One-click Recovery Since I was a Special Soldier

Chapter 2333: A cell phone specially customized by the system

Qin Yuan was ready to take Chen Jixiang back.

On the other side, Effit did everything he could to avoid Scorpion's pursuit.

He had just received the message from Old K, telling me that the ship coming to pick him up was nearby. Just when he was about to run away, he unexpectedly caught up with the scorpion again.

“This damn guy is really haunting and has been chasing me.

Hum, Norman Karim, you wait for me to suffer a loss this time on you. When you go back, I must work with Old K to deal with this guy like you.

You think you can do whatever you want with the little capital you have accumulated in the past two years. If you want to play against the old K, you are not a match yet! "

The mercenary Scorpion really didn't catch up with this guy Efit. He knew that the other party was at the dock, so he stood on the dock and shouted.

This is taking advantage of the characteristics of the opponent's psychological defense. He wants to completely break through the opponent's psychological defense and make him feel some fear.

“Efit, I know you’re around here.

We met just now at the entrance of the embassy. You didn't see my appearance clearly, but I figured out your strength.

You are no match for me at all, and you don't have any weapons that can deal with me now. You'd better come out obediently, and I promise to find the most comfortable way to die for you. "

This guy shouting here is like a reminder.

Effit was really fed up, but he couldn't come out casually now. He knew that the other party deliberately shouted like this to stimulate his inner defense. If the other party could really see that he would have taken action already, he would never do it. Will wait until now.

Although the entire dock is very large, Qin Yuan's hearing is still very good. Even though he was far away, he heard the words shouted by the mercenary Xie Zi.

"Chen Jixiang, we have to be careful. These two guys are nearby. Effit has not gone far."

"Then what should we do? Should we seek help from the embassy?"

"Wang Xin has been doing more things on his own, and it has nothing to do with him. I went to find him just to cooperate with us before, and when I was desperate, I went to find him.

I don’t want to involve him and cause him any harm because of this matter. In fact, we can’t do this. This is completely too cruel. He himself is innocent. We can’t take this matter. Make fun of things. "

"We all heard the voice of the mercenary Scorpion just now, but doesn't he always have to remain mysterious and not let others know his voice and face?"

"He just used a voice changer. This kind of voice changer can change the timbre of a person's speech. Even if he records it and puts it into voice software for analysis, there is no way to truly analyze his timbre.

It seems that this guy really used all the tools at his disposal in order to maintain his sense of mystery. "

"Brother Qin Yuan, you know so much. You actually know something like a voice changer. I have never heard of it."

"I know more because I have experienced a lot. You have never experienced many things at a young age. After you go back this time, you will be able to experience a lot. You can be regarded as the most experienced one among all the recruits.

I believe it will be of great help to your career planning. Your promotion will be very rapid in the future, and you will even surpass Li Zheng. "

"Li Zheng? I haven't heard this name for a long time.

To be honest, I still miss him a little. Although this guy usually looks very serious and doesn't like to joke, our personalities are completely opposite. He is just like his name, he is an upright person. "

"Both of you are Gong Jian's instructors. I begged the God of Thunder for the soldiers under my command, so he was willing to let you two come out to perform the mission with me. This is not easy to say."

"Yes, Thor has been implicated in this matter. I wonder what instructor Gong Jian is like? Has he been implicated by us?"

"He should not be implicated by us. He is a person who knows how to protect himself. Of course, this word is not a derogatory term."

"I understand."

"There shouldn't be any danger for the two of us to walk carefully out of here. The other party didn't regard us as targets. I just checked the satellite signal on my mobile phone and everything was normal.

There was no special situation on their side. Mr. Norman Karim should have some spies at the dock. He should have known that Jason and the others had successfully left and would not continue to intercept us on the road.

His biggest idea now is to find revenge on this guy Efit, who is the one who really hurt him. Otherwise, he would not be so angry that he would spend a lot of money to find the mercenary Scorpion to deal with him. "

"Brother Qin Yuan, I feel relieved when I hear what you say."

Afterwards, Qin Yuan and Chen Jixiang carefully came to their vehicle and saw no one around and no suspicious signs.

Qin Yuan was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

"I thought this guy was going to hide near our vehicle."

"Actually, I thought so too, but after observing just now that there was nothing special happening around me, I realized that this guy didn't really want to have any thoughts or ideas about us.

An Ran and the others have been waiting at the embassy for such a long time. They should be very anxious. Let's drive back first. "

Just when Qin Yuan was about to drive, he found that the navigation system on the vehicle had been destroyed.

Qin Yuan pounded the steering wheel hard.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that they would still find the opportunity to take action. I'm really pissed off."

"What's wrong? What happened to Brother Chao?"

"They must have used signals and jammers just now to destroy the navigation in our car. I'm afraid they won't be able to use the navigation on the vehicle to avoid risks on the way back."

Chen Jixiang was shocked when he heard this.

"Ah? Then what should we do? You used this navigation to deal with the people sent by Mr. Norman Karim before, and we were able to successfully avoid risks.

If this navigation is broken, how do we know where the other party has deployed their manpower? Then we will definitely encounter them on the way back.

I'm not worried about other things. I'm worried that the bullet in your body is evidence. If they take it back, our work today will be in vain and we will fall short. "

Qin Yuan took out his mobile phone. He saw that the navigation prompts given to him by the system on the mobile phone were still normal, so he was relieved.

It was just a false alarm. It must be the mercenary Scorpion who used a signal jammer to destroy the navigation on his vehicle.

