One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1143: The death of Emperor Ling Juewu

But the next moment.

What made Emperor Ling Juewu dumbfounded happened.


The imperial soldier's hammer hit Su Lang's fist fiercely, but it didn't cause any damage. Instead, it bounced up suddenly, and the long handle was bent so much that it almost broke!

"What the hell!?"

"This is not true!"

Emperor Ling Juewu opened his mouth wide and yelled wildly, his voice was almost hysterical and heart-piercing.

He is an emperor soldier!

Cooperating with his strongest strength, with one blow, he was almost invincible among the Four Ranked Wudi!

However, such a powerful blow was easily cracked by Su Lang, whose life planet collapsed and his cultivation base regressed, and was severely suppressed!

This kind of thing not only made Emperor Ling Juewu unexpected, it also made him unbelievable and horrified!

And at this moment.

Su Lang's figure appeared within three feet of Emperor Ling Juewu.

"It must be a secret method!"

"I can kill him, I can kill him!"

Emperor Ling Juewu couldn't accept the fact that he couldn't beat Su Lang, he kept screaming in his heart, and the hammer in his hand had fallen again.

"I can't cry without seeing the coffin."

Su Lang smiled coldly, and slammed his fist fiercely, hitting the imperial soldier's hammer.

The terrifying power of Rank Six Wudi level instantly defeated the power of the Emperor Bing Hammer, and bounced it back again.

This time Su Lang used more power.

Emperor Ling Juewu couldn't hold the emperor at all, and was hit in the head by the rebounding hammer.


There was a sound of sore bones breaking, and looking at Emperor Ling Juewu, the entire head was squashed!

However, as Emperor Wu, he would not die from such injuries.


"The power of the world!"

Emperor Ling Juewu flew back thousands of feet with his imperial soldiers, and then directly opened the universe of life, releasing part of the power of the world!


With the addition of the power of the world, Emperor Ling Juewu exudes a thick and ancient aura, like a horrible creature that has survived from the ancient times to the present.

And the breath on his body has reached the rank of Rank Six Wudi!


Su Lang raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "You dare to release the power of the world. It seems that you are really fighting for it."

"As long as it can kill you, what about the damage to the planet of life!?"

Emperor Ling Juewu burst into a strong hatred in his eyes, drank pheasant Hulu like a gambler, and stepped on Su Lang.

The reason why he was willing to use the power of the world to deal with Su Lang.

One was because he hated him too much, and the other was because he was too jealous of Su Lang and didn't want Su Lang to survive and grow into a more terrifying warrior.

The third is because Emperor Ling Juewu is betting.

He bet that Su Lang hadn't told everyone else what he had seen.

Then, as long as you kill Su Lang, you can solve all the problems!


As Emperor Ling Juewu stepped on it, even the space was torn apart, and the fragile mainland fragments tended to fall apart.

"Ha ha."

"I have always been the only one who stepped on others."

A hint of contempt was outlined at the corner of Su Lang's mouth, and he immediately got rid of the oppressive power of Emperor Ling Juewu.

With a move, he appeared on the top of Emperor Ling Juewu's head.

"Let you see what the real power of the world is!"

Su Lang stared condescendingly at Emperor Ling Juewu, and instantly released one of two millionths of the world's power that confuses the inner world.

Suddenly, a more terrifying aura spread from Su Lang.

"how is this possible!?"

"Hasn't his planet of life collapsed!?"

Emperor Ling Juewu stepped into the air, and was again suppressed by Su Lang's Qi machine. When he was horrified, a strong sense of despair arose.

At this moment, Emperor Ling Juewu regretted it.

If he didn't stop, but continued to flee, he might have got rid of Su Lang!

However, the world did not regret giving him medicine.

The next moment.

Su Lang stepped on the top of Emperor Ling Juewu's head!

boom--! !

Emperor Ling Juewu was stepped on the soles of his feet by Su Lang, tearing the space all the way, smashing the mainland fragments, and then completely shattering his bones.

During this process, the various hole cards prepared by Emperor Ling Juewu over the years did not have the chance to get his hands, and Su Lang was controlled to death all the way!


"You get Intermediate Wudi Soul*1, Life Universe*1, Dao of Power*1, Jingtian Daogen*1, One-turn Emperor Soldier Broken Star Hammer*1, Hinayana Xianyuan*2883586, Supreme Immortal Jade*10254259... .... Emperor-level materials... Fairy-level materials..."

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