One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2735: Mysterious blood-haired man

It was also when Su Lang rewarded his subordinates with treasures.

Years old Yuzhou domain.

"Sure enough, there was a page of eternal life here!"

"The strongest person here is Suiyou old ancestor Si Kou Yun?"

"Hehe, it's a mere eight cosmos eternal realm. If you surrender, it's fine, if you dare to resist, hum!"


A young man with blood and hair and a strange face stood in the void of a natural universe, muttering disdainfully.

This blood-haired man came from Lingxu Fragmented Domain!

By chance.

He met an eternal strong man who had left Suiyou Zhouyu and learned of the changes in Suiyou Zhouyu.

So he guessed that the page of immortality appeared here.

The page of eternal life is another name for that mysterious page, because no one knows its exact name, so it becomes a variety of different.

But the name Page of Eternal Life is the most widely used.

After all, its function is to let the eternal warrior get real immortality!

After guessing that Suiyou Zhouyu had a page of immortality, he immediately rushed to it with the fastest speed.

Because he knows very well that he is definitely not the only one who knows the changes in Sui You Zhou Yu.

All the eternal powerhouses who know this, as long as they are determined to live forever, will swarm in without hesitation!

in fact.

If it is not for his deity who has other important things, then it is his deity of the eternal realm of the nine universes!

at this time.

In this universe, the blood-haired man has caught some intelligent creatures seeking information.

He was roughly certain that there had not yet been the Eight Eternal Realm from outside here, so he was very happy!

"The Page of Eternal Life must be mine!"

The blood-haired man took out a map of the universe, and after checking it, he stepped forward and disappeared from the spot.


Suiyou universe.

A ripple of time and space swayed away, and a blood-haired man emerged from it.


"This is... there is a big battle!?"

"And it's a battle of the eternal level of the eight universe!"

"Suiyou Universe Region clearly only has Si Kouyun and the Eight Universes eternal, who can fight him? Outsiders?"

"But based on the intelligence I detected, I should be the first foreigner to arrive here!"

As soon as the blood-haired man appeared, he immediately frowned, "Could it be that someone is one step ahead of me!?"

Thought of this.

The blood-haired man suddenly showed his anger and eagerly launched the Avenue of Time and Space!


He constantly shuttled through time and space, and soon followed the remnants of the battle to the edge of the fragmented battlefield.

"This level of battle is definitely not the Seven Eternal Realm uniting to fight the Eight Eternal Eternity."

"It's true that the Eight Eternal Realm has fought against Si Kouyun, and it seems that someone really has the first to come before me!"

The blood-haired man furrowed his brows and his face grew ugly, "Damn thief, I must catch you!"

Immediately after.

He unfolded his mind and cautiously probed towards the center of the battlefield.

Although his deity is in the Nine Eternal Realm, he is only a clone, only the Eight Eternal Realm, so he still needs to be cautious.

Not long.

The spirit of the blood-haired man passed through the edge of the fragmented battlefield and entered a position near the middle.

it's here.

The turbulence and other visions caused by the fragmentation of time and space have all disappeared!

Even time and space itself has disappeared!

"Time and space are annihilated!?"

"The battle between the two eternal realms of the eight universes can indeed create this scene, but it is too clean!"

"It's as if there is a force that has directly erased time and space!"

"Could it be that Si Kouyun completed the in-depth assimilation and mobilized the power of the white world of the page of immortality!"


The blood-haired man shrank his pupils and his eyes flickered.

But immediately, he showed a hint of joy and sneer!

"The power of the White Realm that erupted on the Page of Eternal Life is not something that the Eternal Realm of the Eight Universes can bear."

"Even if the assimilation of the pages of immortality is completed, Si Kouyun will almost certainly die!"

"And the eternal warrior of the Eight Universes who fought against was 100% obliterated by the power of the white world."

"In this battlefield, both sides of the battle have fallen. The only thing left should be the page of immortality."

"Tsk tusk, I didn't expect that I would be a fisherman in a snipe and clam fight!"


The blood-haired man was overjoyed, with excitement in his eyes, and hurriedly flew towards the middle of the battlefield, looking for the page of immortality!

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