One-click Recovery Since I was a Special Soldier

Chapter 2303 Returning to the hospital again is to do something big

After a while, Qin Yuan found that there were no suspicious vehicles around, so he arrived at the hospital entrance smoothly.

Shen Man went back home to rest and took a nap, and was suddenly awakened.

"Oh, I thought I would only rest for a while, but how come I suddenly fell asleep and slept so deeply."

Shen Man took out her mobile phone in a panic to check the time. Fortunately, although she slept deeply, she didn't sleep for a long time. She only rested for about an hour. It was time to get dressed and leave.

While getting dressed, Shen Man was about to call Wang Xin, because he also wanted to know what was going on with Qin Yuan.

These two people were actually in sync, and Wang Xin called him first.


"From the sound of your voice, you must have just woken up. How are you? Have you rested well?"

"Since I started working with you, I haven't had a good sleep. I can only say that I have to force my vital signs to prevent me from sudden death."

"You are really a joker, but I have one thing to tell you. Qin Yuan and his team have already set off. According to the time, they are basically at the hospital entrance now."

Shen Man originally wanted to drink a cup of iced coffee after waking up to wake himself up quickly. After hearing the other party's description of the situation, he immediately put down the coffee beans in his hand.

While he was dressing himself, he held the phone between his head and shoulders to communicate with the other party.

"What? Are you saying that Qin Yuan and his team are already at the hospital entrance?"

"He took a long detour to get to the hospital entrance. If he drove at a normal speed, he would probably have run back and forth."

Shen Man said with some complaints.

"What on earth were you thinking? Since you knew Qin Yuan was so fast, why didn't you call me earlier? You let me sleep so deeply.

Originally, I set the alarm, but you also know that the biological clock cannot be changed. I wanted to rest for two hours, but I woke up after one hour. Fortunately, I woke up naturally. If you had notified me, it might have been too late."

"Shen Man, don't make yourself so nervous, okay?

I also hope that you can have a good rest. I didn't expect this to be the case. Don't be so anxious. Even if Qin Yuan doesn't need your help, he can still complete the task smoothly."

"Wang Xin, I know that we have been on the same page for so long, and you care about me very much, but you also need to know what the current situation is. Everyone is so nervous, and it is a critical moment.

There can be no mistakes at this time. How can I relax? How can I be safe and sound? Have a good sleep."

"You are always too strict with yourself."

"Okay, I won't tell you so much for now. You should inform Qin Yuan quickly and tell him not to act rashly. If it's not the case that I receive him, he must not enter the hospital. It will be easy to expose himself.

He is not a professional actor. We nurses have worked in the hospital for so long. We have seen all kinds of people and can identify them at once.

Besides, there are other people arranged by Mr. Noman Karim in the hospital.

I will be at the hospital in about ten minutes from now. Fortunately, I found a house near the hospital. Otherwise, I really can't handle this emergency situation now."

"Then you should pay attention to your safety. The car and others drive too fast. After all, the road conditions are not good now."

"Yeah, I know, thank you for your concern."

After hanging up the phone, Wang thought that Qin Yuan had also arrived at the destination. Recalling Shen Man's instructions just now, he also thought that he should not let Qin Yuan go to the hospital in such a hurry.

Qin Yuan drove his car to the vicinity of the hospital and found an inconspicuous corner. He suddenly stopped the car inside.

Chen Jixiang saw Qin Yuan stop the car and thought something was wrong.

"What's wrong? Brother Qin Yuan, we are about to reach our destination, why did you suddenly stop? Did you find any suspicious people?"

"You don't need to make such a fuss, I didn't find any suspicious people. Although we have successfully arrived at the hospital, we must have someone to pick us up. I can't contact the nurse now."

"Little nurse?"

"Yes, it's a little nurse in this hospital."

"Brother Qin Yuan, you are really good. In such a short time, you can actually get to know a little nurse."

Qin Yuan turned around and glared at the stinky boy and said.

"What are you thinking? This is not someone I know myself. It's someone arranged by the embassy. He has been in the hospital all the time, waiting to cooperate with our work at any time.

Now he is not in the hospital, we can't go in rashly. There may be people arranged by Mr. Norman Karim in the hospital. We must be picked up by our own people before we can go in, so that we can ensure that there is no risk."

Chen Jixiang suddenly realized.

"So that's how it is. I thought you met some girl again."

While Qin Yuan was talking, Wang Xin had already contacted Qin Yuan via satellite phone.

"What's wrong?"

"I saw that you have arrived near the hospital, so I specifically reminded you not to go in for the time being."

After hearing this, Chen Jixiang whispered beside him.

"We didn't report our specific location to him, so how did he know that we were about to arrive at the hospital."

"Do you still need to ask? He must have installed a positioning system in this car. The call just now was also a satellite phone. You are really too cautious."

"Does it make any difference?"

"All he uses are satellite signals, which will not have any impact on ordinary signals. Mr. Norman Karim arranged so many vehicles to intercept around.

Presumably some signal towers will be set up to monitor our calls. Only satellite phones can avoid all electromagnetic interference.

Moreover, he can keep track of the trends on our side at any time. Working with smart people is a peace of mind and we don’t have to worry about anything. "

Wang Xin heard Qin Yuan's explanation to Chen Jixiang, and he smiled and nodded.

