One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2769: Re-enable the source of the exercises to update the secrets

Because there is an exact goal.

So this investigation was launched immediately!

In a high-level universe called "Shuang Yao".

"For so many years."

"Trying luck everywhere to find the nascent universe, collecting materials with specific innate characteristics, finally promoted "Heng Yao" to the top level of the eight universes!"

An old man with a smile on his face is carefully raising his eternal emperor soldier with secret techniques.

If Su Lang would be able to tell the secret technique used by this old man here, it would be the "Secret of Qi Zi".

And the identity of this old man is ready to come out, it is the emperor Gujun Zhou!

Compared with Su Lang's abnormal means of upgrading weapons.

The refining method of Emperor Gu Jun Zhou was normal in the eternal realm.

It often takes countless years, countless materials, countless slow promotion weapons...

Just when Gu Jun was warming up the weapon.

A streamer flew from nowhere, fell to Gu Jun's side, and turned into a small talisman.

Gu Jun glanced, took the Fulu in his hand, and dived into his spiritual thoughts.

"Master Gu Jun!"

"Subordinates got news by accident that there is an outstanding eternal warrior in Doudu Zhouyu, who is suspected to be your descendant."

"Before you let your subordinates pay attention to this moment. After they get the clue, they will report to you immediately. The following is the specific information of that person."

In a blink of an eye, the information in Fulu was finished.


"At the beginning, I searched the nascent universe, and indeed found a person with good aptitude in the Doudu universe and gave him part of the inheritance."

"It's just, isn't that person named Yu Yangli, how is he called Su Lang?"

"Could it be a pseudonym? But he should have no reason to use a pseudonym, after all, he is dominating in Doudu Zhouyu."

"So... Could it be that Yu Yangli was killed and my legacy was taken away?"

"Although the possibility is not great, it still exists."

While thinking about it, Emperor Gu Jun Zhou issued an order to let his subordinates go down to investigate Su Lang.

But he didn't know.

The information he can get about Su Lang is the method used by Shang Jiuqu's subordinates.

at this time.

Gu Jun Zhou Emperor's investigation order was issued.

All the eternal warriors set out to investigate, and they were immediately known by the intelligence network under Shang Jiuqu!

Tianqu high-level universe.


"Emperor Gu Jun Zhou unexpectedly sent someone to investigate Su Lang?"

When Shang Jiuqu received the information returned by his subordinates, he suddenly became surprised.

The intelligence clearly stated that it was an "investigation", not a pick-up!


"It seems that Su Lang is not closely related to Emperor Gujun Zhou!"

"Emperor Gu Jun Zhou doesn't even know Su Lang's children, he needs to send someone to investigate!"

"So, Su Lang is not a backer, but probably a bluff!"

"Wait, wait, now in a very period of time, it's not worth offending a Nine Eternal Martial Artist whose strength is similar to mine."

Shang Jiuqu thought so, Xuan even let his subordinates continue to pay attention to this matter.

Be sure to figure out the relationship between Emperor Gujun Zhou and Su Lang and his attitude towards Su Lang.

Time continues to pass.

In a blink of an eye.

Su Lang had already practiced all the exercises he had obtained in the last war.

I even read all the classics of the Three Paths of Pill Formation Device, and learned all the knowledge that I can learn.

"Finally, I have finished all the exercises and secrets!"

"Shang Quhan's secret techniques, the power is really good!"

"If you use the source of the exercise method to further deduct it, my secret skills will be even more powerful!"

Su Lang rubbed his hands in excitement, and immediately began to update his secret technique.

The techniques he practiced this time ranged from Emperor Wu to Emperor Eternal Eternal Emperor level, and there were countless ones.

Therefore, there is a need to update every secret technique of the source of the exercise.


"Activate the function of the source of exercises, deduction update [Bro Yijian]!"

Su Lang gave instructions in his heart.


The source of exercise function is activated!

Numerous exercises have emerged, condensed into a transparent ball, and finally collapsed and merged, and then exploded fiercely.

Su Lang's body and soul were immediately incorporated into the brand new Po Yi Jian Upi.

"Sure enough, it's stronger than before!"

With excitement in his eyes, Su Lang stretched out his right hand, his fingertips sprayed a sharp sword light.

Where Jianmang passes, time and space are broken!

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