One Guard

Chapter 541: Red Circle Competition

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Although the loss to the Miami Heat ended the Mavericks' eight-game winning streak, their outstanding record of 8 wins and 1 loss is still beyond the reach of other teams.

After defeating the Mavericks, the Heat's record is only 6 wins and 3 losses. During the same period, the Thunder's record of 5 wins and 3 losses was naturally not comparable to that of the Mavericks. The Spurs, who are closest to the Mavericks, have a record of 7 wins and 1 loss, which is one less win. So, although they lost a game, it did not stop the Mavericks from becoming the best team in the league.

After Yiyang retweeted Alfred's tweet and left a message, the entire social media exploded. Countless netizens are encouraging Alfred to accept Yiyang's challenge, but Alfred has not spoken until now.

Yiyang didn't care about this matter anymore. Even if the so-called King of New California really took over, Yiyang would not be afraid at all. The gap between professional basketball and amateur basketball may be farther than New York to Los Angeles.

After losing the game, Yiyang quickly adjusted his mentality. This season has just begun.

After two days of rest after losing to the Heat, the Mavericks returned to their home court and easily defeated the invading 76ers.

Evan Turner performed well in this game. Under the defense of Tony Allen, he miraculously scored 26 points, 6 assists and 7 rebounds. Today, this guy seems to have returned to four years ago. It’s time to dominate the NCAA.

Evan Turner is still trying to prove that he is a qualified second pick, but Yiyang, the third overall pick, is already an MVP-level player. Now Yiyang does not regard Turner as an opponent at all, because he is not yet up to the level of his opponent.

With 28 points, 14 assists, 3 blocks and 2 steals, Yiyang used his strong field control ability to control the trend of the game from beginning to end. Under Yiyang's organization, Nowitzki and Iguodala were All scored 20 points. When a team can score nearly 70 points with three players, it is basically impossible for them to lose.

After losing to the Heat 97-90, the Mavericks immediately recovered and resumed their victory. It's just pity for Evan Turner. Even though he has performed so well, he still can't defeat the No. 3 pick who has suppressed him for four years.

"The three of them scored 68 points together! God, this is simply a standard Big Three-style data!"

"Stop complaining that the Mavericks' lineup is not strong enough. In fact, they already have their own Big Three lineup!"

"Unconsciously, the Mavericks also have equipment at the level of the Big Three. To be honest, the Dallas people are very likely to return to the top this season!"

Although the 76ers are not a strong opponent, after the game, many media were still amazed by the Mavericks' outstanding performance. In particular, the outstanding performances of Yiyang, Nowitzki and Iguodala made people say that a new era of the Big Three is coming.

Howard was certainly the first to speak out against this.

"Facing the 76ers, we can score 80 points with three of us." Below this text, Howard included a photo of the Rockets' starting five. In the next game, the Rockets will visit Dallas for a second showdown with the Mavericks. And this is undoubtedly Howard's provocation to Yiyang before the game.

However, before Yiyang and Mavericks fans could take action, Howard's comment section was flooded with abuse from 76ers fans. This led to Howard deleting his tweet in embarrassment two hours after posting the message.

I have to say, Howard really did something stupid again. I believe that the next time he goes to Philadelphia to play, he will definitely receive "warm hospitality" from the 76ers fans.

Although he dug another hole for himself, Howard is still looking forward to this game. He looked forward to this opportunity to avenge his shame, but finally it came.

I have to admit that today at the American Airlines Center Arena, Howard seemed to have become the Superman who once protected Orlando. Howard played very actively throughout the game.

It was also the first time that Gobert was beaten by an opponent and was unable to fight back.

"Dwight squeezed Gobert away, but Rudy's weight was still too light. Howard didn't hesitate and jumped directly on the spot for a dunk! God, this terrifying destructive power left the French with nothing to do!" Seeing Howard again After completing a dunk on the court, Mike Brin couldn't help but wipe the sweat from his forehead.

Howard played too aggressively today. Counting the dunk just now, this is already the 33rd point scored by "Warcraft" in this game. 33 points and 11 rebounds, shooting 75% from the field and 69% from the free throw line.

Everyone marveled at Howard's performance in returning to his peak, but Yiyang was not deterred.

After Howard scored, the Rockets narrowed the point difference to one point in the last 33 seconds. McHale did not intend to use foul tactics to send the Mavericks to the free throw line. He hoped to prevent the Mavericks' attack and then arrange a winning tactic to completely take away the game!

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is often crueler.

At the critical moment, even the fans sitting in the stands felt their hearts beating faster. However, Yiyang still steadily controlled the ball and advanced, as if the game did not have the last 33 seconds left, but 33 minutes.

