One-click Practice for Millions of Levels

Chapter 184: Humanoid tumbler

"Then you can think hard, think more, and then tell me, I will use those one by one on you." Jiang Zhou's mouth raised slightly, gritted his teeth and said.

"Hahaha...Okay, to satisfy you, I want to see who will use it in the end." Sun Yan laughed, staring at Jiang Zhou and said.

"Rich! Gravity field!"

While the two were wrestling, Qin An drank aloud when Jiang Zhou was in a bad state.

Fugui opened his big mouth and screamed, shaking his body, and directly used the natural skill gravity field, but in order to increase the suppression of gravity, the scope was narrowed, and it was only enveloped in a radius of one meter around Sun Yan.

boom! Sun Yan sank under the sudden gravity pressure, thrusting his legs straight into the ground, and then stopped before his knees.

"Good job hahaha." Qin An patted his rich head and laughed.

Yatian and Erha also moved, rushing towards Sun Yan one after another.

"Benlei...fist!" Yatian shouted loudly, a flash of lightning on his fist, and went straight to Sun Yan's door from top to bottom.

"Huh... the bug trick." Sun Yan did not rush to pull out his leg, but watched Yatian grunt coldly, and raised his other hand to meet Yatian's fist.

boom! The two collided, and the punched Sun Yan sank again, and the ground cracked.

"Get away!" Sun Yan waved away Yatian's fist, and then he tried to slap it away.

"I want to be beautiful! I hammered you to death today!" Ya Tian yelled coldly, and with his fists, he kept attacking Sun Yan's face gate. At this time, Sun Yan was suppressed by the gravity field, and Ya Tian wanted to rely on his speed. win.

Bang bang bang bang! Every punch Yatian hit was blocked by Sun Yan. Although he didn't cause much harm to Sun Yan, he kept sinking bit by bit.

At this time, Sun Yan was wrestling with Jiang Zhou while holding the Candle Dragon Spear in one hand, and constantly resisting Yatian's attack with the other hand.

Oooh! Erha opened his big mouth and bit at Sun Yan's throat. Sun Yan was shocked, and he hurriedly tilted his head to avoid him, but Erha's big paw cut his cheek.

"Beast! Even you dare to oppose me?" Sun Yan yelled coldly, released his hand holding the candle dragon gun, and slapped Erha with a palm.

Erha quickly dodged his body. It was originally very fast. Now Sun Yan is suppressed by the gravity field a lot slower, and it is even more unlikely that Erha will be injured.

Jiang Zhou didn't expect that Sun Yan would suddenly let go. He didn't have time to regain his strength. He took a few steps back, and then stuck the candle dragon spear into the ground before barely stabilizing his figure, watching Sun Yan panting for breath.

"Tiger armor! Tiger style... Siege Hammer!"

When Sun Yan and Yatian Erha were fighting, Qin An walked around behind Sun Yan and slammed directly into the back of Sun Yan's head with a loud shout.

This time Qin An released more spiritual energy to hold on to his fist, and an illusory tiger head appeared behind him, roaring silently at Sun Yan, exuding a terrifying aura.

"Hahaha...I feel honored to welcome Lao Tzu to use the strongest tiger siege hammer ever!" Qin An sneered, and raised his fist to attack Sun Yan. The sound of rubbing against the air was like a tiger roar. Majestic.

Sun Yan felt the slight pressure coming from behind, and quickly turned his head to look around. Before he could respond, Qin An punched him in the face.

Bang! Qin An originally wanted to blast Sun Yan's head, but he did not expect that he punched Sun Yan on the side of the face.

Sun Yan didn't expect that the low-powered Qin An really dared to attack him unsuspectingly. He leaned forward uncontrollably, and went straight to the ground.

"Fire protection!" Yatian yelled when he saw this situation, and the whole body screamed a flame, and then forcefully kicked Sun Yan's face with a whip leg.

Bang! Sun Yan's face and Yatian's legs came into close contact, and then fell back uncontrollably.

"One more time! Tiger-style siege hammer!" Qin An shouted, and fisted at Sun Yan again.

Bang! This time, Qin An succeeded and punched Sun Yan's head with a firm punch.

Ya Tian looked at Sun Yan, who was leaning forward, and he thumped Sun Yan's face again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Qin An and Yatian came to a perfect match. You punched me and hit me with a kick, but Sun Yan couldn’t resist because his legs were stuck in the ground, so he could only be beaten passively, falling back and forth like a human-shaped tumbler. .

Erha squatted aside, grinning at the excitement.

"It's great." Jiang Zhou said aloud: "Just do it! Beat him hard and let this old boy bully me."

Jiang Zhou's revenge was extremely strong, and he was naturally very happy to see Sun Yan, who had been pressing on him just now, being cleaned up.

" actually insulted me so much!" Sun Yan was very upset by being passively beaten, and shouted angrily: "Are you trying to die?"

Bang! Ya Tian didn't wait for Sun Yan to finish yelling, he used force again on his legs and kicked on Sun Yan's face.

"Old thing, this is the end of my eldest brother, and it will kill you." Ya Tian said viciously.

"Flame sacrifice!" Sun Yan stubbornly resisted against the crow sky, and then shouted angrily: "With my blood! Sacrifice to the flame!"

boom! After Sun Yan shouted, his body quickly collapsed, but the flames all over his body burned more fiercely with a boom, and the long fiery snake went straight to Yatian Qin'an's front door.

The two hurriedly backed away from the flames on Sun Yan.

"Ignorant child, I would humiliate me so much. I will make you regret coming to this world." Sun Yan shouted angrily. At this time, he was only left with a layer of skin covering his bones, his lips were gone, and his eye sockets collapsed. , His body was dry, but the flame was much violent and the temperature higher.

"Come back? Isn't this the same as Hong Yan?" Jiang Zhou was shocked when he saw this situation. He had already been able to defeat Sun Yan just now, and if it hadn't been this way, he would have been defeated.

"Blood... I need blood." Sun Yanshen roared divinely, then looked at Jiang Zhou and said: "I have thought of a better way, which is to eat you... you can replenish what I burned by eating. Things, I are more tonic than others...more tonic."

"Ah know all of this? I thought that only spirit beasts and monsters could smell it." Jiang Zhou sweated on his forehead, but he didn't expect that Sun Yan would become like a monster after he sacrificed the second layer of flames. Want to eat him.

"I'm here, I'm here... I'm here to eat you!" Sun Yan roared, clenching his fists with both hands and hammering the ground, flying away the gravel from the cracked ground, and collapsed with a bang. Da Hang.

Jiang Zhou tried his best to calm his mind, and the methods kept flashing in his mind, thinking about how to deal with such a Sun Yan, but he denied them one by one.

"Quack... I came out, you are all going to die! All of you are going to die!" Sun Yan stood in the pit and roared to the sky.

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