One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2208: You gave it to me like this

"it is good!"

Dongfang nodded too much, and immediately followed the beam into the Infinity.

As a strong man in the half-step eternal realm, he possesses extremely terrifying power.

Therefore, Su Lang directly arranged the second core position for Eastern Taiyi, and could even take over the first core position at critical moments!

at this time.

Dongfang Taiyi entered the Infinity.

A breath of horror was immediately exuded from the Infinity!

"This is... true half-step eternal strength!!"

"The power of all the members of the Infinity has been gathered together. This is really a heaven-defying weapon!"

Dongfang Taiyi was in the second core part of Infinity, feeling the power that had surpassed himself, and he was suddenly amazed.

Because of her injury, her strength dropped sharply, and she was very weak in the Half-Step Eternal Realm.

But at this time.

Dongfang Taiyi felt a stronger force than his own heyday.

That kind of long-lost powerful force, she has spent countless hours unable to recover.

And now.

In the Infinity, she once again possessed such power.

This immediately amazed her!

Immediately after.

Through the mutual communication function of the Infinite, she was even more stunned when she saw the clones of Su Lang in the Infinite!

"Oh my God, these are Su Lang's clones!?"

"There are more than 14,000! All of them have the aura of the Bayan Primordial Beginning Realm!"

"Su Lang has so many clones, how did he do it!?"

"It's amazing, even in the original Infinity Realm, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to create so many clones that are not far from their own strength!"


Dongfang Taiyi looked at Su Lang's dense avatar, only to feel that Su Lang became more and more mysterious.

If it weren't for Su Lang who was a human race and inherited the ten core fragments of the Infinite Realm, she would definitely be suspicious again.

at this time.

Dongfang Taiyi's expression moved, and he found that Su Lang had also entered the Infinity.

"How about, Dongfang Guliang?"

Su Lang looked at Dongfang Tai with a smile and asked.



"If this weapon is stronger and the warriors stationed in stronger, I am afraid it will not be able to reach the point of touching the eternal state!"

"At that time, in addition to the Avenue of Time, the regular-level power will definitely reach the eternal level!"

"If Emperor Yuanmingzhou doesn't make a move, we will be able to recover three continents soon!"

Dongfang Taiyi said very excitedly, as if he had already seen the scene where three boundless continents were conquered and ready to march into the Heavenly Jade Continent.


"As long as there are enough heaven and earth treasures."

"My custody can directly promote the Infinity to the Half-Step Eternal Realm, or even evolve it to the real Eternal Level!"

"As for the warriors who are stationed in, soon, I will be able to bring out more of the strong from the beginning, let them become the cells of the Infinite, and provide a strength for the Infinite!"

"In addition, Dongfang Guliang, if you are there, they can also feel the time rules of the half-step eternal realm, and they can break through faster!"

A bright smile was drawn at the corner of Su Lang's mouth, and he nodded while talking.

He does not mean that.

Dongfang Taiyi immediately caught Su Lang's needs at this time

——A lot of natural treasures!

"Su Lang!"

"As long as you have enough heaven, material and earth treasures, you can upgrade the Infinite to the half-step eternal state? Or even the true eternal state?"

Dongfang Taiyi said in astonishment, "In this case, I still have some treasures of heaven and earth and the source of Xianyuan, you might as well use them!"


She took out a huge amount of natural treasures from her life universe and handed them directly to Su Lang.


"This, this is the baby you have left until now. It must be very precious. You gave it to me like this!?"

Su Lang asked in surprise, only to feel that all this was quite bald.

It seems that he hasn't shown his refining methods.

He said that he could promote the Boundless, and Dongfang Taiyi had an unconditional letter, which was really a bit overwhelming.

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