"It's a son of a bitch." Hu Badao casually threw Shi Er to the ground, cursing in a low voice: "What is it, you dare to call me waste."

Hu Badao then chuckled and muttered to himself: "Send two people to remind you. It seems that you are really anxious. Then I will help you later."

While speaking, Hu Badao raised his leg and kicked Shi Er, and then shouted: "Here you come...get him out of my way."

As soon as Hu Badao's voice fell, the butler opened the door and walked in, watching Hu Badao open his mouth and said, "Master... solved it?"

"That's... It is estimated that when the people of the next Flame Sect come to urge, it is Qin Mansion who came." Hu Badao laughed, and then asked: "We all the people of Hu Mansion are ready, is it possible at any time? let's go?"

"All ready." The butler nodded.

"How many people gathered in total?" Hu Badao sat down again and asked.

"There are three hundred and fifty people in total." The butler replied slightly with his head down, "If there are not enough, you can call in more."

"Enough is enough." Hu Badao waved his hand, and then said: "The two of them played in such a match, it is estimated that there are not many people left, and it is useless to call so many."

"Yes." The butler lowered his head and agreed.

"Okay, you go and stare." Hu Badao waved his hand and said to the butler: "I have to rest for a while. It's true that today's mood is a bit big."

"Yes." The butler lowered his head slightly and called a few servants to carry Shi Er out to deal with him. He also turned and walked out, closing the door by the way.


In the Flame Sect at this time, four heavy breathing sounds came.

"This... this old dog has some strength." Yitian breathed heavily and said.

"Yes, yeah." Yiyun promised, breathing hard to calm her breathing.

"I believe his strength is weak... Let's be careful, don't be attacked by him." Yi Bo stared at Chi Huo, and said with a rather solemn tone.

Yitian Yiyun promised to release a trace of aura to repair the damaged aura armor.

"Boys, it's enough to be able to fight with me up to now." The Scarlet Fire Monster called out and said.

"We want more than okay, we have to kill you!" Yitian pointed at Chi Huo and let out a low voice.

"Young people, self-confidence is a good thing, but if it's too bloated, it's not a good thing." Chi Huo's big eyes stared at Yitian and said.

"Hahaha... If we can't even kill you, that's a shame." Yiyun smiled slightly and interjected.

"Good boy! Then I'll take you to operate!" Chi Huo let out a low voice, moving his legs and rushing towards Yiyun.

"Second, be careful!" Yi Bo hurriedly reminded when he saw this.

"Don't worry, big brother!" Yiyun promised, her legs steadied, and watching the oncoming Chi Huo slam a punch.


With a muffled sound, the red fire did not retreat, still maintaining a forward trend, but Yiyun, who had stabilized his horse step, was beaten back again and again.

Boom boom boom boom...

Chihuo took advantage of the victory and pursued, and his fists kept blasting towards Yiyun, who retreated again and again.

"Second brother!" Yitian yelled, hurriedly moved his legs and rushed towards Chi Huo's side.

"Second, hold on! Here we are!" Yi Bo also roared and rushed towards the other side of Chi Huo.

Bang... bang...

With two muffled noises, the fists of Yitianyibo and Chi Huo blasted onto Chi Huo's body.

"Hurt my brother! Go and die!" The two shouted at the same time, raised their other fist, and blasted towards Chi Huo fiercely.

Chi Huo made a strange cry, and quickly raised his arms to block both of their fists. Although there was a muffled noise, Chi Huo did not cause any harm to Chi Huo.

For this scene, Yibo and Yitian are also used to it. After all, the three of their brothers have not caused any serious damage to Chihuo since just now, and can only rely on the wheel fight to consume Chihuo's strength.

Bang bang bang...

The brothers Yibo and Yitian moved their fists together and attacked Chihuo fiercely. Although Chihuo did not let down the wind with one enemy and two, but occasionally when he could not hold the attack, he was beaten fiercely by the two of them. Body.

"I advise you not to waste your efforts. It's useless." The Scarlet Fire Monster yelled and said to both of them: "Although I can't block all of your attacks, you can't cause me any harm."

"Fuck your mother's shit!" Yi Bo Yitian didn't speak, but a loud shout came from the side.

I saw Yiyun's fist hit Chi Huo's chest fiercely with a forward momentum.

Boom... Click...

There was a crisp sound...Everyone was surprised, and Yiyun's punch actually dented Chi Huo's ribs slightly.

"What?" Chi Huo was also shocked. He didn't expect that his hard bones would be broken by Yiyun.

"Huh...huh...huh." Yiyun gasped heavily, watching Chi Huo who fell to the ground and slowly said, "How...your bones are not very hard."

Yitian Yibo didn't speak, and seized the opportunity to kick around Chi Huo.

"You two! Don't deceive too much!" Chi Huo couldn't help groaning, raising his hand to protect his eyeballs, so as not to be stepped on by them, and there is no need to worry about other places, because all They were all burned and shriveled, and even if they were damaged, they could be replaced by other people's flesh and blood, but the eyeballs were not good, and if they were broken, they were really broken. He didn't want to make himself blind.

"Hahaha... I made you say that." Yitian laughed and said, "Is there a chance not to seize it? I'm not a fool. I must take this opportunity to kick you hard to relieve my anger."

He was talking on his lips, and he kicked the red fire fiercely under his feet.

"Hahaha!" Jiang Zhou looked at Chi Huo's appearance, and couldn't help laughing out loud. At this time, he had already managed to rest for a long time, feeling that he was all right again.

Chi Huo suddenly screamed, and the flames on his body rose violently.

Seeing this, Yibo Yitian hurriedly backed up and did not dare to step forward. When there was a thin layer of flame, it was good to say that it was like such a violent flame, even though they were wearing heavy spiritual armor, they did not dare to step forward.

"What's wrong? Why don't you dare to continue?" The Scarlet Fire Monster yelled, mocking loudly.

The three brothers Yibo stared at the red fire in the center, waiting for the flame on his body to diminish.

"A group of cowards, didn't they just play pretty happily? Why don't you dare to do it now? Go on?" Chi Huo looked at the three people around him and sneered again.

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