One Guard

Chapter 729: Adapt or stick to it

Three-pointers, this word now seems to have become a Warriors patent. After all, no team in the entire league can match the Warriors' ability to use three-pointers.

Even though Yiyang intercepted the "Splash Brothers" three-point title in the All-Star Three-Point Contest last month, this point has not changed.

However, the Mavericks are actually not weak in their proficiency beyond the three-point line this season. However, they rely more on damage in the penalty area and mid-range. Three-point shooting is just an auxiliary method.

After DeAndre Jordan made an incredible three-pointer, the Mavericks players seemed a little eager to try.

So, as soon as the Mavericks came up for the first offense, Yiyang played a classic pick-and-roll with Nowitzki.

Yiyang broke through the screen and attracted the defense of Paul and Griffin. The moment he took Griffin away, Yiyang passed the ball to Dirk.

Dirk Nowitzki, whose average of 17.3 points per game this season has undoubtedly made him withdraw from the ranks of superstars. But if you put him outside the three-point line so recklessly, you will definitely pay a price.

Dirk is like an ancient but accurate trebuchet. The arc of the basketball he throws is often very high, but always accurate!

"Return with a three-pointer! Dirk Nowitzki showed no mercy. Unbelievable, can you believe it? Dirk actually competed with DeAndre Jordan for a three-pointer on the court. It seems that today, Dirk's desire to attack is also very high. So strong!”

"If you stick to Dirk, I'll take care of it!" Paul whispered in Griffin's ear. If he hadn't given Griffin face, Paul would have just cursed him.

With such a big three-point point placed there, Griffin could actually ignore it.

But in fact, Griffin also had his own ideas. He was afraid that Paul would not be able to guard Yiyang, so he chose to defend. Who knew Yiyang was so active in passing the ball?

Paul didn't expect that the 3-point advantage would be recovered so quickly. The Mavericks, which has always preferred to end offenses in the three-second zone and mid-range, actually chose to take the lead from outside the three-point line today.

But Paul didn't panic. It was easier to play against the Mavericks than against the Warriors. Because of the Warriors' horrific three-point shooting percentage, as long as you let them have an offensive climax, the game will basically be taken away.

But the Mavericks won't. As long as Yiyang doesn't allow continuous counterattacks, the game will come to an end.

In the last game, the Lakers went through the first three quarters like this. Unfortunately, in the last quarter, no one on the Lakers could resist Yiyang's attack.

But the Clippers are different. The Clippers have Chris Paul.

Playing slowly and steadily is the Clippers' strategy today. You must not be impatient when playing against the Mavericks. Once you become impatient, the Mavericks will take over the rhythm.

But today, the Mavericks' defense was sturdier than the Clippers'. Everyone sticks to their opponent and believes that their teammates can watch them to death.

Seeing that Paul had no chance, Griffin had to cover him again. In this attack, Paul's organization was very similar to Yiyang's just now.

He attracted the defense through breakthroughs, but eventually passed the ball to Griffin who stayed outside the three-point line after the pick-and-roll.

The entire tactic was executed perfectly, and Paul's passing ability was enough to compete with Yiyang. The only difference is that Griffin and Nowitzki's three-point shooting abilities are not at the same level.

There was a wide open three-pointer, but Griffin shot an iron shot. This season, Griffin's 40% three-point shooting percentage looks very impressive. A 40% shooting rate from beyond the three-point line is the level of a top shooter.

But is Griffin a top shooter? Obviously not. The reason why his three-point shooting percentage is so high is that he only takes 0.4 three-pointers per game and hits 0.1. Faced with such a small sample, Griffin's three-point shooting percentage is completely worthless.

Just like Jordan, his three-point shooting percentage this season is 100%. But you can't just rely on this to say that Jordan is an epoch-making super shooter.

Griffin can shoot three-pointers well, but is extremely unstable. This is Carlisle's evaluation of him.

After grabbing the rebound, Gobert handed the ball to Yiyang. The Clippers retreated quickly, but the Mavericks' offensive pace was also not slow. This time, Yiyang threw the ball directly to the right corner. Over there, Iguodala was just in place!

