One-click Recovery Since I was a Special Soldier

Chapter 2322 The information received at the last moment is accurate

An Ran was really worried for Qin Yuan. He had never thought that the power of this bomb would be so great. Fortunately, Liu Mei was able to discover it in time.

"Liu Mei, I know you have worked here for many years and have rich experience. I am really grateful to you for this matter.

Don't worry, we will report this matter to our superiors after we go back, and we will give you some rewards at that time."

Liu Mei has always been a very low-key person. When he heard An Ran say this, he was naturally happy, but he had to explain himself.

"An Ran, what I did was just my job.

I didn't plan to ask you to go back and report the basic situation to your superiors, and I didn't plan to get any benefits. If there is no benefit, will you just do nothing?

This is not my personality. I hope you can understand it. And sometimes I do have a bad temper. I hope you can be more tolerant.

The key is that it is not easy for us to work well together. Now think about it. You are going back to China soon. I think it's a pity. I personally admire you very much, An Ran."

Wang Xin saw the mutual appreciation between the two girls. He felt that this kind of thing was very gratifying.

He Chenguang was a little worried at this moment. After all, he did not go on the mission with Qin Yuan, and he was still very concerned about this matter.

"Since the bombs have been successfully dismantled, we have to search the whole city for Efit's traces."

"The bombs have been dismantled, why are you still looking for him? You know he is just a shameless villain. He only dares to do some actions and dare not confront us head-on."

At this time, He Chenguang suddenly thought of a very important thing.

This guy was scared away by the mercenary Scorpion just now. He seemed to leave in a hurry. When he was setting the bomb just now, it seemed that he had something in his mind. Maybe it was his last move. He also planned to leave next.

"Liu Mei, can you help me adjust the surveillance just now? I want to see what his expression was when he was setting the bomb."

Liu Mei felt confused when she heard this.

"He Chenguang, what are you talking about? The other party has already escaped, and the bombs have been dismantled by us. What's the point of wanting to watch the surveillance video of him not knowing about the bomb?

It's just a waste of time. Are you bored?"

"I hope you won't be in a hurry to mock me. This is a question I suddenly thought of. You will know it when you turn on the surveillance."

"It's not that I don't want to help you, but I think it's completely unnecessary. He was masked the whole time, wearing a hat and a thick hoodie. If you don't look carefully, you can't tell that this person is Efit.

Even he 's face, how can you judge his facial expression? "

"When we were in the army, we learned about psychology. It is not necessary to rely entirely on his expression to judge his body movements. We can also judge. Please believe me, I will not do such boring things for no reason.

Qin Yuan and his men are about to arrive at the dock. I am afraid that my guess is right. It will be bad if we fail to notify Qin Yuan in time. Instead, they will give the other party a chance to sabotage. "

An Ran looked at He Chenguang who was so excited. He seemed to understand what the other party wanted to do.

"Liu Mei, we suddenly thought of this matter. Please help us check it. I still have to trouble you. "

"Okay, this is not a trouble. You have already said so. It must be useful. I will help you retrieve the surveillance when he didn't know the bomb. "

At this time, Qin Yuan was already driving and was about to arrive near the dock.

He knew that according to their previous rules, the information given before was generally inaccurate. Although the previous information was encrypted, it might not be completely accurate and could change at any time.

After all, Wang Xin was the consul of the embassy, ​​and he was not very clear about the secret combat plans in the army.

Just as he was about to watch the surveillance, a message suddenly appeared on his mobile phone, which was sent to him by Du Bingbing.

"The message said that Du Bingbing informed me that another ship had been replaced for Qin Yuan and his men. What is going on?"

He Chenguang patiently explained while waiting for the surveillance video to appear.

"Wang Xin, don't worry, and don't be too surprised. This is the tradition of our army. When we are performing a mission, we will never reveal the most important information until the last moment.

I believe that Du Bingbing should have received the news that Qin Yuan is about to arrive near the dock through the satellite signal, so he pushed this message to you. You should quickly contact Qin Yuan to tell him that the ship's information has been changed."

Although Wang Xin didn't understand why they did this, he did it for safety reasons, so he immediately prepared to contact Qin Yuan.


"You don't seem to be surprised to receive my call."

"Why should I be surprised? Because I know you will definitely contact me. According to our usual mission execution habits, you should give me accurate information at this time."

After all, it was Chen Jixiang's first time to complete a mission with Qin Yuan. He didn't understand many things. He felt a little surprised when he heard what Qin Yuan said.

Jason saw Qin Yuan making a phone call nearby and was too embarrassed to disturb him, so he just pushed Chen Jixiang with his finger.

"What happened? Why are there any confidential issues involved?"

"You don't understand this matter. In fact, it is a rather troublesome matter."


"In fact, every time we perform a mission, we may have to get the most basic information at the last minute. I was a little confused just now, but I reacted in an instant."

While Qin Yuan was on the phone, he heard Chen Jixiang's explanation to the other party. He also felt that this guy was really a very smart guy.

Huang Mao heard their explanation beside him, and he was able to breathe a sigh of relief. He thought something had changed just now and he was in danger again. But now he couldn't withstand any danger and wind and frost.

"My dear mother, can you stop scaring me like this? It will be uploaded soon. If you do something like this to me, I thought our whereabouts were discovered, and I almost wet my pants again. ”

Of course, Huang Mao is just an exaggerated expression, but everyone also seized this opportunity to ridicule him.

