One Eyed Monster

Chapter 1981: The awakener (below)

   Igor and Cardi panicked completely when they heard the notice that they were going into a long sleep.

   Igor wondered, isn't he always providing the spiritual power to the psychic books? Why is the spiritual power suddenly lacking at this time? This is a bit unreasonable, and it makes him a little confused.

   And Cady's mood is calmer now. He shrugged and felt that the psychic book was really unreliable as usual, and the chain fell off at a critical moment.

They can’t understand what’s going on. These psychic books always spend a lot of energy to sigh, ridicule, verbalize, never talk about the main point, and always escape like this at critical moments. It really makes people feel like this. in a hurry.

   But they can't say anything about psychic books, after all, psychic books also provide a lot of help. Although these help is piecemeal, it is actually very useful.

   "When we are asleep, we can't connect to basic reference books."

   "You can only rely on your own efforts during that time."

"How to do it we have already said very clearly. You must concentrate on awakening a spirit. Don’t think too much. You won’t understand if you think too much. That’s why we didn’t tell you too clearly. ."

   "Sometimes you don't need to know what the principles of this world are, you just need to know how to do this, that's enough."

   "Partners should trust each other. We trust you, and you must also trust us. Don't forget, we are doing our best to provide you with this method."

   "Even if you are providing us with more spiritual power, we have to rest. Because the energy has reached the end, without rest, we will not be able to maintain this state of the spiritual body."

   "The following things are up to you. We must awaken a spirit. Don't forget, even if there is only one."

   "Besides, I beg you when we sleep. I hope you can bring us back to the real Simbal."

   The psychic book means that the group fell asleep after speaking, there is no light, no spiritual energy field, everything is restored to peace, and a book is neatly arranged in front of Igor and Cardi.

   This last communication made Igor and Cardi change their previous views. They originally thought the psychic book was a bit unreliable, but now they finally found that things were not what they thought they were.

   These psychic books have exhausted their energy. Although they are a bit verbose, they also point them in a direction.

   Don't care about so many reasons, just follow the instructions of the psychic book, only in this way can you learn more about this strange place.

   To wake up a spirit, even a spirit can be.

   This is the last sentence from the psychic book.

   This sentence is very simple, but the process is not simple.

   During the whole process, they need to calm down to experience the world bit by bit, and then use their own power to awaken an unknown power.

   There is no hint about this kind of thing, and no one has taught them. This feeling came out naturally before. Now, they must do this to the extreme.

   The psychic book has fallen asleep in front of their eyes. They have never seen a psychic book so tired, and they all fall asleep. Obviously thinking of this coping method has also spent a lot of their energy.

   Igor and Cardi arranged these psychic books, while thinking about how to wake up the spirit.

   They have to leave behind other things.

   This is the only way and their only hope. Apart from this, they have no other way to choose.

   Whether it is Igor or Cardi, they can enter the interior scene, and the psychic book also said that entering the interior scene is the reaction of the spirit.

   Now, to wake up a spirit, you have to take this route. The conventional route obviously doesn't work.

   They want to enter the interior scene, and then look for opportunities to listen to the voice of the spirit, and then to wake up a spirit. Creating an interior scene, especially in this world, is not an easy task, because they are not familiar with this world. Now, creating an interior scene is still more difficult.

  In this world, they can't create the same kind of interior scene as their world, because it doesn't conform to the laws of this world. In this way, the whole interior scene will collapse and the hard-built interior scene will disappear.

  To create an interior scene in this world, it must conform to the laws of this world.

   And what the laws of this world are, they don't have any clue at all.

   "We, how do we begin!" Cady asked softly.

   Igor frowned, he was thinking about some questions.

   "Concentrate and create the interior."

   After a while, Igor opened his brows. He had already figured out what to do.

   "Um... Are you sure, if it doesn't follow the rules..."

   "Don't worry about Cardi, we are not ignorant of this world."


At this time, Cardi also remembered that Igor was not in the world of the spirit without being here, and it was not that they had not communicated with the The reason why it became so unfamiliar. , Not because the world is foreign to us, but because of the intruder. "Igor said while condensing his energy.

   "We have been in this world and we also know how this world works. Originally, the two worlds did not interfere with each other and help each other, but because of this intruder, the whole world has changed."

   "Also, Cardi, this is a familiar place too!"

   Cardi was stunned. These words of Igor seemed to stimulate some of his nerves. He suddenly found that when he first came into this world, the familiar feeling of instinct came to his heart again.

   "You were originally a member of this world, and now you return to this place, there is no such thing as familiar or unfamiliar."

   "We are all wakers, all of us."

   Igor continued to beat Cardi, apparently this time he thought Cardi could play a key role.

   "I, can feel..." Cady also gradually felt, "I can feel the call..."

   "Come on, let's create together and return to this spiritual world together."

   "Let's wake up our companions together, drive away the saboteur together, and fight this evil fellow together."

   "We are all wakers!"

   "Yes, we are all wakers!"

  In an instant, the interior scene was established, and Igor and Cardi worked together to support the space.

   And what is waiting for them?


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