One-click Recovery Since I was a Special Soldier

Chapter 2351 You’re at it again!

"Master, you..." Zhao Lingxuan suddenly felt uneasy and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the old man impatiently.

"Xuan'er, don't worry, this kid deserves to die!" The old man said coldly, "Let's go!"

After that, the old man took Zhao Lingxuan away, leaving Qin Yuan lying alone on the ground.


I don't know how long it took, Qin Yuan woke up in a daze. He felt sore and weak all over, and the true energy in his body was even more chaotic, like a mess, and he couldn't mobilize it at all.

"Damn it, this poison is really powerful!" Qin Yuan cursed in his heart, struggling to stand up, but found that he didn't even have the strength to move a finger.

He knew that his current situation was very dangerous and he had to find an antidote as soon as possible. But where can he find an antidote in his current state?

"Oh, right, Langya!" Qin Yuan suddenly had an idea. There were many experts in the Langya base, and there were also many military doctors with excellent medical skills. Maybe they could help him detoxify!

Thinking of this, Qin Yuan suddenly ignited a glimmer of hope. He endured the severe pain in his body, struggled to get up from the ground, and stumbled towards the direction of the Langya base.


"What? You are going to participate in the International Special Forces Competition?" A cry came from Fan Tianlei's office in the Langya base.

"That's right, Chief, I have decided!" Qin Yuan stood in front of Fan Tianlei and said firmly.

"Are you crazy? You still want to participate in the competition in this ghostly state? I think you think you are too old!" Fan Tianlei said angrily with his eyes wide open.

He never thought that this kid just came back from outside and yelled that he wanted to participate in some international special forces competition. Isn't this nonsense!

"Commander, I'm fine. I know my body well." Qin Yuan said calmly, his tone full of confidence.

"You know nothing! Do you know who the opponents are in this competition? They are special elites from all over the world! With your current half-dead state, you will be a waste if you go!" Fan Tianlei said with regret.

"Commander, don't worry, since I dare to go, I will win!" Qin Yuan raised a confident arc at the corner of his mouth.

"You..." Fan Tianlei was so angry at Qin Yuan's stubborn look that he couldn't speak. He pointed at Qin Yuan and said you for a long time, and finally could only sigh helplessly, "You kid, you really want to piss me off to death!"

"Okay, Commander, don't be angry, I'm fine." Qin Yuan said with a smile, "Besides, I have promised them, I can't break my promise, right?"

"Promised them? Who did you promise?" Fan Tianlei frowned and asked.

"Sergey, the commander of the Alpha Special Forces in the Bear Country." Qin Yuan said lightly.

"What? When did you get involved with the Bear Country?" Fan Tianlei looked at Qin Yuan in surprise.

"It's a long story..." Qin Yuan sighed and simply told Fan Tianlei what happened during his time outside.

Of course, he would not tell the secret of the "one-key recycling" system.

After listening to Qin Yuan's story, Fan Tianlei's face became solemn. He didn't expect that Qin Yuan would encounter so many dangers when he went out this time, and he was also involved with the special forces of the Bear Country.

"Chief, this competition is very important to us, I must go!" Qin Yuan looked at Fan Tianlei and said seriously, "Besides, I also want to take this opportunity to meet those so-called international special elites!"

Fan Tianlei looked at Qin Yuan's firm eyes, was silent for a moment, and finally nodded and said: "Okay, since you have made up your mind, I won't stop you. But you remember to come back alive!"

"Yes! Chief!" Qin Yuan saluted and turned to leave the office.

Looking at Qin Yuan's departing back, Fan Tianlei's eyes flashed with a trace of worry, and muttered to himself: "I hope this kid can really create a miracle..."


A few days later, Qin Yuan and the members of the Red Cell Team embarked on a journey to the Bear Country.

This time, they will face special elites from all over the world, and a battle between dragons and tigers is about to begin...

In the winter of the Bear Country, the wind is cold and the snowflakes are flying.

The venue of the International Special Forces Competition was set up in a remote military base. It was originally a deserted snowfield, but now it was particularly lively because of the gathering of special forces elites from all over the world.

