One-click Practice for Millions of Levels

Chapter 116: Come and clean me

"Then he hit me, so forget it?" Zhou Fan looked at Jiang Zhou and said viciously.

"Then what else do you want, you can try it, I will stay with you to the end." Jiang Zhou said indifferently, he was determined to teach Zhou Fan a lesson today.

"You guys! Why are you bullying people like this!" Zhou Fan was a little bit like crying. He was arrogant and domineering since he was a child, and he has everything he wants. No one has ever dared to be like Jiang Zhou Qin'an. to him.

"Fuck! Are we bullying people?" Jiang Zhou was also taken aback when he saw Zhou Fan's appearance. He turned his head and said to Qin An, "Why are we bullying people?"

"I don't know..." Qin An also looked confused. It was obvious that Zhou Fan had been talking badly at each other, threatening everyone, why now they have become bullies.

"Hey! Don't be a giant baby who hasn't been weaned yet." Jiang Zhou said with a sneer looking at Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan was stunned, and wondered how Jiang Zhou knew his secret. He has not been weaned since he was a child. Now his father has found a few nurses and nurses him every day, and the nurse who nursed him ends up. They were all miserable, and they were basically violated by him.

Seeing Zhou Fan stunned, Jiang Zhou's heart became more amused. He didn't expect that he would have guessed it casually.

"How do you know...Uh." Zhou Fan blurted out, instantly realizing that he had said something wrong, and then changed his words and asked: "Don't insult people! You are a giant baby!"

"How did I insult you?" Jiang Zhou shrugged his shoulders and said faintly, "Isn't it?"

Zhou Fan's face turned red in an instant, and he waved his hand at the flame sect disciple behind him, and shouted: "Come on to me! Dismember them and throw them downstairs!"

"Cut..." Jiang Zhou cut with disdain, took out the big gold brick, and said to Qin An, "Stay back!"

Qin An stepped back two steps, Jiang Zhou stepped forward, blocking the door with a big gold brick, and watching the disciples of the Flame Sect that swarmed over.

Bang! Bang bang bang!

Jiang Zhou held the big golden brick and waved it for a while, but no one was able to get close, all of them were shot and flew out by Jiang Zhou.

"Cough... Bah!" Jiang Zhou spat in disdain, and then said: "A bunch of waste, wine and rice bags."

"What? What? You dare to resist?" Zhou Fan was shocked. He had never dared to bully the children of the big family before. This time he had made friends with distinguished guests, so he dared to be so arrogant. No one dared to resist, and even laughed. Now Jiang Zhou's performance made him feel a big gap in his heart. He only felt that his face was repeatedly trampled on the ground by Jiang Zhou.

"Why? Can't I resist?" Jiang Zhou was also stunned, and then said: "I can't resist if you hit me? What's the truth!"

"What's the truth? This is my truth!" Zhou Fan shouted: "My truth is that you can't resist when I hit you!"

"Stupid!" Jiang Zhou rolled his eyes, only to feel that talking to Zhou Fan had lowered his IQ by a level.

"What do you mean! Are you calling me stupid? I tell you, Lao Tzu is not stupid at all!" Zhou Fan's face flushed red, watching Jiang Zhou angrily.

"Yes, yes, you are not stupid at all, you are just a mentally retarded." Jiang Zhou looked at Zhou Fan, whose face was flushed, and was afraid that he would not catch his breath and suffocate himself.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Zhou Fan roared repeatedly, shouting at the flame sect disciples under his hand: "Trash! A bunch of trash! Get up! If you can't clean them today, just wait to clean them up!"

The disciples of the Flame Sect naturally knew Zhou Fan's cruel methods. Hearing Zhou Fan's words, they hurriedly got up and rushed towards Jiang Zhou.

"A needless struggle." Jiang Zhou said lightly, waving bricks continuously at the flame sect disciples who came straight to him, and this time increased his strength.

The disciples of the Flame Sect were shot and flew out again, with red marks on their faces, lying on the ground in a daze, unable to get up.

"What, what..." Zhou Fan was stunned. He didn't expect Jiang Zhou to be so strong. He would beat his men in two hits and couldn't stand up. He pointed to Jiang Zhou's vicious threat: "You don't satisfy me. No matter what you want, you still dare to hit my men. It seems that you really don't want to open this restaurant?"

"Open it, why don't you open it? You can't open it? A joke." Jiang Zhou sneered, looked at Zhou Fan and said, "As long as it is a reasonable request, as long as the money is in place, I All of you will be satisfied, but you, those of the Flame Sect, have yelled at us from the moment you came in. Who do you think you are? Let’s not say that our Blue Xinghuan does not welcome you from the Flame Sect, just because you have never stopped since you came in He pretends to be forceful, and still speaks rudely to Yue'er. You are determined to be beaten. I will help you keep your memory today!"

"What? Do you still want to hit me?" Zhou Fan smiled and said, "I saw her and let her stay with me for one night, to show her face! It's her master Gao Pan, understand?"

"Eh..." Jiang Zhou shook his head and said, "Miss Qin's eldest son is raising you? You take your father too seriously, right? Go back and ask your father if he dare to say such arrogant things. As for me ...I will send you to see your father!"

With an angry shout, Jiang Zhou suddenly violently rushed towards Zhou Fan.

Bang! Jiang Zhou patted Zhou Fan's face with a brick, and yelled, "I still want to hit you?"

Bang! Jiang Zhou's backhand shot Zhou Fan's face with another brick, and his mouth screamed again: "This time I know if I want to hit you or not."

Bang bang bang bang! Huh!

Jiang Zhou shot a few bricks in a row, then took a kick and kicked Zhou Fan out.

I saw Zhou Fan, who was like a ball of flesh, tumbling constantly, and then hit the wall with a bang before he stopped. At this time, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his small eyes were now invisible.

"You, you dare to treat me like this, you're done, I'm going to tell my father! Let him take care of you and vent my anger!" Zhou Fan sat on the ground, pointing to Jiang Zhou and yelling, but there was still a voice in his voice. With a hint of crying.

"Go, tell your father, let him come to me, clean up and tidy me, my skin is too itchy." Jiang Zhou looked at Zhou Fan, and said bashfully.

" are not afraid of my dad?" Zhou Fan was stunned. He was the first time he encountered a situation where he moved out of his dad and it didn't work. As long as his dad's name was mentioned before, everyone would be scared and silent. , Listen to him obediently.

"Your father counts as a ball? Why should I be afraid of him? That's your father and not my father." Jiang Zhou sneered, and then said: "I didn't expect you to be a daddy, hahaha."

"What do you mean?" Zhou Fan was stunned when he heard Jiang Zhou say that he was Dabaonan, and asked Jiang Zhou suspiciously.

"It's not interesting, that's, um...praising you and your father have a good relationship, hahaha." Jiang Zhou laughed, serious nonsense.

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