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Chapter 2790: Very unhappy Shang Jiuqu


Emperor Gujun took the jade card for communication, nodded to Song Yuanchen and others, and then began to check the information in the jade card for communication.

Take a look.

The information in the jade card of the transmission came to the mind of Emperor Gujun Zhou.

Shang Jiuqu: ‘Gujun Daoist friend, Su Lang’s position has suddenly changed dramatically. What does this mean?

Could it be that you teleported him to a hidden place? Want to protect it?

Fellow Daoists know very well that Su Lang is the one I must kill. I am even willing to pay such a high price. Have you done this, have you considered it clearly? ’

The words are full of unpleasantness.

Tianqu universe.

Shang Jiuqu is indeed frowning, very upset.

In his opinion, if he succeeded in provoking, Emperor Gu Jun Zhou would definitely clean up Su Lang on the spot.

There is no need to teleport Su Lang to such a far place.


Gu Jun discovered an incredible secret from Su Lang!

Or, if the provocation fails, Gu Jun chooses to protect Su Lang!

No matter what it was, Shang Jiuqu was very dissatisfied.

Therefore, using Tongyu Mi Shenzhu to observe a huge change in Su Lang's position, he immediately sent an inquiry.

The other side.

Read the message of Shang Jiuqu.

Emperor Gu Jun Zhou was taken aback for a moment, then he was overjoyed!

‘Shang Jiuqu can locate Su Lang’s position! ! ’

‘Unexpectedly, he has such a powerful magical power! ’

‘If I can’t catch Su Lang by myself, the best way now is to get the Shang Jiuqu together! ’

‘But what should I say to Shang Jiuqu, is it straightforward to say that Su Lang got out of my hands, I still can’t find Su Lang? ’

‘Then he must laugh at me and chase Su Lang alone. ’

‘This is really a headache! ’


Emperor Gu Jun Zhou kept thinking in his heart, but always couldn't think of a good way.

At this time.

"Daoist Gujun frowned deeply, but what problems did he encounter?"

"Our Xuanyu Alliance aims to help each other. If there is a big problem, we can tell it, and we will solve it together!"

Song Yuanchen arched his hands and said.

In fact, he also saw Su Lang's extraordinaryness and became interested in Su Lang's secrets!

But Song Yuanchen's move made Emperor Gujun Zhou alive.

"Friend Song Yuanchen is too polite!"

"It's just a small problem, I can solve it."

Emperor Gu Jun Zhou pretended to ponder for a moment, then bowed his hand to decline.


Song Yuanchen didn't say much, he was just a little interested.

Since it fails, it is not guilty to entangle Gujun Zhoudi, a member who will officially join the Xuanyu Alliance.

Emperor Gu Jun Zhou nodded.

Immediately picked up the jade card of transmission and began to transmit quickly.

Tianqu universe.

Shang Jiuqu was getting bored, when he received the call, he couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

But I saw it said: ‘Shang Jiuqu Daoist, Su Lang is not a son of man, he should be killed.

However, I wanted to capture Su Lang alive, but he accidentally caused him to escape, and now he cannot locate his specific location.

Now, it is a great surprise that Shang Jiuqu Daoist can locate Su Lang! ’

See here.

The color of Shang Jiu's curved surface changed slightly, and he continued to look down with a hint of doubt.

Gu Jun: ‘It’s just that there are three eternal powerhouses of the Nine Universes from the Xuanyu Alliance.

They also knew that Su Lang was extraordinary and were very interested.

But there is only one Su Lang, and he only has deep hatred with you and me.

Therefore, I want to cooperate with fellow daoists to arrest Su Lang, reap the gains, share the exercises, and half of the rest! ’

After reading the subpoena.

Shang Jiuqu understood the meaning of Emperor Gujun Zhou.

The guy Gu Jun Zhou was already unable to determine the location of Su Lang, and it was difficult to hunt down.

Then, he Shang Jiuquda could act by himself, chase Su Lang alone, and get all the spoils.

But Gu Jun was not reconciled, and the words contained threats.

If he doesn't agree with Shang Jiuqu, then the three of Xuanyu Alliance will probably get involved!

When the time comes, it won't be two people to carve up Su Lang.

Read here.

Shang Jiuqu basically dispelled the idea of ​​monopolizing Su Lang.

‘Xuanyu Alliance! ’

‘Another Nine Eternal Realm Alliance! ’

‘Nine Eternity is so rare in normal days, but now even alliances have appeared. ’

‘It seems that the world of great controversy is really about to come, and even the old immortals who are hiding in the dark are running out! ’

‘Now, regarding Su Lang’s matter, Xuanyu Alliance may be involved, I have to guard against it! ’

‘Or, join the Jiangyue Alliance created by Jingyunzi? ’


Shang Jiuqu frowned and thought.

At this time, Emperor Gu Jun Zhou sent another message.

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