One Eyed Monster

Chapter 681: The familiarity of the little black hands

Great Literature recommends that all book friends read: Exploring the One-eyed Monster Gulushan Chapter 681: The familiarity of the little black hands

(Big Literature) The prolonged confrontation is a torment for everyone.

And it's still a constant confrontation of offense and defense.

The offensive can't come down, but it doesn't stop the pace. The defense is very difficult but never give up.

You attack and I defend, the dark power and Igor seem to have formed a tacit understanding, tossing back and forth constantly, it is not too tired.

The dark power can naturally be consumed. He has experienced thousands of years and tens of thousands of years, so naturally he will not be dizzy by this little repetition. But Igor and the others are not the same. Even though some of them are iron-clad bodies and tenacious spirits, they can't take time.

This is not like a real war, where both sides are tired to a certain extent, and there will be a truce for a while to add supplements. This is really a continuous battle, and there is no chance of breathing.

Puppet soldiers, death knights, ghouls, they don't need to add energy to these things! This is an unequal battle.

Originally, the mismatch of information was enough to cause headaches, but now this physical mismatch is coming again. This is to drive them to the absolute road.

This feeling can make people feel desperate, and this may also be a means of dark power attack.

Igor didn't think about that much anymore. Since he wanted to try to fight back, he had no concerns.

Although he himself doesn't know if this counterattack will work.

First, he had to summon the old grandmother from the scale of faith.

Fortunately, Cardi was by his side. This guy had fought side by side with the grandmother, so Igor felt that they would definitely be able to cooperate well at this moment.

In the course of this resistance, Igor unknowingly learned to control the power of the balance of faith. In the past, this power required external stimuli, but now he can master it flexibly.

It is easy to erupt and grow in a difficult situation, and Igor finally realized this truth firsthand. Therefore, he cherishes this moment very much. In this state, he not only has no despair, but goes a step further. This way of growth can be regarded as the standard for heroes.

Igor dare not call himself a hero in vain, he needs to thank Cardi for his growth.

If it hadn't been for Cardi to find him at that critical moment, he might have given up at that time. After all, the dark power had forced him to a state of nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. Cardi's timely appearance made him avoid a place where the dark power can't feel it. No one knows how this place was formed. But there is no doubt that this place gave Igor breathing time, allowing him to re-examine his life trajectory, and then he rebounded.

So Cardi is the one who pulled him up from the abyss...

What he obtained in the abyss may just be able to resist this dark power.

Now Cardi is back, everything is ready, and the rest depends on the result.

Igor's plan is very special, he thinks this plan will be opposed by others.

It is not how risky this plan is, it will be dangerous enough, in fact, this plan is not a combat plan at all.

There is no magic attack, there will be no coordination of body arts, nothing, what can I use to defeat the dark power?

Cardi savored this plan carefully, always feeling very shocked.

It's totally different from other people's feelings.

Cullen and Yuga only shook their heads. They felt that this method was not reliable at all.

These people have all experienced various battles, and the baptism of war made them very clear in their hearts, which are reliable combat phalanxes and which are unreliable messes.

The way of taking risks may have miraculous effects, but taking risks must pay a price, and this price will be composed of flesh and blood. This type of offense may make Cullen hesitate, but in the end they will agree, because at this moment they really need a more aggressive offense.

However, Igor's policy is too radical, it is hard to describe in incredible.

They had experienced so many battles, and it was the first time they encountered such a situation.

They have never heard of a war that can be won by slaps.

For the first time, at such a critical moment, someone actually proposed to attack a powerful enemy with mouth cannon.

This is just a joke.

If you can win the battle by lip service, then what do you need to do? At the beginning of the direct battle, a bunch of lobbyists were sent over, and it was good to talk.

Igor gave them the feeling of disappointment. After thinking for a long time, he thought of such an unreliable idea.

What a waste of their previous meticulous care!

This kind of attack is a waste of time.

But what can they do? It's nothing more than shaking their heads. The pace of those puppet soldiers, death knights, and ghouls hasn't slowed down, and they don't have the time to play home games with Igor.

That's right, Igor's plan is to use the old grandmother and Cady in the scale of faith to go to the story with that dark power.

But whether it's a Biao story or a slapstick, this kind of name sounds too good, and Igor still likes to call it a language attack.

Their language attack was also planned in great First of all, he analyzed the situation that Cardi had previously competed with the dark power in his world with the grandmother. He found that as long as there was something that the dark power did not know about Story, dark power will become dull. This is also the breakthrough point he found, I hope this breakthrough point can be effective.

Cardi is very optimistic about this language attack. After all, he has been side by side with the old granny of the balance of faith before, and knows what the language attack means. This is not a simple slapstick, it is really relying on the power of language to attack each other. .

Igor wanted to get advice from Cullen and the others, but the seniors all showed a sense of scorn for this plan.

The only thing that surprised Igor was the little black hands who were brought in by Cardi. These little black hands also showed excitement. They thought the plan was perfect.

Why are you so confident in this plan.

Igor was still a little strange, how happy these little black hands were.

Once here we feel more cordial, it seems there is a familiar feeling here.

This was the first reaction of the little black hands.

Familiar with? Cardi was also dumbfounded. Could it be that these little black hands have been here before.

We have never been here, this is the first time, but we feel that we have the same kind here, so we feel cordial.

The little black hands answered one of Cady's doubts, but added a new doubt, what the little black hands were talking about.

Same kind, what kind?

Not only Cardi, but Igor was also puzzled. It is rare for the little black hands to have a familiar feeling. There must be some connection in this.

twenty three


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