Liu Tong was abolished, many Qinghua Sword Sect disciples retreated, and the matter was resolved.

At the same time, the news he has also inquired almost, he should return!

Although he really wanted to compete with those geniuses in this world, the reality probably wouldn't allow it.

If it's too late to go back, let the demon clan in the demon forest discover the space channel.

At that time, if the demon clan controls the space channel, not only will they not be able to go back for a short time, but even Blue Star, who is unaware of the situation, may suffer.

I have to rush back, tell me about the situation here, and make the empire fully prepared for the invasion!

After thinking about it, Jiang Hao pondered slightly, looked at Ye Wuji, and asked.

"Brother Ye, if I abolish Liu Tong and his son, I won't implicate you?"

Ye Wuji heard the words and said quickly.

"Engong said, it's all because of me, it's me who's implicated Engong!"

"Liu Shaozhi only dared to act recklessly by relying on Liu Tong's peak in martial arts.

Now that Liu Tong is abolished, Liu Shaozhi and his son are arrogant and domineering, but they have offended many people. Without Liu Tong's protection, the Liu family is completely over! "

Jiang Hao nodded when he heard the words.

"That's good!"

"Next, I'm going to leave to travel around, you all be careful!"

Ye Wuji was in a hurry when he heard it, and hurriedly held it back.

"Engong has just arrived in Qinghua City, why don't you stay for a while, so that Ye Mou can use up the friendship of the landlord!"

Jiang Hao waved his hand and declined.

"No, I have already seen Qinghua City. I plan to travel to other places to gain some knowledge!"

Later, accompanied by Ye Wuji, Jiang Hao left Qinghua City.

On the occasion of parting, Jiang Hao handed in hand.

"Brother Ye, Miss Min'er, take care, see you in the rivers and lakes!"

Ye Wuji and Zhou Min'er looked reluctant, but Jiang Hao had already made up his mind to leave.

"Benevolent take care!"

Saying goodbye to Ye Wuji and Zhou Min'er, Jiang Hao turned around and the horizon was so close, shrinking into an inch, a step a kilometer.

Jiang Hao's figure was indistinct, like a banished immortal, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye!

Ye Wuji and Zhou Min'er were shocked when they saw this scene.

After a long time, Ye Wuji let out a long sigh.

"Eunuch is really an immortal!"


At this time, Jiang Hao accompanied him all the way with supernatural powers, and returned to the original road very quickly.

However, as he got closer and closer to the space channel, he found that there were more and more monsters everywhere.

This discovery instantly made Jiang Hao's heart sink!

"Has the space channel been exposed?"

I am afraid there is only such an explanation!

There are more and more monsters around, Jiang Hao has to take action!

However, he shot extremely quickly, and the first shot was a thunder method. He didn't entangle with those monsters at all, and it didn't cause any trouble.

At this moment, under his huge mental scan, he found that there was a huge breath of life ahead.

It should be a monster of martial arts level!

Jiang Hao didn't choose to take a detour. He directly lifted up the divine power under his feet, shrank the ground into an inch, and instantly came to the back of this monster, and the divine power was deprived of life and death instantly.

In the blink of an eye, before this second-order martial arts monster could react, the vitality in his body was deprived, and he fell like this.

Jiang Hao was not idle, but commanded skillfully.

"System, decompose!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the system's prompt sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully decomposing a corpse of a second-order martial beast, obtaining 1200 skill points and 1000 experience points!"

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