One-click Recovery Since I was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1754 The vulnerable arms dealer

Qin Yuan and the others are not afraid of professional militants or mercenaries who usually fight against them, let alone such small gangs.

The arrogant boss who took the lead just now was already covered in blood. He squinted half his eyes and watched the person in front of him approaching. He instinctively wanted to retreat, but only to find that his legs were broken and he couldn't push through at all.

"You better not move around. Just say whatever I ask you."

But the person in front of him was someone who would rather die than surrender. Looking at his fierce eyes, it seemed that he didn't take Qin Yuan and the others seriously at all, although most of the people they brought out this time had been killed by Qin Yuan and the others.

But this guy knows that they have a large force behind their local influence, so he is not afraid at all. Qin Yuan doesn't bother to ask. Now he directly uses his ability to invade and enter the man's consciousness.

A few minutes later, the man's eyes widened and he was completely dead in a pool of blood. Qin Yuan also got the clues he wanted. He didn't expect that these bastards actually set up an underground military factory and copied weapons from all over the place. .

Qin Zhengyang was even more anxious when he heard this. After all, the owner of the hotel was also implicated because of them. He was not optimistic about it at the beginning, so he was taken away. When he thought of innocent people being implicated because of his relationship, he became angry. Very guilty.

"Brother Qin, what should we do now? Since this underground arms dealer has appeared, we might as well kill him directly."

"Wait first. It's best for these people not to act rashly. What these guys did has nothing to do with us. It's just because they happened to run into us. Wait first."

Qin Zhengyang frowned. He didn't understand why Qin Yuan said this. These damn arms dealers are the most despicable. Moreover, these guys are running rampant here and have done so many bad things. Shouldn't they be punished?

Qin Yuan shook his head. Looking at him, he felt that this boy was still too young, so he could only explain patiently.

According to the current situation, this arms dealer has been able to stay here for such a long time, and the officials did not stop him at all.

That shows that they must have colluded during this period. If they kill these arms dealers behind them, countless people will come forward later. This is not the key to solving the problem.

This kind of thing will only form a vicious cycle, and it will also cause them a lot of trouble. They are currently representing the Yan Kingdom outside, and they cannot be so unaware of it. When the time comes, they will cause trouble. That's really unclear.

After hearing this, Qin Zhengyang felt that it made sense, but he couldn't swallow this breath in his heart, "Brother Qin, but didn't you just say that our weapons have been copied by them? Will they take them out and use them casually? "

"Don't worry, I know what you are thinking. I will definitely rescue the hotel owner, but we can't interfere too much in this matter, understand? The boss will definitely find me."

After speaking, Qin Yuan deliberately left a clue. He left a string of addresses next to the man's body.

According to his understanding of these extremists, they will definitely not let him go and will think of revenge, so he will punish them. However, he does not want to implicate innocent people in such a downtown area, so Go directly to the barren mountain behind.

Qin Zhengyang didn't know why Qin Yuan had such confidence. After they arrived at the back mountain, he took out the weapons he had taken from those guys and inspected them carefully.

Li Erniu also picked up a gun and walked over, "I have to say that what these bastards made is quite interesting. You can see that the number plate on it is made just like the real thing. After all, only we have this number plate." That’s how it’s done, coding the gun.”

"So they really want to make this thing professional. As an underground military volcano, it is really not easy to achieve this level. It's just our stuff, so I can use this as a reason."

When Li Erniu heard this, he immediately understood. It seemed that the arms leader was going to suffer a big loss this time. After all, it was definitely not easy for Qin Yuan to smile like this.

Sure enough, the leader over there quickly received the news. Two groups of his people were taken care of by the other party. How could he swallow this anger? The guy cursed, picked up his weapon, and led the rest of the group to look for trouble.

What's more important is that there were no witnesses at the scene. When they passed by, they only found corpses on the ground. He was the only one who found it unbelievable. Who could kill all his men?

The military advisor next to him knelt down and examined them carefully. He looked at the wounds of these people and came to the conclusion that their wounds were all very professional, and they were all killed with one knife.

"Brother, have we offended the military? But we have been paying money to the military, so they should not attack us."

"I can also see that there is something wrong with the wounds they have made so neatly."

"Brother, do you want to say hello to Chief Mir now? We will send another batch of goods over."

The leader of the Sequoia Gang thought for a while, and he felt that it was not necessary. At present, he was probably not from the military. If he was from the military, he would have come to find him long ago, and he would not kill him so quietly.

He decided to go to this address first to see who he was. He was so brave that he dared to operate on him. He was also prepared. If he was really from the military, he would contact Mir immediately. After all, he was here. supreme commander.

He has been giving this guy benefits before, and now it is time for him to make some contributions, but if it is not someone from the military, then there is someone who can target them. He is not a soft person. He needs to figure out what it is. Such people.

This time, basically everyone in the base was mobilized. Except for a small team guarding the underground factory, everyone else was mobilized, about 100 people.

At this time, there were also changes in the underground military factory. There were more people staying here before, and they were worried about riots after all.

But everyone found that something seems to be wrong starting from this morning. Most of the people have been transferred until now. There is only one team of people, and half of them are imprisoned, leaving only half of them to work. That is Avoid riots.

The administrators who were just arrested were also complaining a lot. They were brought in to do hard labor for no reason, and they didn't know when they could get out.

As for the hotel owner, he was even more innocent. He felt that he really didn't do anything and that this was how good business was.

"What do you guys think is going on? Has something changed outside? Is there any whereabouts from the military?"

