One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2778: Shang Jiuqu Passed on Gujun Zhou Emperor

As for the exercises...the practice is over long ago.

The ten martial arts villains ushered in a rare holiday, one by one stayed motionless in the martial arts pool, as if exhausted and resting.

Another thing worth mentioning is that the "Desperate Eternal Prison Array" further self-regenerates and has actually entered the Nine Eternal Realm!

The real Nine Universe Eternal Realm Formation!

Moreover, you can mobilize the power of the natural universe to maintain your own full-automatic formation!

"The self-regeneration function of this formation is really abnormal."

"However, it consumes a lot of materials, and all the materials it can eat are used up, and the rest are useful."

Su Lang touched the palm of his hand and shook his head with a smile.

But he didn't feel distressed. Anyway, he was in urgent need of materials. It would be better to use the one-click decomposition function.

At this time.

Su Lang's gesture of stroking the formation pan suddenly paused, turning his hands into the storage space.

It turned out that Li Hong and others had entered the rule of Emperor Gujun Zhou.

Dozens of high-level universes are connected to each other, forming intricate natural universe channels.

Just like in the original Yuanming universe, the cosmic space-time port built by Hou Yunge can connect the two natural universes and make traffic smoother.

However, the project under the command of Emperor Gujun Zhou is too huge!

A large number of natural universes are strung together by cosmic time-space channels like beads, and a large number of universes can be passed through a single transmission.

This has changed the status quo that the eternal warrior can only pass through one natural universe at a time, saving a lot of time on the road.

at this time.

Li Hong and the six others took Su Lang's avatar into a prosperous high-level universe.

In this universe, there is a space-time channel directly in front of the Shuang Yao universe.

Just when Li Hong and others took Su Lang to the universe channel.

Their whereabouts.

It happened to be captured by Shang Jiuqu's intelligence network and quickly transmitted back to the Tianqu universe.


"Emperor Gujun Zhou's people have brought Su Lang back to the Shuang Yao universe!"

"Five of those six people are only in the Eternal Realm of the Ordinary Eight Universes, and the strongest one is absolutely inferior to my clone."

"So, Su Lang must have followed them voluntarily!"

When Shang Jiuqu looked at the jade card in his hand, his brows gradually frowned, and his heart quickly analyzed:

"So, are all my previous guesses wrong?"

"The relationship between Su Lang and Emperor Gujun Zhou is not what I thought, but a closer relationship!?"

"No, that's not right, Emperor Gujun Zhou is indeed Su Lang who sent people to investigate. He didn't know Su Lang before that!"

"So, now that Su Lang is here, it is estimated that he is going to talk to Emperor Gujun Zhou."

"According to the similarity between their secret techniques, they are likely to become their own!"

"No, if that's the case, it would be difficult for me to kill Su Lang!"

"It's a pity that I didn't get the news in advance, otherwise I can go to intercept!"

"It seems that we can only try to destroy the relationship between Su Lang and Gu Jun."

"It would be even better if Emperor Gu Jun Zhou could catch Su Lang and give it to me directly!"

"There is a secret in Su Lang's body!"


Thinking of this, Shang Jiuqu immediately began to think of a solution.

But after deliberation.

There is only one way that can probably be achieved, and that is to use profit to sow discords and try to buy off Emperor Gujun Zhou!

"If you want to buy Emperor Gujun Zhou, ordinary treasures will definitely not work."

"Only the pages of eternal life or the equivalent!"

Shang Jiuqu squinted his eyes and smiled, "You can try a cost-free method!"

After making a decision.

Shang Jiuqu immediately began to act.

He wrote a letter in an instant, letting the intelligence network reach the hands of Emperor Gujun Zhou as quickly as possible.


Shang Jiuqu first expressed his deep hatred with Su Lang and his determination to kill Su Lang.

Immediately, he expressed his willingness to give a piece of eternal life in exchange for a complete Su Lang.

In the end, he took the initiative to apologize for setting up an intelligence network on Emperor Gujun Zhou's site, and said that he would withdraw the intelligence network.

Shang Jiuqu is not certain that it can be replaced by Su Lang.

But he was confident that Emperor Gujun Zhou would be more interested in Su Lang, or greedy!

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