"After I met Qin Yuan and you, I also realized what it means to work with smart people. It is very worry-free. I think the two of us can be the best partners, if you are willing to stay here."

"How can you say that I have always stayed here? Have you never thought of going back to the army to join me? With a position like yours, and with so many achievements, you might have a higher position than me when you go back. "It's high."

Wang Xin smiled and said.

"To be honest, I don't care about my position at all. As long as I can make some contributions to our country, that's the most important thing. We are all fighting for the interests of our country, so I don't have to worry about that much.

This time I am assisting you in completing your mission. Don’t blame me for not telling you that I installed a positioning system on the car. "

"What are you talking about? Of course I can understand your good intentions. How could I blame you for this?

You should be more thoughtful. To be honest, even I have never thought of this matter. Fortunately, you can make up for my mistake. "

"You two really care about each other, so when can we go to the hospital? We've been waiting here for a long time."

"Yes, where is Shen Man? I don't think this little girl is unreliable. Why can't she contact him at the critical moment?"

"After returning from the embassy just now, I asked him to go home and have a good rest. He hasn't had a good night's sleep for a long time. I was also worried that he wouldn't be able to support it physically and that it would hold you back.

But don't worry, I called him just now and he is on his way to the hospital from home.

His home is very close to the hospital. It only takes about ten minutes to drive. You wait here for a while until he goes to the hospital and arranges everything before letting you in. "

Qin Yuan couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

"Shen Man is really a responsible girl. Even his home is so close to the hospital. He is tensing his nerves all the time. He has to bear so much pressure at such a young age. In fact, I admire him too.”

“We left our homes and came here just to fulfill our mission, so what does this little effort mean?

Whenever we leave our own country, we must always stay awake and vigilant outside so as not to make any mistakes. Every move we make represents the interests and honor of the country, and of course we must always be cautious. "

While Qin Yuan was talking to the other party, he noticed a person walking out of the hospital.

"Why does this guy start to look so familiar?"

Qin Yuan looked carefully, but he didn't expect that it was the boy Huang Mao who sneaked out of the hospital. Qin Yuan thought he had done something, but the boy looked around and looked around for a while and then took out a bag from his pocket. Pack of cigarettes.

"I thought he was going out to take a rest, but I didn't expect that he was going out to smoke. This brat is really too conceited. He still wants to come out to smoke at this time.

Oops, I don’t know what’s going on with Sophia. Azhe is out of danger after the operation. I believe that after he gets a little better, Mr. Norman Karim will have to take it back and ask him what happened. what's going on. "

When Wang Xin heard what Qin Yuan said, he asked back.

"Who did you see? Why is Huang Mao here?"

"After he helped us complete this task, he has been with Sophia in the hospital. If he hadn't sent us a car in time, we wouldn't have completed the task so easily.

In fact, I should be very grateful to him, and after discussing with him, he agreed and was willing to go back with our people and leave this place of right and wrong forever. "

Chen Jixiang looked at Huang Mao in the car and felt that this guy was obviously just a gangster.

"Brother Qin Yuan, are you not mistaken? You actually want to take this little gangster back with you?

There is no place for him in the army, and you have to discuss this matter with Thor first. I don’t think Thor will agree. You see, this guy is a master at committing crimes.

Just think about it, it may be a violation of discipline for you to take him back. This will affect you. Moreover, we will be investigated after we return from here. This will undoubtedly make your investigation worse. I don’t agree with you taking him back. , the risk is too great. "

"Chen Jixiang, what you said is all right, and I know you are thinking about me.

However, although Huang Mao doesn't look like much, he is very loyal. Without his help, we would not have been able to successfully complete the mission and keep him here.

Once he falls into the hands of Mr. Norman Karim, his chance of survival is basically zero. We cannot ignore the lives of others just because we have completed our mission.

Even if it is against discipline, I must take her back. What's more, I am not taking him back to arrange a position for him in the army, but to open a car dealership for him in our place.

You must not only consider yourself, it is too selfish.

In the future, no one will be willing to follow you through life and death. If I leave it alone this time, will you still complete the mission with me without worries in the future? I am afraid you will also worry about protecting yourself. "

Hearing Qin Yuan's words, Chen Jixiang had no reason to refute.

"If you say so, then I can only choose to listen to you. In fact, I am just a suggestion. From the perspective of position, you are our team leader, and obeying orders is the first priority of members of the army.

From the perspective of personal feelings, I only listen to your command, and I don't listen to others. I don't believe it. "

Qin Yuan turned around and patted the boy's shoulder, smiled and said.

"I knew you would not let me down, but don't tell He Chenguang everything about this matter after you go back."

"Yeah, I know that I can't tell him anything because this guy is not trustworthy, but even so, it is difficult to hide it from him. He is not a fool and is very smart.

Maybe he already knows about his identity and has been vigilant. Don't you think that when he talked to us, many of his tones and attitudes were different from before? "

"He also has a guilty conscience.

In any case, he can't have a substantial impact on us, which is enough. I will report the rest to my superiors after I go back and let Thor handle it. After all, he is a soldier brought by Thor. "

Wang Xin listened to what Qin Yuan said and knew that Qin Yuan was a very responsible person.

In any case, when carrying out a mission with such a person, there is no need to worry about anything. You just need to put your heart at ease and assist him wholeheartedly.

A person like Qin Yuan will never let down the people around him even if he sacrifices his own interests.

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