One Eyed Monster

Chapter 2249: Lead slowly

Cardi's words are like a light directly illuminating the path that the inner demon will take next.

He has experienced the voice deep in his heart for a while, and the current situation is to turn this voice into action again.

According to the host, he did not deviate from his inner voice during the entire process, although he did not know what his inner voice was.

Thinking back to my original decision, I also feel somewhat rational. After all, his abilities are in that place, and there is no way to fight against it. It is wise to choose forbearance and shrinking.

The inner voice made him do this, and now he feels that it is no longer a cowardly performance that he did it in the first place, and the whole person's emotions are all at once much better.

This kind of psychological comfort is still very useful, no matter how embarrassing the original performance, anyway, now there is a valid reason to fill it.

Thinking about it carefully, this is not too shameful, just to be a new demon.

Although this new Inner Demon seems to have nothing to do with the Inner Demon, and it is completely different, but now under this explanation of Cardi, it is completely tenable.

It's really a very magical thing.

The heart demon couldn't help but admire this host, it was really unusual and powerful.

Cardi’s example is also very clear, giving people a very intuitive feeling, but this example also has a fatal flaw, but this flaw has not been noticed by the demon.

The heart demon didn't realize that all the examples of Cardi were the experiences of his host himself. These experiences were beyond his comprehension.

In other words, the authenticity of these experiences cannot be judged by him.

Cardi said that as a monster, he didn't scare people. He hadn't experienced it personally, hadn't seen it, and how could he easily believe it without ever having such a thing.

It's like walking firmly in front of you, telling you that he doesn't eat people, and then you believe it.

The heart demon is like this guy who believes that tigers don't eat people. His naivety makes people doubt the whole thing.

But this guy Cardi is not a liar, so there is no deceptive nature in what he said, and it is sincere to the demons.

This is also the lucky place for the heart demon. At this time I met such a kind person...

Of course, this is just a simple place. In fact, there are loopholes in many places. It's just that these two guys are relatively special existences, so they will show this state.

This thing will not happen to other people at all.

But it happened to Cardi and this heart demon.

Many things are not so simple. Now this heart demon and Cardi can really let go of the gap between their previous identities, and are no longer mere hosts and heart demon, but a pair of partners communicating with each other.

Many things seem so magical, and not everyone can see through this essence.

Maybe in other places, no longer within this space-time channel, Cardi might have destroyed the heart demon and prevented him from continuing to exist in his body, but in this place, he let the heart demon continue to live. They also communicated with each other, just like good brothers.

Cardi feels this is a sense of accomplishment, especially in this space, he is very proud.

This kind of slow guidance may bring unexpected changes to the whole thing.

He was looking forward to such a thing, and he wanted to see if this inner demon would change under such guidance.

The state of the inner demon is completely different now, and he can now say that he obeyed Cardi's words...

The suffocation for so long disappeared all at once, and now these suffocation is no longer a suffocation, and transformed into a new identity, a test for himself.

Only those who have undergone various tests can approach the call deep in their hearts. This is a very simple matter. The inner demon feels that this truth is too profound.

The previous cringes were originally intended to realize the truth of today. One's ability is to be a different demon. You have to follow your inner voice, be what you want to do, and not follow other people's. Look to change yourself.

That would only lead yourself to a path of no return, and to live in your own way is the real way out.

"Inner voice, I want to be a different demon, I want to be a different person!"

"It is really important to follow your inner voice. If you even violate your own voice, then you are being led by the nose by others. This feeling is the most uncomfortable. In that case, there is really no freedom!"

Suddenly, Cady’s topic has become the supremacy of freedom. This matter is still very special. He is guiding this demon on a path. He doesn't know what his purpose is, but he feels that he is doing this as a whole person. It all became relaxed, and I no longer have the irritable mood as before.

This is a kind of self-releasing, maybe I need this kind of feeling at this moment.

As Kadi thought about it, he realized that the biggest gain in this space-time passage may not be a beating of Kuyturan, but a heart demon from this place to go in another direction.

Inner demon is controlling the host most of the time, but this demon has always been in a special state due to the relationship of broken memory. It seems that the meaning of destroying him easily is not so great. Now let him go in another direction. To develop, there may be unexpected gains.

Cardi is trying with this mentality. Of course, the reason for his tireless guidance is because he is too But no matter what he does, Cardi is sincere. There is no doubt about this.

Cardi is also very serious about this demon. He didn't play other people's minds, nor did he treat them as a test subject. Everything he said was his own feelings. He just made this demon follow his own feelings. Just do something

Such guidance only allows one to re-examine oneself, and to make one be himself again.

Thinking about it, Cardi suddenly thought of himself. After so long, he seemed to have forgotten himself.

So far I am still in this passage of time and space, what I should do, seems to have forgotten...

Cardi shook his head. Maybe this demon's previous appearance was himself. The appearance of this demon was actually a call to himself.

Don't forget, what are you going to do.

The inner voice rang again, and he should follow this inner voice now...


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