One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1267: Synthetic Great Emperor Level Technique

Su Lang smiled, closed the quiet room door, and took out a lot of exercises.

After finishing the last emperor-level exercises, Su Lang did not have time to choose a new exercise.

When I was free at this time, it happened to be done.

Before that, a wave of Gongfa synthesis had to be performed!

From Jingtian Continent, Su Lang obtained 29 emperor-level exercises, 3,330 immortal-level exercises, and countless holy-level exercises.

It stands to reason that there are more emperor-level exercises in Jingtian Continent than Canglan Continent, at least more than forty.

It is a pity that some emperor-level exercises are only installed in the minds of Emperor Wu. When Emperor Wu dies, the exercises are also lost.


Twenty-nine emperor-level exercises, plus the natural emperor-level exercises previously obtained, are enough to synthesize into three great emperor-level exercises!

Not to mention.

Su Lang hadn't obtained the emperor-level exercises of the martial emperors of the Canglan Continent.

"So collect the emperor-level techniques and synthesize them together."

Su Lang thought for a while, then dispatched the clones to find the Emperor Wu for the exercises.

All the emperors were loyal fans of Su Lang, and they handed over their emperor-level techniques without hesitation.


Su Lang's natural emperor level exercises reached just 80!

In other words, it happens to be able to synthesize eight great emperor-level exercises!

"Tsk tusk, great emperor level exercises!"

"Canglan Star and Jingtian Star have never seen a super technique."

"It is estimated that it is very, very rare in the entire Xinghai area."

Su Lang's eyes lit up, and he immediately divided the eighty emperor-level exercises into eight parts, ten books each!

"System, combine these emperor-level techniques for me into great emperor-level techniques!"

Su Lang gave an order, and the one-key synthesis function was immediately activated!

"Ding! After the synthesis is completed, you will obtain the Great Emperor-level technique "Hidden Scale West Hunting"!"

"Ding! After the synthesis is complete, you will get the Great Emperor-level Cultivation Technique "Sky Swallowing Magic Technique"!

"Ding! After the synthesis is completed, you will obtain a great emperor level technique...!"


Eight successive system prompts sounded, and finally Su Lang obtained eight great emperor level exercises.

Respectively: "Zhihua Hengsha", "Hidden Scale West Hunting", "Pupils of Ten Thousand Realms", "Universal Annihilation Finger", "Immortal Emperor Jing", "Death to Death", "Burning Heaven" , "The Great Devouring Magic Skill".

The same as the previously synthesized emperor level exercises.

These eight great emperor-level exercises are all the original exercises, just like rare treasures in the world!

"Tsk tusk, with so many great emperor-level exercises, the system is too good for you."

Su Lang looked at the Eight Great Emperor Level exercises and couldn't help licking his lips excitedly.


He picked up the original exercises of "Zihua Hengsha" and looked at it roughly.

This exercise was originally composed of one million extremely fine gravels, and all the profound meanings of the exercises were engraved on these special gravels.

Its function is to make the body of the practitioner can be divided into one million parts, gathering and dispersing from the heart, it is a very special clone technique!

When Su Lang and Xi Kejia were fighting.

Xi Kejia used a method of changing his body, deforming his head, and successfully avoided the Youtian Sword's killing blow.

But that kind of exercise is far worse than "Zihua Hengsha"!

Using "Zihua Hengsha" can directly spread the body into one million parts!

Not to mention the stabbing of a sword, even if countless sword moves are coming at the same time, they can easily escape by being scattered on the body.

In addition to this, this exercise has various other wonderful effects, well, it's incredible!

"Not bad."

Su Lang nodded, put "Zihua Hengsha" on a martial arts villain, and then picked up "Hidden Scale West Hunting".

This exercise is based on Si Yuxiao's "Western Hunter" as the core, and is a combined emperor-level move.

As the name suggests, this is an assassination move with terrifying power. Once a warrior of the same level is hit, it is absolutely impossible to escape.

Placed "Zhihua Hengsha".

Su Lang picked up "Pupil of Ten Thousand Worlds".

This exercise is a special spatial pupil technique.

Its function is to absorb the independent space into the pupil of the eye, not to be corroded by the power of the boundless universe, so that the space can be preserved forever.

For ordinary emperors, this exercise is of great significance.

If a great emperor cultivated this technique, he could create a lot of space and put it into the pupil of ten thousand worlds for cultivation.

To some extent, it is somewhat similar to Su Lang's anti-sky function, the "Ten Fang Inner Boundary".

Although this exercise method had some overlapping functions for Su Lang, it still had a big effect.

For example, those looted and useless universes of life may be able to rejuvenate!

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