Matt Barnes, the "evil guy" who was defending Iguodala, pressed forward ferociously. But he was smart and did not run directly to press closely. Instead, he let Iguodala take two steps. In this way, the opponent will be prevented from taking advantage of the opportunity for the forward center of gravity to break through.

Iguodala saw that Barnes didn't come up to him, so he decisively took a shot from the bottom corner!

Iguodala made Barnes pay the price for taking it for granted, and the Mavericks hit their second three-pointer. It seems that today, the Clippers are having trouble with three-pointers.

"Matt's defense was too hesitant. This is not his style. I think the Clippers were a little too cautious?" Kenny Smith touched his chin. On the offensive end, the Clippers were a little too cautious. He is afraid of his hands and feet, but he is still afraid of his hands and feet on the defensive end.

He understands Paul's current mood of wanting to keep the team's third position in the Western Conference, but sometimes being overly cautious is not a good thing.

6 to 3. So far, all the points scored by both sides have been through long shots. It seems that today, the three-pointer will definitely become the key word of this game.

Even though the Mavericks have scored two three-pointers in a row, Clippers coach Doc Rivers is not panicking.

Iguodala's three-point shooting percentage is good, but he only averages 6.8 shots per game, and Carlisle will not give him too many shooting opportunities.

The same principle can be applied to Nowitzki. It is normal for these guys to score several three-pointers in a game, and there is no need to be nervous about it. Because a few occasional hits will not change the situation of the game.

Shrinking the defense was intentional on Rivers' part. He believes in data and he believes in video. The Mavericks cannot change their style of play overnight. The mid-range and penalty area are where he needs to defend.

Rivers is now more worried about the Clippers' offense than defense.

The game reached the third minute of the first quarter, and sure enough, the Mavericks did not continue to fire from beyond the three-point line. The Clippers' offense has gradually found its rhythm, and it looks like this will be a tug-of-war.

Yiyang's mid-range pull-up jumper was blocked by Paul. This was probably due to the help of Barnes, which delayed Yiyang's speed.

Fortunately, Nowitzki actively grabbed the offensive rebound and barely succeeded in dunking on the spot. Dirk has rarely dunked this season. Fans were very excited to see him once again dunk with a bounce of less than 50 centimeters.

But Carlisle off the court shook his head. This attack was originally a failure. It seems that today, the Clippers really put a lot of effort into the mid-range and three-second zone.

It's not impossible to continue to waste time with the Clippers, but Carlisle doesn't want to do that. Last month, the Mavericks could win in two overtimes with the Thunder, but this was of no benefit to the Mavericks.

To win, but not to let the players consume too much, this is Carlisle's ideal game.

In the first quarter of the game, both sides played very anxiously. Paul was heavily guarded by Yiyang, but he used his passing to manage the Clippers' offense in an orderly manner. Yiyang got to experience how powerful the Clippers' defense was today, especially after they put Matt Barnes in the starting lineup.

The second lineups of both sides did not perform well. Rivers has worked hard on the Mavericks, and his defensive setup makes it difficult for the Mavericks' favorite offenses.

24 to 21, after the first quarter, the Clippers led by 3 points.

During the break, Carlisle wasted no time. He took his little bench and sat among the players, and took off the cap of the marker.

"Also, Tony, Vince, Aminu, Dirk, you will start in the second quarter." Carlisle made a temporary change of formation. Aren't you going to guard against my mid-range shots and goals? No problem, let me give it to you! "Let's play a three-point shooting strategy!"

Throughout the break, Carlisle was writing and drawing on the tactical board. As for Rivers, he is more like a "spiritual" coach. The tactics are very simple, but a lot of time is spent on boosting the team's morale.

He believed there was nothing left to change tactically. In evenly matched situations, whoever has stronger willpower will be able to persevere to the end.

But when the Mavericks' lineup came up for the second quarter, Rivers was dumbfounded.

"Is that Carlisle guy crazy? He is giving up rebounds and penalty areas!" Rivers' assistant coach Tyronn Lue expressed his feelings for him.

