One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2715: All-round eight-plane combat power

"Hey, it's really time to come!"

Su Lang raised his eyebrows, his eyes revealed surprise.


He felt an incomparably vast force appearing in his body out of thin air, blending into the soul while blending into the crystal wall universe and the universe of life!

In an instant.

Su Lang found that his eternal body, the soul of the world of nirvana, had all been greatly improved!

"Expand the properties panel!"

Su Lang thought about it and called out his own message. [Name]: Su Lang

[Race]: Human race

[Qualification Level]: Turbidity

[Realm level]: Six Eternity

[Attack level]: Eight Eternity-

[Defensive Level]: Eight Eternity-

[Shenfa Level]: Eight Eternity-

[Endurance Level]: Eight Eternity-

[Spirit Level]: Realm of Huanni

[Mastering the exercises]: "Unlimited Liyu Juntian Chaos Sutra", "Ten Thousand Laws Return to One · Infinite Profound Meaning" (Eternal Grade, Super Yi)

[Activated system functions]: One-key practice function (level 56), one-key martial arts function (level 56), one-key clone function (level 55), one-key treasure hunt function (level 55), one-key alchemy function (19 Level), one-key mixer function (level 21), one-key refining array function (level 19), one-key synthesis function (level 19), one-key empowerment function (level 28), one-key enhancement function (level 14), One-key decomposition function (no level)

"The combat power has reached the level of the eight universes in all directions!"

"I have crossed two realms with the Six Eternal Realms, and reached the Eight Realms level!"

"Great, in this way, after I swallow the clone, the combat power will be even more terrifying, and the Xing Cuanyun and the clone will also be even more terrifying!"

A hint of joy flashed in Su Lang's eyes, "The confidence to deal with Suiyou's ancestor is a lot!"

Immediately after.

He sorted out the weapons and checked the pill.

Seeing that everything was ready, the Infinity was received into the universe of life, and the avatar of Baiying who was on the way was ordered to shuttle through the barriers of time and space into the Suiyou universe.

Because I want to meet Suiyou's ancestor, there is no need to hide his whereabouts.


A ripple of time and space swayed from the void.

A gray and black picture appeared in front of him, and even the distant star field galaxies had the same hue.

To this.

Su Lang has long been accustomed to it, and he has seen too many scenes like this on the way here.

at the same time.

Suiyou universe, a giant planet, underground space.

The vast underground is expanded into a huge underground world, in which a large number of spherical man-made spaces float.

The interior of each space ball is very vast, with countless well-protected creatures living.

There are wise beings, but there are also unwise lives.

These are the creatures that Suiyou ancestor prepared to supplement the humanity power.

Use great supernatural powers.

In a short period of time, he scraped a large amount of natural universe, plundered all its inner creatures, and stored them in man-made space for future use.



"There are seven eternal warriors who have entered the Suiyou Universe!"

The ancestor Suiyou lying in the underground space noticed the ripples in time and space, and his expression was shocked!

He quickly unfolded his mind and saw the unabashed Su Lang clone.

"It's Su Lang!"

"How is it possible, how could he reach Suiyou Universe so soon!!"

Ancestor Suiyou's skeleton showed a touch of shock on his face, but he quickly frowned.

"No, that's not right, this person is not Su Lang, this person's breath is weaker, and there is a slight difference!"

"If I hadn't practiced a special secret technique, I would definitely be concealed."

"But this person must have a deep connection with Su Lang, and it is most likely his clone!"

"This kid is so cautious, it seems that those resources must be given to him first, stabilized, and attract the deity!"

Thinking of this, the ancestor Suiyou narrowed his eyes slightly, absorbed all the artificial space into his body, and then disappeared from the place.

outside world.

Su Lang used perfect leaning, his will descended on the clone, suspended in the void of Suiyou Universe and waited slowly.

Not long.

A ripple of time and space appeared in front of him.

A thin figure in a large black robe emerged from it, which at first glance looked like a loose robe hanging on a human-shaped hanger.

But it was this thin figure that exuded an extremely powerful and strange aura.

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