasm. She saw the tall back in the middle of the hotel lobby at first glance. She was happy and rushed to him.

She stopped her and stopped her. She ignored her block and shouted loudly: "Mu Zong! Mu Zong! I am Yun Shishi assistant, Mu Xi!"

(End of this chapter)

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