One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2792: Shang Jiuqu meets with Gu Jun

The reason why the Wushu villain ended the ‘holiday’.

It was because Su Lang stole a lot of passages of exercises by stealing words on the way to the Shuang Yao universe.

These incomplete passages are completely useless to others, such as Emperor Gu Jun Zhou.

But for Su Lang, the incomplete passages of these exercises can be directly turned into treasures with the fragment repair function, and restored into the perfect exercise original!

Therefore, the little people Xiwu became busy again.

"I believe it won't take long for my combat power to usher in an upgrade again."

Su Lang smiled, and immediately began to think about Emperor Gujun Zhou.

Regarding Emperor Gujun Zhou, Su Lang did not regret offending this person.

First of all.

This person is the chief culprit in plundering the boundless universe! The real culprit!

Emperor Yuanmingzhou or something can only be regarded as a second invader later, and the damage to the boundless universe is extremely limited.

Emperor Gu Jun once plundered the entire Nine Desolate Universe, and countless resources were taken away.

Otherwise, the prosperity of the boundless universe must definitely be higher!

The difficulty of practicing to a higher level in the boundless universe will also be greatly reduced!

Secondly, the emperor Gujun Zhou was not enough to swallow an elephant, and he became greedy when he saw the natural treasures and the original techniques given by Su Lang.

After he wants to squeeze Su Lang's value dry, he will send it to Shang Jiuqu for processing!

It's simply a black heart to the extreme.

"Fortunately, such a person can see clearly soon."

"Now, I don't know if this person has discovered where I am now."

"Well, it's probably impossible to find, but it's so far apart."

"Unfortunately, although I have opened the map to the Shuang Yao universe, the intelligence system has not kept up."

"It's time to let the treasure hunting flying gliders fly out."

While thinking about it, Su Lang flew the treasure hunt flying flying into the universe he had experienced, spreading everywhere.

Treasure hunting flying gliders are very common.

There was no trace of aura on his body, and he was so plain that he couldn't even attract the attention of girls.

Under normal circumstances, no one would have thought that this would be Su Lang's eyes!

"The treasure hunt flying flying flying has been released."

"But it will take a lot of time to get enough information."

"So, we need to do many preparations!"

Su Lang touched his chin, and immediately released a large number of Hundred Shadow clones between his waves!

These avatars of Hundred Shadows appeared silently in the unmanned void of a large number of universes, and then sneaked towards the place with people.

Immediately after.

These avatars began to use "Mingguang Wanjie" to create a large number of local indigenous subordinates.

In this way.

It will soon penetrate a natural universe!

In addition.

Su Lang also collected half-step eternal powers everywhere, turned them into his own subordinates, and immediately used the avenue empowerment function to help these people break into the eternal realm.

These newcomers, in the well-ordered Shuang Yao universe, are immediately like bamboo shoots rising up, attracted by all forces.

So, one infiltration succeeded again,

And in the Frost Yao universe.

There are a large number of ‘time-space channels’ connecting the various universes, facilitating the movement of warriors and making it easier for the people of Su Lang to penetrate.

Of course, the enemy is not a vegetarian.

There are also accidents and abnormal situations are discovered.

But this kind of situation is rare, and it is hardly worth mentioning compared to the many strange and strange things that have happened in the entire natural universe.

and so.

Su Lang's infiltration plan with the treasure hunt flying flying fly and the clone went quite smoothly.


The intelligence of the eternal realm of the Nine Universes is still difficult to inquire.

After all, the eternal level of Nine Universes is too high.

Su Lang was not discouraged either, and setting up an intelligence network was not an overnight task.

Time passed slowly.

Emperor Gujun Zhou and Shang Jiuqu met in a high-level natural universe.

"Shang Jiuqu Daoist, happy meeting!"

"Gu Jun Daoist friend, admire for a long time!"

"Hahaha, fellow Taoist is so polite!"


After some greetings, the two sides entered the topic.

"Shang Jiuqu Daoist."

"You can locate Su Lang's location, I don't know where that kid is now?"

Emperor Gu Jun asked with a smile.

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