Outside the three-point line, Yiyang stopped and observed the situation in the first and second half. Then, the guy passed the ball to Dirk, who was in a position inside, and started running.

Leading by one point, the Mavericks' safest approach is naturally to hit a two-point shot. And Nowitzki is undoubtedly the safest attack point now.

Just when everyone thought Nowitzki would take action to end the attack, the German used a hook to throw the ball outside the three-point line again.

Yiyang rushed over and reached the right side of the basket, outside the three-point line at a 45° angle. After receiving the basketball, Yiyang shot directly without hesitation.

Jeremy Lin's defense was a step too slow. When he interfered, the ball had already flown into the air. Howard immediately stuck his position. In today's game, the initiative will belong to him!

However, Howard grabbed nothing. The basketball fell directly into the net and hit the floor. The American Airlines Center Arena burst into flames instantly, with everyone raising their arms and cheering.

At the critical moment, Yiyang hit a three-pointer! The Mavericks got a crucial 4-point lead, and the situation instantly became very unfavorable to the Rockets.

With this three-pointer, Yiyang's personal statistics became 37 points, 11 assists, 4 rebounds, 1 block and 3 steals. Howard worked hard to perform at his peak, but was still overwhelmed by Yiyang.

In the end, Harden missed a three-pointer, and Howard pushed Gobert directly in order to grab an offensive rebound. As a result, he was called for a scrambling foul. And this foul was undoubtedly a death sentence for the Rockets.

Howard played at his peak, but the Rockets still lost.

After the game, reporters asked Yiyang how he evaluated the team's performance today. However, Yiyang shook his head, as if he was not excited about the victory.

"We actually allowed the other team to score 120 points, which is incredible."

It seems that Yiyang is dissatisfied with the team's defense today. But in fact, Yiyang was satirizing the Rockets' struggles. What about peak performance? Wouldn't it be possible to win differently?

I just feel sorry for Howard. After waiting for so long, he finally got a chance for revenge, but unexpectedly, Yiyang left new scars on him.

At this point, the Mavericks have won two consecutive victories and have completely emerged from the haze of losing. And Howard, this guy, finally shut up and stayed quiet for a while.

Without Yiyang, Howard, who performed at his peak, should have grabbed the headlines of major news media. It's a pity that Yiyang seems to be a "warcraft nemesis" who can always drive him into the ice cave.

After getting on the right track, the Mavericks then helped Iguodala complete his revenge against the Nuggets, and then successfully defeated his old friend Hayward and his Jazz in back-to-back games.

The Mavericks have won four consecutive games and continue to consolidate their first place in the league.

After defeating the Jazz, Yiyang looked at the schedule. There were only two days left before the game that he had marked in a red circle.

This season, Yiyang is often compared to that guy. And that guy's performance was indeed amazing. Yiyang was really looking forward to the direct conversation with him two days later.

Carlisle also attaches great importance to this game, because the opponent's style of play will most likely create a new era.


On the training ground, a thin guard with a simple cut is practicing his shooting. The sound of the tumbling net kept ringing, indicating that this guy would almost never miss his shot.

Of course, the position in which he practices shooting is also very strange. Not mid-range, not even from beyond the three-point line, but two steps beyond the three-point line!

Being able to shoot two steps beyond the three-point line and still maintain a hit rate, even though there is no one to defend him, there is no doubt that this is impossible without the world's top shooting ability.

The guard kept shooting like this. Once the shot was made, he would change the angle and continue shooting. Repeatedly, it wasn't until his fortieth shot that the basketball finally hit the basket. Seeing this, the little defender shook his head, seemingly disappointed with his performance.

However, this is actually very difficult. If Yiyang is asked to make such a move, he may have to hit the iron four or five times.

"Aren't you going back?" At this moment, a white player poked his head in from the door of the training hall. "If you want to leave, let's go together."

"No, Klay, I haven't finished my shooting training yet." The skinny guard waved his hand.

"I really can't do anything about you. If you score 40 points on Yi's head the day after tomorrow, don't forget to drag me to take a photo." The white player named Clay smiled and then waved goodbye to his teammates. I didn't interrupt his training anymore.

The door to the training hall was closed, and the guard stood up again and picked up the basketball. The "swish" sound of the tumbling net and the "bang bang" sound caused by the impact of the basketball and the wooden floor intertwined into beautiful music, making this guy become more and more energetic as he shot, without feeling tired at all.

Yiyang? I really want to see what I can do in front of a strong enemy!

Thinking of this, the short-haired defender with the name "Curry" written on the back of his jersey couldn't help but smile like a child.

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