"Wet your pants? It shouldn't be that big of a deal. You're already so old, why do you still wet your pants? Clean up quickly and get up quickly. Don't be embarrassed here.

If you pee your pants, don't pee in the car. The smell will be very strong for all of us.

Do you want to smoke us to death? Besides, this car belongs to the embassy. You are going to pee on their car. How are we going to hand over to each other after we get back? "

Huang Mao and Chen Jixiang also bickered, going back and forth.

"It seems that you have been mentally prepared for a long time. When I received the message from Du Bingbing just now, I was still a little worried and scared. I almost thought something went wrong.

If something goes wrong with you, I will also be responsible. Now that you have received accurate information, send them on board. "

Qin Yuan smiled, but he didn't say anything. At this moment, he didn't know that Efite didn't know about the bomb at the entrance of the embassy.

On the other side, Liu Mei worked hard to find the surveillance video just now.

An Ran and He Chenguang analyzed it through body language and movements. Efit seemed to be in a hurry, and the direction he ran away seemed to be the direction of the dock.

He Chenguang realized what was going on in an instant, he exclaimed.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, don't wait any longer, many things have far exceeded our imagination.

Qin Yuan, you must be careful. It seems possible, no, it should be said that there is a huge possibility that your old rival is also near the dock. "

He Chenguang's anxious voice was also heard by Qin Yuan. He immediately understood what was going on. It seemed that they were indeed in danger this time.


"Efit, a very powerful mini-bomb was placed at the entrance of the embassy. Fortunately, Liu Mei discovered it in time, and we have defused the bomb.

But just now I suddenly thought of a problem, that is, this guy seemed to be walking in a hurry. I judged it through his body language analysis and the direction of his escape.

Effit is most likely planning to go to the dock, return to his own country, and return to Old K.

He has now offended Mr. Norman Karim and cannot stay any longer. Hurry up and get everyone on our ship. Don’t be discovered by this guy, and don’t touch him. He is good. "

Qin Yuan never thought that he and this guy were so destined. Obviously, the two of them gathered here again. His most important goal now is to send these people back home safely so that he can relax. Take a breath.

Encountering danger again at this last moment, Qin Yuan was really exhausted mentally and physically. He wanted to quickly determine where this guy was. If he was in the public place and the enemy was in the dark, then he would be at a disadvantage.

"When I think of a way, we can also invade the monitoring equipment here at the dock, but it will take some time, but now it's too late."

"Effiet, it should be impossible for him to show up at the dock openly, because he is being chased by scorpions."


Qin Yuan was shocked when he heard these two words.

"Are you talking about the internationally famous mercenary Scorpion?"

"Who else could be there besides him? The two of them met just now at the gate of the embassy. It should be that this guy betrayed Mr. Norman Karim, and the other party hired a scorpion to kill him.

Anyway, he was so frightened by the scorpion that he ran away, but I'm not sure where he is now. Based on the judgment just now, he probably went to Ma Tou, so he called you deliberately to remind you. . "

"Are you sure Scorpion's target is just him?"

Qin Yuan knew that he had offended Mr. Norman Karim before, and he was very afraid that the other party would also regard him as a target. Then he would be in trouble.

"We are not Norman. How much money did Mr. Karim give him? Who knows how many people he asked to kill? It's better for you to be careful. You have offended others yourself and know it well.

Hurry up and put a few of them on the ship, and our people will be protected, and you don't have to worry about anything.

Hurry back to the embassy. With our protection, you will be safer. Don't forget that there is Chen Jixiang beside you. He is an innocent man. "

When Qin Yuan heard the other party's reminder, his heart felt cold.

"Originally, I thought this matter would go smoothly, but I didn't expect that after going round and round, I would be back to the starting point. Well, I will think of a way for a while. I believe this guy doesn't dare to walk casually. Maybe he doesn't know us at all. Come to the dock."

The question that Qin Yuan thought of was quite critical.

Efit really didn't know that Qin Yuan and the others would come to the dock. He only knew that Qin Yuan went to the hospital to pick up Azhe and the others.

He wanted to use a bomb to kill Qin Yuan when Qin Yuan came back. How could he have thought that the other party would go to the dock and send all these people to the dock.

"This guy and I are really destined to meet each other here again.

Have you ever asked Du Bingbing for information about this ship? Is this the final accurate information? Don't replace me again halfway through. "

"I haven't asked Du Bingbing yet."

"Wang Xin, please check carefully with Du Bingbing again. I will try to hack into their monitoring system first and keep track of Efit's movements at any time.

I'm afraid this guy also wants to intercept me at the dock.

And I think Scorpion's acuity is very high. If he follows this guy to the dock and the three of us meet together, if something goes wrong and a misfire occurs, who can be responsible? "

Qin Yuan's worry is not unreasonable. Scorpion will never let this matter go so easily. He does not take action lightly and must succeed. He does not allow himself to fail.

Scorpion's international success rate has reached 99%. If he wasn't famous, how could so many people trust him and hire him even at a high price?

"What happened? Qin Yuan, can you stop scaring us? Are we unable to leave today?"

The reason why Jason asked him this was not because he was only worried about his own safety, nor was it because of selfishness and worry. He was worried that something special might happen here that would affect their plans.

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