One Guard

Chapter 504: Little Beast and Little Wildcat

Returning to Dallas with a big score of 2-0, this result was actually not unexpected. After losing Westbrook, the Thunder can't even compete with the Lakers. How can they be the opponent of the Mavericks?

The next game is almost a life and death battle for the Thunder. If they lose, they will face a 3-0 dead end. Therefore, whether the Thunder can continue in this series depends on the result of the third game.

When the special plane for the Mavericks players arrived at the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, there was already a crowd of eager reporters and thousands of fans outside the airport to greet the players. Some foreign reporters thought it was incredible when they saw this scene. This formation was as if the Mavericks had brought back the O'Brien Trophy.

In fact, the excitement of the fans is not incomprehensible. The reason why the Thunder feel frustrated is that their original goal was too high, but now it suddenly cannot be achieved. The gap is too big, and no one will feel comfortable if they let it go.

The Mavericks are excited because their goal at the beginning of the season is just the playoffs. "Barely eighth in the Western Conference," this was the prediction given to the Mavericks by ESPN experts at the time.

But what now? As long as they win one more game, their "late" team will reach the Western Conference Finals for the third consecutive year. This huge sense of gap makes Mavericks fans feel extremely happy.

After the players get off the plane, they must first take the player bus back to the American Airlines Center Arena, and then go home from the arena. When the team bus pulled out of the airport parking lot, the bus was moving very slowly, even with mounted police clearing the way.

The enthusiasm of the Mavericks fans almost paralyzed the traffic around the airport. The fans held different signs and shouted at the stars on the bus. Yiyang greets the fans through the window from time to time, which always elicits a scream.

"It seems you have a lot of female fans, Yi." Carter, who was sitting next to Yiyang, deliberately nudged him with his elbow. Faced with Carter's teasing, Yiyang just smiled.

"What's wrong Vince? Are you jealous or envious?" Nowitzki stood up from the back seat and put his head between the two of them.

"Of course I'm jealous, but what I'm jealous of is not his female fans, but this guy's determination." Carter said, patting Yiyang's chest.

The NBA is a world full of millionaires, multi-millionaires and even billionaires. They are famous and often appear in the headlines of various media. They are rich and have luxury houses and cars that many people envy. They also have bodies and careers. Athletes are the lucky ones favored by God. Their male hormones are much higher than ordinary people. How can such guys not have women around them?

The league is a big vat full of fame, money, and violence. Under the glamorous appearance of the stars, they have the same decadent private lives as many "second-generation officials, second-generation rich, and second-generation celebrities." Even a good old guy like Carter doesn't dare to pat his chest and say how discreet his private life is. Even a gentleman like Tony Parker has had an affair scandal. But Yiyang is really too clean to look like a professional player. Most of the news about him is related to basketball. Scandal? Even the most professional paparazzi can't dig up anything substantial.

"Come on, Vince, I already have a villain in my heart. I'm right, right? After the game yesterday, I heard you and Vignali talking on the phone." Nowitz Ji showed a lewd smile. "Although you and Vignali haven't seen each other for a long time, and although we don't have a game tomorrow. But you still need to pay attention to moderation, Yi."

Yiyang shook his head. Off the court, these old guys really didn't have the composure of veterans. But Dirk was right about one thing. He and Vignali hadn't seen each other for a long time.

After returning to the arena, Carlisle casually gave the players a few instructions, and the team disbanded and took a day off. Official training will begin tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, the battle for the Western Conference semifinals will continue.

But today, Yiyang did not go home directly after disbanding.

He didn't stay for more training. Instead, he drove the "cheap" Ford pickup truck he bought three years ago and headed towards the airport.

When Yiyang appeared outside the airport gate again, the reporters and fans had already dispersed, and Yiyang was content to relax. He looked at the watch on his wrist. Vignelli's plane should be landing soon.

Sunglasses, a mask, and a baseball cap, Yiyang covered his face tightly. At a glance, you couldn't see any features on Yiyang's face. His height of 1.93 meters is not that eye-catching in the United States.

As a result, this big star, who had just waved his hand and attracted cheers from passers-by, was now mixed in the crowd, inconspicuous.

Yiyang didn't know how he should react after Vignali came out. Should he greet her with a smile? Or prepare a gift for her first? Or, just go up and hug her? Yiyang is a smart offensive organizer on the basketball court, but when it comes to relationships, this guy is as clueless as a piece of wood.