"Boss, look, those are the guys from the US Delta Force. I heard that they sent the strongest lineup this time. It seems that they are here for the championship!"

Wang Yanbing, a member of the Red Cell Team, pointed to a team not far away and said to Qin Yuan.

The members of that team were all burly, fully armed, with camouflage paint on their faces and sharp eyes. They were not easy to mess with at first glance.

"Americans? Humph, they are just defeated. What's there to worry about?"

Another member of the team, He Chenguang, curled his lips in disdain, his tone full of contempt for the Americans.

"Don't be careless. Although the Americans are annoying, their strength is indeed not to be underestimated."

Qin Yuan said lightly, but there was no ripple in his eyes, as if those so-called special elites were nothing but chickens and dogs in his eyes.

"The boss is right. We should be careful."

Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang looked at each other, and both saw a hint of solemnity in each other's eyes.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and get ready to compete!"

After Qin Yuan gave the order, the members of the red blood cell team immediately stopped chatting, and each of them checked their equipment with serious expressions and made final preparations.

Soon, the game started.

The first competition is a cross-country obstacle course. The participating teams need to climb over various obstacles and cross various terrains within the specified time to finally reach the finish line.


With a gunshot, the game officially begins.

The elite special forces from various countries are like arrows leaving the string, rushing towards the finish line.

Not to be outdone, the red blood cell team followed suit.

"Boss, let's go this way!"

He Chenguang pointed to a rugged mountain road and said to Qin Yuan.


Without any hesitation, Qin Yuan led the members of the red blood cell team and plunged into the mountain road.

Although this mountain road is difficult to walk, it is better because it is inaccessible and can avoid most competitors.

"Da da da..."

At this moment, a burst of intense gunfire suddenly came from the front.

"No, there's an ambush!"

Qin Yuan's expression changed and he immediately realized that they had been ambushed.

"Lie down!"

Qin Yuan roared, rolled over at the same time, and hid behind a boulder.

Other members of the red blood cell team also took cover to avoid bullets.

"Da da da..."

Bullets poured down like raindrops, hitting the boulders and causing sparks to fly.

"It's Americans! They're actually ambushing here!"

Wang Yanbing stuck his head out and took a look, and suddenly became angry.

"Don't be impulsive, find out their location first!"

Qin Yuan calmly analyzed the situation in front of him. Since the American guy chose to ambush here, he must have been fully prepared. If he rushes out rashly, he will only die in vain.

"Boss, look there!"

He Chenguang pointed to a forest not far away and said, "They should be hiding in there!"

Qin Yuan looked in the direction of He Chenguang's finger, and sure enough he found a figure moving in the woods.

"Okay, I'll do it to you!"

Qin Yuan's lips curled up into a sneer, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"You guys, follow me!"

Qin Yuan winked at He Chenguang and others, then leaned forward and walked toward the woods.

"Da da da..."

Gunshots rang out again, and the Americans apparently discovered the traces of Qin Yuan and others and started shooting at them.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Qin Yuan and others shot back while dodging bullets.

Although the Americans occupied favorable terrain, the marksmanship of Qin Yuan and others was not outstanding. Every shot was extremely accurate and they quickly killed several Americans.

"Fake! Why are these Chinese people so powerful?"

An American man couldn't help but curse, his tone full of horror and anger.

"Shut up, everyone! Hit me!"

The American captain roared angrily and tried to stabilize his position.

However, Qin Yuan and others were already furious and did not give them any chance to breathe.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Gunfire continued, and the Americans fell one after another.

"Fake! Withdraw! Withdraw quickly!"

Seeing his team members fall one by one, the captain of the American team finally realized that something was wrong and ordered a retreat.

"Want to leave? It's too late!"

Qin Yuan sneered, pointed his gun at the head of the American captain, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


With a gunshot, the American captain's head suddenly exploded like a watermelon.

"team leader!"

The few remaining Americans suddenly panicked, dropped their weapons and ran away with their heads in their hands.

"Leave no one behind!"

Qin Yuan ordered coldly.

"Da da da..."