It is Rivers' speculation to open up the space to create singles opportunities for Yiyang. Otherwise, Carlisle would have no reason to field such a bizarre lineup.

When Yiyang crossed the midfield line, the other four members of the Mavericks team all pulled outside the three-point line, which fulfilled Rivers' suspicion.

"Stop joking, do you want to win by beating Paul alone!?" Rivers was a little angry. Carlisle looked down on his star player.

Yiyang forced a break through Paul, but Paul naturally did not let Yiyang succeed easily. The physical confrontation between the two was very fierce, but Yiyang still managed to reach the three-second zone. Griffin came up to defend, and now that Nowitzki has Jordan taking care of him, he can finally rest assured to defend Yiyang.

As for Aminu's sometimes-ineffective projection, Griffin also kept a secret. If Yiyang passes the ball, he will react quickly and make up for it.

But the reality was not as good as Griffin thought. When Yiyang squeezed to the basket and sent the ball out from under Griffin's crotch, he had no time to do anything. Griffin thought he could make up the defense in time, but that was all.

Aminu made a steady three-pointer from the bottom corner. The three-point line was a vacuum for the Clippers' defense. Do you think the Warriors can stop guarding three-pointers? Rivers, you can try.

In the second attack, Dirk and Yiyang's thugs exchanged hands. Paul and Jordan both took a step back, preparing to deal with Yiyang's breakthrough.

But after Yiyang took the basketball from Dirk, he jumped directly from outside the three-point line! Although Yiyang's three-point attempts per game are not as exaggerated as Curry and Thompson, he is still the champion of the three-point contest.

Yiyang's movements were decisive and the ball scored cleanly! With just two attacks, the Mavericks took the lead by two points.

"Are they playing a three-point tactic?" Tyronn Lue looked at Rivers, maybe it was time to change his defensive strategy.

However, Rivers waved his hand. "You can't change it. If you change your defensive strategy, it will play into Carlisle's hands!"

As a result, the Clippers allowed the Mavericks to score their third consecutive three-pointer in the second quarter. This time it was Aminu's pick-and-roll, and Yiyang continued to use the screen to break through. As always, Barnes came over to block Yiyang for Paul, but Yiyang passed the ball to Carter the moment Barnes came over.

Matt Barnes is definitely a "mad dog" type of player, he is very aggressive on defense and very active. The moment Carter received the ball, Barnes had actually made it up again.

But Carter still didn't hesitate. With such a good shooting rhythm, Carter didn't want to waste it!

He caught the ball and shot from outside the three-point line on the right side of the basket. Old Carter's decisiveness made Barnes' interference in vain. The Nets rolled up the white waves again! After hitting three consecutive three-pointers, Rivers' defensive tactics were obviously targeted!

Some coaches are good at planning before a game, while others are good at improvising on the spot. There is no doubt that Rivers belongs to the former. Paying attention to the established plan and less than flexibility is Rivers's advantage and disadvantage.

He firmly believed in data and video analysis, and he still believed that Carlisle, who was holding a small notebook in his hand, was just feinting.

But until Yiyang received Nowitzki's pass and hit the Mavericks' fifth three-pointer in the second quarter, Rivers finally couldn't sit still!

"The game stopped, and the Mavericks scored five three-pointers to the Clippers as soon as they started! Coach Rivers called the timeout a little late. Now the Mavericks have gained momentum, and the point difference has been widened to double digits!"

It took the Clippers less than five minutes to go from a three-point lead to a twelve-point deficit. Rivers had been waiting for the Mavericks to hit a three-pointer of their own, but they didn't! And it seems that as long as there is no pressure on them, they can keep going like this!

After Yiyang came on the court in the second quarter, he immediately scored 6 points and 3 assists. All five of the Mavericks' three-pointers came from his hands.

Killing the game with three-pointers is not the Warriors' patent!

Rivers grabbed his thick red neck and shouted, asking the players to expand their defense beyond the three-point line. But sometimes, change comes too late and nothing can be changed.

"Next, let's defend with all our strength and let's keep the point difference!" Carlisle smiled. Maybe the Los Angeles team really has the curse of being unable to beat the Mavericks.

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