When Vignali dragged a small suitcase and walked toward the exit wearing a tight black dress, Yiyang was completely stunned. Vignali spotted Yiyang in the crowd at a glance and waved to him.

Yiyang, a guy known for his "facial paralysis" couldn't help but smile. Vignali ran over wearing high heels. Yiyang opened his arms and hugged the Italian girl tightly.

None of the messy things he had thought about before happened. Smiling and hugging were Yiyang's natural reactions after reuniting with Vignali after not seeing him for a long time. He couldn't help but think about it. Perhaps, love is not rational at all. It's not like playing basketball, where you have to analyze tactics and keep your mind clear. Emotions rely on the heart.

"I rushed over as soon as the business activities were over! Congratulations, Yi, you are now a veritable MVP!" Vignali kissed Yiyang's cheek excitedly, as if it was this Italian girl who won the MVP trophy. Own.

The intimate movements of the two people have attracted the attention of people around them. Maybe Yiyang is standing alone in the crowd and others can't recognize him. But Vignelli, who did not make any disguise, could not escape the eyes of the fans.

As a very popular women's basketball player on the Internet, Vignali is already well-known. Coupled with her relationship with Yiyang, she is almost well-known in Dallas.

As a result, people in the airport screamed instantly and took out their mobile phones to take crazy pictures of the two.

Where are Yiyang and Vignali? They don't seem to care. The two held hands and walked out of the airport, as if the screaming people around them were nothing.

Today, nothing can interrupt their rare date, not even reporters or fans.

Since they met Vignelie, the time they spent together each year was very short. Vignelie is busy competing and catwalking. As for Yiyang, the NBA's higher density of games and business activities also makes him unable to get away. By the time they had a chance to take a breath and miss each other, months might have passed.

So every time they can meet, the two of them cherish it extremely. That night, Vignali and Yiyang visited various shopping malls in Dallas, and then they walked around the White Rock Lake under the moon.

After the walk, Yiyang did not drive home, but took Vignali into a five-star luxury hotel in downtown Dallas.

All of this was done under the cameras of reporters after learning the news.

Watching the strong Yiyang and the mouth-wateringly hot Vignali disappear behind the hotel's elevator door, the next scene will undoubtedly make reporters dream about it.

A high-energy professional player, a sexy and adorable wild kitten. If these two kinds of people are in the same room together, a night of "battle" is inevitable.

But what reporters are now concerned about is not what Yiyang and Vignali are doing in the room, but what impact they will have on Yiyang after doing so.

The Western Conference semifinals are not over yet. Is it really okay for Yiyang to squander his energy like this? Who can guarantee that this Chinese will not become the next O.J. Mayo?


Gentle sunlight shone into the room through the thin curtains. Vignali was awakened by the chance light and opened her eyes hazily.

After waking up, Vignali felt aches all over her body. She looked down and saw that she was indeed naked. His clothes were scattered in the room, scattered throughout the room from the inside to the outside. Everywhere was a mess, from the toilet to the changing room, no place had escaped the destruction of the two men.

Thinking of Yiyang's crazy performance last night, Vignali blushed slightly and smiled with satisfaction. That guy is not honest at all when the two of them are alone! Vignali picked up her tight dress, and Yiyang had torn a big hole in her back. The young and energetic Yiyang has been holding back his nerves for the past few months.

On the bedside table, Vignali found the note Yiyang left for herself. It turned out that Yiyang had left early to rush to the training ground, so he didn't wake up Vignali in order not to disturb her sleep.

The Italian girl imagined Yiyang kissing her forehead before leaving, and lay back on the bed happily and lazily.

She picked up her phone out of habit, ready to see if she had missed any important calls when she and Yiyang were having a rough time last night.

But when Vignali opened her phone, she was shocked. The news pushed on major news websites are all related to her and Yiyang.

"Yiyang had a romantic affair overnight. He has not left the hotel yet and has been absent from training!"

"On a crazy night, Yiyang celebrates the Mavericks' promotion in advance?"

"The hero is in trouble, the beauty is in trouble, the Yiyang Hotel is partying, and the Western Conference finals are completely forgotten!"

"The next O.J. Mayo? The Dallas Mavericks may face their biggest crisis!"

These "real" news with photos and eyewitnesses seem a bit shocking just by looking at the titles...

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