The hotel owner didn't know much about the situation. He just felt that although the Sequoia Gang was not easy to offend, their overbearing and exclusive behavior might have angered the military.

When the administrator next to him heard what he said, he couldn't help but snorted, "Haha, you are really simple-minded. Don't worry, no one will take care of us. Unless there are other changes in their organization and the entire organization is divided, then Only then can we have a chance to go out.”

"What does this mean? Then we pay so much money every year, don't the military care about us? Isn't there anyone above us?"

"Think about it for yourself, haven't we been in charge all these years? And those guys can be so arrogant because these people give them the confidence."

After saying this, the hotel owner completely collapsed on the ground. He looked at the guards outside. Although he didn't know what happened, he felt that the hope of getting out was getting slimmer.

On the other side, the leader of the Sequoia Gang had led his men to the barren mountain behind. When he arrived at the barren mountain, he saw Qin Yuan sitting calmly on a big rock. Then Qin Yuan jumped down, and behind him Li Erniu and others also came out.

He turned his head and looked around to make sure there was no one else. He was definitely a little strange. Could just these few people in front of him hurt so many people?

This made him a little unbelievable, so he still asked his surrounding men to pay attention. They brought more than 100 people this time.

The leader of the Sequoia Gang was still patient. He had to at least find out what the other party's purpose was. "My friend, we have no enmity with you. I don't know why you suddenly attacked my people."

"It's nothing. It's just that they deserve to be messed with. They messed with someone they shouldn't mess with. By the way, you are the leader, right? That does make you qualified to talk to me. Everyone else should stay away."

Originally, the military man next to him wanted to speak. When he heard what this guy said, he was so angry that he was so arrogant. The boy next to him couldn't stand it anymore, so he raised his gun and pointed it at him. However, the boy's Just as the gun was raised, a gunshot rang out, and the younger brother was about to get a headshot.

The boy was standing next to the leader of the Sequoia Gang. He didn't react for a moment, "You! Why did you shoot at my people?"

Until now, they haven't seen clearly where the shooter came from. After all, at this time, He Chenguang was lying on the hillside and punched him. He immediately changed places.

If the other party charged directly, the leader of the Sequoia Gang would fight directly, but the other party was too calm, which made him confused for a while. He couldn't figure out what kind of strength the other party had.

"I just made it very clear, you'd better not act rashly, otherwise I can make it impossible for all of you, including you."

"What does this mean? Don't you know that this is my territory? With just a few of you, you really think you can exit safely."

The leader of the Sequoia Gang also kept his temper down, but Qin Yuan quickly took action in the next second, and the gun in his hand was directly snatched away by Qin Yuan. The speed was so fast that even he himself did not react.

The younger brothers around raised their guns and pointed them at Qin Yuan, but Qin Yuan did not panic at all, "I made it very clear, first put down all the guns, otherwise I will no longer guarantee your safety, and secondly, this Attitude, if you talk to me, there is no need, now is the time for you to beg me."

The leader of the Sequoia Gang frowned and thought for a moment. He really couldn't figure it out. The person in front of him could only wave his hand to tell the younger brothers not to act rashly, in case it was a big shot.

Seeing that the other party had put down the gun, Qin Yuan also threw the gun over with a smile. He didn't care at all. After the leader of the Sequoia Gang took the gun, a trace of ferocity flashed in his eyes and he fired immediately.

Qin Yuan dodged the bullet with a backflip, and in the next second a flying knife shot through his shoulder. Several boys on the side were also killed by Li Er and the others. The war was about to break out. Qin Yuan quickly jumped behind the stone.

"It seems that these guys really don't shed tears until they see the coffin. Give them some color and control. Don't beat them all to death."

After all, if this chain of interests is completely broken, the military here will not let them leave. It has become like this in this place. If you want to really clean up these bastards, you can only do something like the higher ones above. Report to headquarters.

So we can't be so anxious now. Li Erniu and the others are just fighting these guys for fun. They are just a gang composed of arms dealers, and the others have no real strength at all.

Soon these guys were defeated. The leader of the Sequoia Gang watched his men fall one after another. He was helpless because the opponent's strength was too strong.

The strategist next to him was just about to speak when he was shot in the head. Seeing the strategist fall, he was completely panicked. This guy had been giving him all kinds of ideas. Now that he didn't have the strategist, he didn't know what to do. .

Finally, seeing that the number of people under his command was getting smaller and smaller, he could only quickly raise his hands to express surrender. After all, he brought so many people this time, but he did not expect to be completely suppressed by a few of them, mainly because the other party was completely attacking them. The repressive suppression left no room for them to fight back.

Qin Yuan observed carefully again and repeatedly confirmed that the guy had surrendered. Then he stood up from behind and said, "Stop pretending. Those who are holding guns had better put down their guns, otherwise my gun will not recognize anyone." ”

These guys are not the kind of people who are desperate for life. There is no need to insist on saying this all the time. They immediately put down their guns. They have no backbone.

The boss of the Sequoia Gang is even more confused. This opponent is really too mysterious. After he arrived, he played such a big game and made them play around.

And Qin Yuan made two demands directly to him. The first was to release all the people in the underground factory, and the second was that in view of the losses they had caused to him, he now needed to compensate himself 3 million US dollars.

The leader of the Sequoia Gang's eyes widened when he heard this. This guy must be talking like a lion, and how does he know the situation of his underground arms? Could it be that there is a traitor in his own body? This thought quickly flashed in his mind. Pass.

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