One Eyed Monster

Chapter 679: Start here (top)

Great Literature recommends to all book friends to read: Exploring the Mystery of Gulu Mountain, an Eyed Monster Chapter 677, Start from Here (Part 1)

(Big Literature) Igor found a connection point from a different detail.

This connection point is storytelling.

Deep down in his heart, the grandmother with a balance of faith is also a master of storytelling.

The story of the old lady is special. Each of her stories contains a deep philosophy, and it is these philosophies that make these stories enduring.

Igor now wanted to communicate with the old grandmother. He wanted to know if the old grandmother and the dark power had confronted the story when the dark power attacked his body.

Others are all against Biao skills, they are against Biao story, this picture is very interesting to think about.

But when Igor knew that he was not enjoying this interesting process, he first had to verify that the thing he had discovered was incorrect, and don't work in vain.

He felt that he had found a breakthrough, so he could hardly contain his excitement. But after all, this is a more elusive thing, and all the excitement now stems from his association.

At this time, he really wants to discuss with others. He wants to tell others about this discovery in his heart, so that they will also be excited and excited.

But he tried. He told Cullen, Yuga, and Stanshor...

However, the feedback given to him by these predecessors is surprisingly similar, and most of them have no reference value.

They all dealt with it.

Even if a few words are said, they are not important ones.

This made Igor miss Cady and Husitas.

But now Hussetas has become a puppet soldier, and Cardi doesn't know where he is going, he can only find out whether he is right on his own.

This is actually a very normal phenomenon. Sometimes you are lonely on the way forward, so Igor cherishes every friend and he is sincere to every friend.

Let's do it and cherish it.

Most of the time, I still have to explore my own path slowly.

Igor understands this truth, he will not give up all hope just because there is no one to help him.

So now he feels alone.

But loneliness often allows him to be promoted and allows him to think differently from others. This is also a kind of compensation.

These things are brought about by thinking. Because of loneliness, I think. Because of loneliness, I have a lot of time to think...

Just like the current Igor, after finding a breakthrough point, he thought of countless things, no matter whether these things helped him or not, he thought of it so naturally.

Igor now thinks of Cardi, he is wondering what would happen if he were Cardi at this time.

What will Cardi do? This is really something that no one can tell. Cardi will not act in the way of normal people.

For example, now, instead of helping Igor and the others deal with the dark power together, he embarked on the path to find the great mentor and the little black hands alone.

This journey is not easy, and other people would not think about doing this, because everyone knows that there is no clue to follow.

But that's what Cardi did, without hesitation.

He just does things anyway and doesn't think too much at all.

As for how he went to find it, it was even more difficult to say. He ran almost all over the floor, looking at that, not looking for it in the normal way people do.

He didn't follow the diagram, he just looked for it as he wanted.

It looked like looking for a needle in a haystack, like looking for a leaf in a large forest.



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