One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2749: The whole army under Shang Quhan's command is annihilated

Does this mean.

The Seven Eternal Powers under Su Lang not only have a large number, but they are also stronger than those under Shang Qu Han, and they are much stronger?

This is incredible!

Who is Shang Quhan? The clone of Nine Universe Power!

His subordinates are actually his deity, nurtured by the eternal power of the Nine Universes.

Who is Su Lang, a genius in a remote cosmic realm, why did he cultivate such a strong and many subordinates!

"how is it?"

"Now you know what the eternal army is?"

Su Lang, who was driving the Infinity, looked down at Shang Quhan and the two faintly, "My army has long regarded your siege nets as prey, and now is the hunting time!"

"Damn it!"

"Where did you come from so many Seven Eternal Warriors?!"

Shang Quhan's expression was dark, it was hard to see the extreme!

At this time, the jade card of his communication was still erupting with blue lightning of emergency communication, telling him that his subordinates were still falling in the attack!

Just then.

Yi Nanzhuo's expression also changed drastically, because he also received a lot of help messages or farewell messages from his subordinates!

These distress messages come quickly and go quickly.

Not long.

There was no more movement in the jade cards of Shang Quhan and Yi Nanzhuo's transmission.

However, their hearts are dripping blood, because they can confirm the life and death of their subordinates through other means.

at this time.

Their army has been destroyed!

Up to the eternal power of the seven universes, down to the indiscriminate three universes and two universes, and even the eternal warriors of the one universe, all have been killed!

"All right!"

"The hunting of the subordinates is over, now it is my turn to hunt you!"

Su Lang clapped his hands, and the Infinity made a synchronized movement. The giant planet-like palms slapped together, making a terrifying roar.


"Who do you think you are? If you kill some of my insignificant subordinates, you think you can beat me!?"

Shang Quhan's eyes were filled with endless killing intent, "I have a lot of subordinates under the Seven Eternals, even the Eight Eternals is not uncommon, you are so brash, extremely ridiculous!"

"Not bad!"

"Su Lang child!"

"These things you do are nothing to the Lord!"

"And you, you have completely offended the Lord, there is no room for change, you are dead!"

"Your subordinates can kill our people in such a short period of time. Surely they have all been sent to the periphery of Doudu Zhouyu?"

"If I see it right, you, the eternal emperor soldier in human form, is a special type that gathers the power of countless powerful people."

"Your subordinates won't come back in a short time, and they will be killed by me when they come back. There is no chance to enter your imperial army."

"So, although you killed me and the Lord's subordinates, you also broke your arm!"

"Just relying on your current high-level combat power in the Eight Universes, it's about the same as mine."

Yi Nanzhuo echoed Shang Quhan while looking at Su Lang coldly and sternly, "What are you using to resist us? It's not ashamed of hunting us!"

Beep it out.

Yi Nan burned out a bad breath and felt much more relaxed in his heart.

After listening to Yi Nanzhuo's analysis, Shang Quhan looked a lot better.

Those subordinates are really nothing to him.

It's just that he hasn't suffered a failure for a long time, when his subordinates are killed, he is naturally angry.

"Su Lang."

"Since you can't cry without seeing the coffin, and you have to be stubborn, then go to death!"

Shang Quhan's eyes were cold, and a slender red knife with a slight curvature appeared out of thin air with a slight pinch in his hand.

This long sword is an eternal emperor soldier of the Eight Universe Realm, an immeasurable source-devouring blade!

Yi Nanzhuo also immediately took out his weapon, a long-handled sword of the Seven Eternal Realm.

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