One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2200: Blame me for being too good

"Su Lang."

"You are really amazing!"

"You can actually do such an incredible thing!"

"However, this is not enough..."

As an extremely cautious golden crow.

Although Dongfang Taiyi didn't want to take advantage of Su Lang, he still had reservations about Su Lang's identity for the sake of Tianting Continent.

"Good good!"

"I see, don't worry, let's continue!"

Su Lang didn't get angry after hearing Dongfang Taiyi's words, but instead laughed.


"What else do you have?"

Dongfang Taiyi looked at Su Lang in surprise, somewhat incredulous.

Being able to promote five hundred Taichu at one time, quasi Taichu and senior Taichu can all be promoted, this is already incomparable!

Su Lang unexpectedly has other means!


"I have many methods!"

"For example, I can still use pill to enhance everyone's strength!"

Su Lang hooked the corner of his mouth and waved his hand to directly emit countless pill, all of which were perfect-level primordial pill!


Countless perfect primordial pills are like a handful of stars scattered in the universe, forming an extremely bright galaxy!

The incomparably rich and bizarre pill breath permeated, and was captured by Dongfang Taiyi's spirit.


Dongfang Taiyi is silly!

"This...all are the perfect quality primordial pill!!"

"Oh my God, how could he have so many primordial pills, and all of them are of perfect quality!?"

"Even in the Boundless Realm before the war, it is impossible for anyone to come up with so many perfect quality pills of the beginning!"

"Am I really dreaming!?"

Dongfang Tai stared blankly at the pill that Su Lang spilled, and felt a little dazed and dreamy in his heart.

As a half-step eternal golden crow.

In the boundless world, she is also the top figure.

With her knowledge, she has never seen so many perfect Taichu medicine pills, let alone eat them.


A thought appeared in Dongfang Taiyi's heart.

"Even the original Boundless Realm, no one can come up with so many perfect primordial pills."

"This Su Lang can actually do it, and he can also improve the abilities of others out of thin air. Is this what Qi Yan could do in the beginning?"

"Could it be that this Su Lang actually pretended to be Emperor Yuanmingzhou!?"

Touhou Taiyi had such thoughts, and the thoughts in his heart immediately lingered.

Because Su Lang has done things beyond her cognition.

In her opinion, this is probably only possible in the eternal state.

But Su Lang is only a Qiyan Primordial Stage, how can he do it?

At present, there is an Emperor Mingzhou in the endless universe, so Dongfang Taiyi suspected that Su Lang was posing as Emperor Mingzhou.



"Su Lang, there is a term called too much too much!"

"I believed you a little bit before, but now I just don't believe you!"

"These pills are not something you can get!"

Dongfang Taiyi took a deep breath, the excitement that had risen in his heart completely disappeared, and his tone became very cold.


"Well, this is indeed a bit too shocking."

"Although I have made you mentally prepared first, I still blame me for being too powerful!"

After hearing what Dongfang Taiyi said, Su Lang smiled and shook his head, and immediately said, "Then, I will prove to you that these pills are all made by me!"

This statement came out.

Dongfang Taiyi was shocked again.

His expression changed from indifferent to consternation again.

Immediately after.

"Prove that these medicines were refined by you!?"

"This is impossible, these pills absolutely cannot be refined by you!"

"Even the infinite emperor of Zhou, it is impossible to refine so many perfect and primary pill!"

Dongfang Taiyi said in shock and disbelief.


Su Lang did not reply to her, but directly took out the alchemy materials!

"Lagerstroemia has no fixed fire!"

When his thoughts moved, the colorful burning sky and wonderful flames suddenly became the most suitable flame for refining.

The crape myrtle unfixed fire turned into a circular furnace under Su Lang's control.


He started to refine the pill in front of Dongfang Taiyi!

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