One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2153: Half-step eternal regular power

"Half-step eternal level!"

"This is a half-step eternal breath!"

"How is it possible, how is this possible, how can the Heavenly Misty Continent still have half an eternal state!?"

"It's that humanoid weapon, the humanoid weapon in Tianmi Continent Intelligence, it already possesses half-step eternal power!"

"Oh my God, how is this possible? The intelligence only came back yesterday, when it had only the regular combat power of the Eight Yan Realm!"

"Can't be an enemy, we can't be an enemy! To escape, only to escape!!"


Shang Mouzhuo, Zhang Dutai and Chunqiuyi raised countless stormy waves, and they couldn't believe their eyes or their spiritual thoughts!


Endless fear appeared in their hearts, making them stiff and cold, like falling into an ice cave!

After the horrified thought in his mind came up.

The three immediately turned around and fled towards the space-time channel!


In the passage of time and space, the fourth Jiuyan Great Beginning Realm powerhouse Gui Haiqi is passing!

The three of them are blocked!

"Do not!"

"It's over, we're done!"

"Half-step eternal power, how can we resist!?"


Shang Mouzhuo, Zhang Dutai, and Chunqiu Yi suddenly became even more desperate!

Just then.


The space-time channel fluctuates.

A figure appeared in front of the three, it was Gui Haiqi.

"Three fellow Daoists, you...Ah!! What is this!? Half a step in the eternal state!?"

When Gui Haiqi saw the desperate faces of Shang Mouzhuo, Fu Dutai and Chunqiu Yi, he was immediately shocked.

Immediately afterwards, he felt the half-step eternal breath from the boundless body.

He encountered such a move as soon as he ran out of the space-time channel, which was comparable to a horrible opening to kill, which was directly scared to death, and his soul was scattered!

Even think about it.

Gui Haiqi instantly turned and fled into the space-time channel.

Shang Mouzhuo and the other three were also upside down, their nerves tense, and mad dogs rushed towards the passage of time and space.

Those eight Bayan Realm's Taichu also followed, desperately beginning to flee!


It's too late!

"Want to go back?"

"If you eat a peanut, you won't get drunk like this!"

Su Lang smiled faintly, and his thoughts moved, an extremely terrifying space-time force descended, directly destroying the space-time channel!


Swish Swish!

Shang Mouzhuo and the four Jiuyan Taichu passed from the place where the space-time passage was originally located, and escaped loneliness.


"It's over, it's dead, the space-time channel is gone!"

"Go, run away, run away!"


Shang Mouzhuo and other four great Nine Yans were desperate at first, and immediately made the decision to disperse and escape!

They fled directly in four directions.

The same was true for the eight Bayan realms in the beginning, and they fled away in a panic.

"Ha ha!"

"Try to escape!"

The corner of Su Lang's mouth twitched, and his gaze fell on Shang Mouzhuo, "One Thought·Fengtian——!!!"


A colorless world appeared out of thin air and directly enveloped Shang Mouzhuo.

"Ah, what is this!?"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!!"

Shang Mouzhuo discovered that he was the first to be chased by Su Lang, and fell into the weird gray world. His complexion was distorted with horror and his facial features shifted!

He flees into the distance like crazy.

However, no matter what method he uses, he cannot escape this weird gray world!

Shang Mouzhuo suddenly became more frightened and desperate.

"Haha, be afraid!"

Su Lang smiled coldly, squeezed in his hand, and Wu Bian suddenly moved synchronously.

The Youtian Sword, which is infinitely close to the realm of Bayan, appeared in the hands of Infinity and turned into a huge sword!

The incomparably sharp light of Senhan flows on the blade of the giant Youtian Sword, as if even the natural universe can be cut in half!

"I'm going to die...I'm going to die!!"

Seeing this scene, Shang Mouzhuo used all kinds of explosive secret techniques like crazy, fleeing like crazy.

But it still has no effect.

He just flees, and hasn't attacked Nianfeng space once, how can he get rid of the seal of Nianfeng space?

In a blink of an eye!

Su Lang had already flew the Infinity to a short distance behind Shang Mouzhuo and brought it into the attack range!

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