Gunfire rang out again, and the remaining Americans were shot dead by members of the red blood cell team.

"Bah! What a bullshit American guy, that's all!"

Wang Yanbing spat at the corpse of Mi Guoguo and said disdainfully.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, clean the battlefield quickly and prepare for the next competition!"

Qin Yuan said calmly, as if he had just done a trivial thing.

The members of the red blood cell team immediately took action, plundered all the weapons and equipment of the American man, and then quickly left this land of right and wrong.

The smoke dissipated, and the air was filled with the smell of blood and gunpowder. Qin Yuan put away his pistol expressionlessly, as if he had just trampled an ant to death.

"Boss, these Americans are too arrogant. They really think we are weak persimmons!" Wang Yanbing kicked the corpse on the ground and said angrily.

"That's right, if we hadn't been prepared, we might have ended up here this time." He Chenguang also echoed, with a hint of fear in his tone.

Qin Yuan did not speak, but glanced at everyone coldly, which made them feel terrified.

"Shut up! We are here to compete, not to kill!" Qin Yuan's voice was bone-chilling, as if it came from the Nine Nether Hell.

Everyone was immediately as silent as a cicada, not daring to say anything anymore. They knew that although Qin Yuan usually seemed taciturn, he would not be recognized by his relatives when he got angry.

"Dispose of these corpses and leave here quickly!" After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he turned and walked deeper into the woods.

The others looked at each other with confusion in their eyes.

"What happened to the boss? Why does it feel more terrible than when he killed someone just now?" Wang Yanbing asked in a low voice.

"Who knows? Maybe he remembered something unhappy again." He Chenguang shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

"Okay, stop guessing and get to work!" Li Erniu said in a muffled voice.

Everyone stopped talking and began to deal with the bodies on the ground silently.


At the same time, in a hidden cave not far from Qin Yuan and others, several men in camouflage uniforms and fully armed were sitting in front of a computer screen, staring at the screen.

"Captain, the people in the Red Cell Group seem to have wiped out all the Americans." A thin man pointed at the screen and said.

"Humph, a bunch of trash! They can't even deal with a few Chinese people, what's the use of them!" Sitting in the middle, a burly man with a face full of flesh roared, his voice full of anger and disdain.

"Captain, do you want..." The thin man made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Don't worry, the game has just started, there will be plenty of opportunities to deal with them later." A cold light flashed in the eyes of the burly man, and he said coldly, "I want to let them know that they can't afford the consequences of offending our Langya!"


Qin Yuan and others didn't know that they had been targeted by the Langya people. They were now traveling through the dense jungle and moving quickly towards their destination.

"Boss, what do you think is the ultimate goal of this game?" Wang Yanbing asked while vigilantly observing the surrounding environment.

"I don't know." Qin Yuan's answer was as concise and clear as ever.

"Damn! You're doing this again!" Wang Yanbing couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Can't you say a few more words?"

"Waste of time." Qin Yuan said lightly.

"You..." Wang Yanbing wanted to say something, but was stopped by He Chenguang.

"Okay, Lao Wang, don't embarrass the boss. When has he ever talked to you more?" He Chenguang said with a smile.

Wang Yanbing sighed helplessly. He knew that He Chenguang was right. Qin Yuan had such a personality. You should never know what he was thinking.

Just then, a strange sound suddenly came from the front, like the roar of some animal, and also like the scream of human beings.

"What sound?" Everyone was alerted, raised their guns, and walked towards the direction of the sound.

"Be careful, I feel something is wrong." Qin Yuan said in a low voice, with a hint of solemnity in his tone.

The strange sound was getting closer and closer. Qin Yuan signaled the team to stop. The four people spread out in a tactical formation and hid behind the dense bushes. Wang Yanbing crouched down, lowered his voice, and complained: "What is this ghost place? It won't be haunted, right?"

"Shut up and be alert." He Chenguang scolded in a low voice, his eyes fixed on the direction of the sound.

There was a strange sweet fragrance in the air, like the smell of some animal in heat. Qin Yuan frowned, he seemed to have smelled this smell before, but he couldn't remember where he had smelled it before.


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