So an interesting scene was formed. Dean Leihong and Chi Huo were fighting in the middle. The cradle on Jiang Zhou's side kept changing people to experience. Jiang Zhou happily counted the gold coins. The disciple of the Flame Sect stretched his neck and looked at Jiang Zhou and the others curiously, with a trace of desire in his eyes.

"Hey, brother, he has already experienced it twice and still can't come down!" a Tianjing Academy disciple pointed to the cradle and said to Jiang Zhou.

"That's it!" Jiang Zhou hurriedly put away the gold coins in his hand, turned his head and said to the man: "Brother, you have to be honest. If you play twice, you can play twice. We can't play a rogue."

"But I like this sheep so much, I really want to experience it all the time." The Tianjing Academy disciple was young, sitting on it with Pleasant's horns in both hands and didn't want to get down, "Just let me play again...just once! It's not that you don't give you money."

"Brother, don't make me embarrassed anymore. There are so many people in line at the back. Next time...Alright next time, otherwise you will go and line up for another round." Jiang Zhou dragged him down. Come, come next!"

So he shook the car to usher in the next Tianjing Academy disciple with a smile on his face, handed Jiang Zhou two gold coins, and said grandiosely: "I came twice!"

The rocking car started again, and a crisp nursery rhyme spread.

"Eh, it's not right... shouldn't the rocking car be plugged in normally? How come it can be used without electricity now." Jiang Zhou rubbed his chin and looked at the rocking car, wondering, "This is not in line with reality. what."

"Ding, the host has already traveled to this world. What reality is there to talk about? The rocking car is naturally improved before it can be drawn by the host. The system has changed it to solar energy, and it has also changed the luxurious interior for you. Well, is it very caring."

"Yeah..." Jiang Zhou nodded and responded: "Although it is very caring, but it still can't change the fact that you gave me a rocking car when I wanted to engage people."

"Ding, but it can help you make money!"

Jiang Zhou nodded, he could not deny this.

"Ding, the system has updated a lot of entertainment items waiting for the host to collect it."

"Don't be nonsense, you have already wasted two game coins of Lao Tzu, how can I have extra game coins to draw so many useless things." Jiang Zhou still has some resentment towards slot machines.

"Ding, the host can trigger hidden missions. It's okay to make friends with more people or offend more people, such as the host's friendship with Qingteng, or the task of killing beasts."

" that said, I still have a lot of opportunities to get game currency." Jiang Zhou rubbed his chin, thinking to himself.

"Ding, the host can come to me to collect entertainment supplies after getting enough game coins!"

"Eh, it's not... You brought me here to play?" Jiang Zhou asked with a black line on his forehead, "I shouldn't be here to practice?"

"Ding, work and rest can be combined to make progress. You can't practice all the time. If you keep practicing, the host will be stupid."

"Bah! You are so stupid." Jiang Zhou took a sip, and then said: "As long as I don't take out such an unreliable thing during a fight next time, I will be content."

"Ding, the extraction is completely random. How many times the system has said it, why can't you remember it, and it's not that the system is unreliable. It seems that the host is even less reliable. Did you forget Dean Leihong? Are you fighting with Chihuo?"

Hearing the system's prompt sound, Jiang Zhou slapped his forehead before reacting. He patronized making money and completely forgot that Dean Leihong was still fighting with Chihuo, and hurriedly turned his head to watch the battle.

I saw that Dean Leihong and Chi Huo were still fighting equally, but at this time Dean Lei Hong was also covered with black and gray, and it was as terrible as Chi Huo.

"The dean! It's okay!" Jiang Zhou called to the dean.

"The dean must do it!" Dean Leihong responded, and he slapped Chi Huo, and both of them took a few steps back at the same time.

"Huh...huh... Leihong child, you can, you can fight me equally." Chi Huo panted and looked at Dean Leihong and said, at this time the flame sacrifice on his body was almost extinguished. .

"Hahaha... I must be able to, after all, I am here, I am a lot younger than you." Dean Leihong laughed and said, although his current situation is not very good, his thunder armor is broken. of.

"Today... we won't be able to fight any more results, it's better to... don't fight back again!" Chi Huo said intermittently, obviously the flame sacrifice consumed him greatly.

"Yes! I'm not like you, I'm a reasonable person, let you go back to rest and rest, we will be long in the future." Dean Lei Hong waved his hand and agreed.

"Let's go!" Chi Huo yelled, leading the disciples of the Flame Sect and turned away.

"Eh...Jiang Zhou, the old man wiped your **** today, but this is in the academy. If you are outside in the future, you must be careful of that old fellow Chihuo, he is not..." Dean Lei Hong turned his head and said to Jiang Zhou , I saw this scene immediately.

Shaking the car was singing nursery rhymes, a group of Tianjing College disciples lined up to experience, while Jiang Zhou stood aside holding a handful of gold coins and happily counting.

"You! Guys! What! What! What!" Dean Leihong gritted his teeth and shouted, "I worked so hard to wipe your butt. Are you listening to the little song here? Is your skin itchy? ?"

When a group of students heard Dean Lei Hong's roar, they shrank their necks and dared not speak.

"Hey...we don't know that the dean is a wise man, domineering side-leakage, high martial arts, just because of the red fire kind of Xiao Xiaoxiao is definitely not your opponent, so there is no worry, we are absolutely for you Trust." Jiang Zhou leaned over to Dean Leihong with a cheeky smile and said.

"Yeah..." Dean Lei Hong, who was slapped by Jiang Zhou, was very comfortable, nodded and continued: "But you can't relax, look at you, what do you look like around that sheep!"

"Yes, yes... The dean's education is." Jiang Zhou promised with a smiling face, and then said: "This is not a sheep. This is a kind of entertainment equipment. It is called a rocking car. It is unique to my house. It is just made. It's just like a sheep, it's very interesting. Come and experience the dean?"

"" The dean cleared his throat, and in order to maintain his dean's majesty, refused: "I'm such an adult, it's not good to play this."

"What's wrong." Jiang Zhou pulled Dean Leihong to the side of the cradle.

Dean Lei Hong also sat up half-pushing, looking left and right with a strange expression.

Jiang Zhou put in a coin and started the rocking cart.

"Shake the car, shook it, shook the fish, shook the puppies barking, and made the baby laugh..." A clear nursery rhyme came out of the cradle, with Dean Leihong sitting on it shaking. stand up.

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