Originally, this dilapidated car was already many years old, and a vehicle that was about to be scrapped would certainly not be able to withstand such interference from him.

" don't have to worry anymore. I just took out my phone and checked the navigation on the phone. Everything is normal and there is no problem. Let's just follow the navigation on the phone and go back."

"Brother Qin Yuan, what kind of mobile phone is this? It looks very unusual."

This is the mobile phone that Qin Yuan exchanged with the one-click recycling system. It is of course the latest model and it is very special. It is normal that no one else has seen it.

"I found someone to customize this specially. You know that we are always performing tasks outside, so we will encounter risks from time to time, or encounter some special circumstances.

The material of this mobile phone is very special. It is very resistant to drops. It is absolutely impossible to get water in or get damaged. This is suitable for members of the special forces like us who go out to perform missions all day long. "

Chen Ji wanted to take the phone over and look around.

"Brother Qin Yuan has such a good mobile phone, where did you buy it?"

"Didn't I tell you just now? I found someone to specially customize this."

"Can you customize one for me?"

"Why should I customize one for you? Do you think you have a need in this regard?"

Chen Jixiang was completely speechless when he heard Qin Yuan's words, and he himself didn't know how to answer.

I just think this mobile phone is very novel. If I can own one, it will certainly be very convenient. It is a must-have product for people who go out to perform tasks.

"Okay, okay. Seeing how stingy you are, if you don't want to give it, forget it. Anyway, I don't force it."

Later, in the embassy, ​​the person Wang Xin arranged in advance had already given him the news.

"An Ran, you don't need to worry. I just went to see the person who made arrangements in advance. He said that Efit and the mercenary Scorpion have left."

After An Ran heard this, he finally felt relieved and let out a long sigh.

"As long as these two people are gone, Qin Yuan will be safe, but I suddenly thought of a very serious problem. This guy Efit planted some bombs at the entrance of the embassy, ​​but we discovered it and dismantled it in time. .

But is it possible that he will plant bombs elsewhere on the road? We don't have surveillance in other places, and we can't keep track of the situation there at any time. If this guy also planted a bomb, it would be a bad story. "

"It shouldn't happen. I don't think it will be like this. He wants to try his best to escape. How could he plant a bomb at this time?"

"Everything is possible. Let's be careful. Should we tell Qin Yuan in advance to tell him to be careful on the road? We must not take it lightly at this critical moment."

"Qin Yuan is a very cautious person. Even if I don't tell him, he can still consider this issue. I don't think we need to worry too much."

"Hmm, what you said makes sense, so what should we do next? Are these two people sure they have escaped? Or are they still near the dock?"

Wang Xin looked back at Liu Mei.

"You must not look at me like this. I don't know very well about this. The people at the dock were arranged by you. This matter is a high-level secret that even I don't know about. Only you can control it."

Wang Xin nodded.

"I'd better contact Qin Yuan first and ask him to be careful when he comes back."

Qin Yuan had just gotten in the car and was about to leave when he received a call from the embassy.

"The two of us really have a good connection. When I was about to contact him, he actually took the initiative to find me,"

"Brother Qin Yuan, you mean that the embassy took the initiative to find you, is it because they found some substantive evidence? Or is there something wrong?

I don’t know why my sixth sense always feels that this matter will not end easily. Maybe there will be a follow-up. It is always right for us to be careful. "

"Don't talk yet. I'm very likely to be distracted when I answer the phone now. Please observe the surrounding situation more. If there is any special incident, you must tell me as soon as possible."

"Yeah, don't worry, I listened to you. Whenever I go out on a mission, I always keep an eye on all directions and listen to all directions."

Chen Jixiang's head is like a rotating camera, observing from left to right and from front to back all the time, but some events are blocked when sitting in the car, so he can't observe the surrounding situation in all directions.

"Wang Xin, what happened?"

"Just now I connected to the satellite signal and found that you have sent Jason and the others away?"

"Yes, I didn't expect your satellite signal to be quite accurate. It seems that the two of us use the same satellite signal. I have already connected the mobile phone to their situation.

I have control here at any time. Once something special happens, I will notify Du Bingbing as soon as possible, but fortunately the person who picks them up is Li Erniu's friend."

He Chenguang heard Li Erniu's name next to him, and he was finally able to rest assured.

"If it's Li Erniu's friend, then we don't have to be afraid. This guy is very powerful, and none of his friends are unreliable."

"Who is Li Erniu?"

"He is a member of our special forces and a good friend of Qin Yuan. Don't worry, there will be no problem if this matter is handed over to him. It seems that the person who came to pick us up should be recommended by Li Erniu himself.

I thought he would be unhappy if he didn't bring this guy with him on this mission. I didn't expect that he really cared about us good brothers and sent his friend to come in person."

An Ran smiled and said.

"It seems that Qin Yuan's arrangement is reasonable. We can't bring everyone here together. Someone must stay in the army to support you. With the cooperation of both inside and outside, the probability of success will be greater."

"Don't forget, there is He Zhijun! He has the Wolf Fang Special Operations Brigade. Whenever there is any special situation, he can directly mobilize these teams."

"By the way, after Qin Yuan goes back, how should Jason and the others be arranged? Have you thought about it?"

"I have already told them the importance of the matter. This country is a mixed bag, with all kinds of situations, and there are also some infectious diseases.

When they go back, I will let them find a safe place to isolate for ten days and half a month." (End of this chapter)

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