One Guard

Chapter 879: Career Planning

The fifth NBA championship trophy, at the age of 28, Yiyang already has one hand full of championship rings. For comparison, the great O'Neal "only" won four championships in his entire career. Until Kobe Bryant retired, the number of championships was the same as Yiyang's now. LeBron James has only received two, Durant has only received one, and Harden, Westbrook, Anthony and others have not received one yet...

Even compared with stars of different eras, Yiyang Ye's achievements are definitely great enough. At the same time, no one could compare with Yiyang in terms of honor.

During the past three consecutive championships, people were still discussing whether Yiyang was the greatest player in the league. But now, when Yiyang has reached the top again after a year, this discussion has no meaning at all. Yiyang, he is synonymous with victory and championship. If he can't be called the greatest star, who can?

"Eight years of career, five NBA championships. What else can I say, he is simply a championship predator!"

"The greatest international player, the greatest Chinese player, the greatest Mavericks player, the greatest professional player...I can put these 'greatest' labels on Yiyang without hesitation. body without causing any controversy!”

"This is only the eighth year of Yi's career. If he plays until the age of 40 like Dirk and Carter, God knows how many more championship trophies Yi can win!"

"Five championships in eight years, Yiyang seems to have reminded me of the all-powerful Michael Jordan back then! No, maybe this guy can even break the records of Jordan's two dynasties!"

Yiyang has become the most high-profile basketball player in the world. Even LeBron James and Kevin Durant are far less popular than Yiyang. Yes, in the 1990s, the popularity of great stars such as Olajuwon was also incomparable to Jordan.

Because of this, Yiyang's life this summer will be surrounded by various commercial activities. The time he can stay to spend with his family is very little.

After a holiday, the number of days spent with family is numbered.

I originally thought that after Vignali retired, this big family would never be separated. However, Yiyang's increasingly busy work did not make the situation much better.

Yiyang felt that every time he saw his son, he was different from before. Children grow up very quickly at this age, and it often takes Yiyang only ten days and a half to go home. Before he could react, the boy was walking more and more agilely, and his body was getting bigger and bigger.

In August, Yiyang finally had some free time. He took his family to a small fishing village in Switzerland. Although there were no brightly lit high-rise buildings there, it was at least a good place for a quiet vacation.

"Come on, Dad, let's go fishing!" Early in the morning, when the sun had just penetrated the window, Xiaoyi raised his fishing rod and shouted in the room.

"The fish haven't woken up yet, man. You go and sleep for a while, we'll set off in an hour!"

"Oh my God, my son is just like you. He can never be idle." Vignali leaned on Yiyang's chest. After a year, it was rare for her to have such a chance to sleep on Yiyang's chest.

"Vig... I have really worked hard on you during this period. There are too many commercial activities this offseason, and Mr. Duffy said they are all relatively important activities, so... there is no way. Fortunately, you are here to take care of the family."

"Why bother? This is your own home. But you really have to spend time with Xiaoyi. He often bursts into tears because he can't see you."

"Well...I guess..."

"Otherwise, let's have another child! In this way, Xiao Yi will have a playmate." Before Yi Yang could finish speaking, Vignali glanced at Yi Yang excitedly.

“Well…if you have another child, I’m afraid I won’t have time to take care of you.


Before Yiyang could react, Vignali covered the two of them completely with a quilt. An hour...maybe that's enough.

It was already noon when Yiyang's family went out with their fishing rods in the gentle sunshine. As soon as he walked out of his accommodation, Yiyang felt extremely comfortable.

This small fishing village in Switzerland may be the most beautiful fishing village in the world.

Gandria, a place that most people have never heard of, is a romantic and colorful small fishing village located on the shores of Lake Lugano. On the border with the Italian territory of the Lugano Lake District, a cute mountain village spreads out diagonally along the lake. The entire village feels like it is built on cliffs. At the foot of the mountain is the turquoise Lake Lugano.

car? They are absolutely not allowed to enter the village. Even if it could, the car wouldn't be able to drive in. Because the streets in the village are very narrow, only enough for people to pass by on foot.

Getting around the village is via steep steps and narrow paths. Charming cobblestone paths, colorful houses, secluded courtyards and stone steps winding to the lakeside give the entire village a romantic atmosphere.

To say it is colorful here is not an embellishment, but it is true. The houses in the village built in the 16th and 17th centuries are decorated with colorful murals, as if the entire mountainside is painted with color. The rich Italian style of the village will give people the illusion that this is a small fishing village? It’s simply heaven!

Walking on the narrow cobblestone path in the village, the villagers all smiled and greeted Yiyang's family politely. Here, some people don't watch basketball at all, so they don't know Yiyang. Even if some people know Yiyang, they will not come forward to disturb him out of politeness.

This is why Yiyang chose to take his family here for vacation, because only here can Yiyang find true tranquility.

When he was in the Wood District, Yiyang longed for high-rise buildings and bright lights. But now that he is really rich, he likes this kind of simple place.

Of course, the things Yiyang yearns for are different from before. In the past, he was still a little devil who had one meal but no one. But now, he is a mature man nearly 30 years old. Don’t people talk about it? Standing at 30!

Following the path down the mountain, Yiyang's family walked to the lakeside. Since it has not been over-developed, the water quality is really good. With the endless emerald green as far as the eye can see, Vignelli took out her camera and took a photo. Even without a filter, it was still a beautiful picture.

"Come on, Xiaoyi, daddy is here to teach you how to fish today! First, we must prepare the bait..."

Seeing Yiyang and Yiyi squatting on the ground preparing fishing bait, Vignali and Wenxue couldn't help but smile knowingly. Perhaps, this is the happy smile of a woman when she sees her son.

"These two guys look like they are the same age now."

"Haven't you heard a saying? Vignelie. Boys never grow up..."

One sunny afternoon, Yiyang and his son were fishing on the shore, while Vignali and Wenxue were preparing an outdoor barbecue. Many local villagers came to offer the freshest ingredients. Compared to the Wood District, the people here are simply kind angels!

Of course, Yiyang, who was clumsy in anything other than basketball, could not catch any big fish. Later, Yiyang hugged his son and jumped into the water. The father and son played in the water for a whole afternoon before finally stopping.

After Yiyang came ashore, he saw the whole family sitting together neatly, with laughter and laughter. He suddenly felt that he felt even happier than when he won the O'Brien Cup two months ago...

Maybe it's really time for me to spend more time with my family. But then I thought about it, next month, the training camp for the new season will start again... It is almost impossible for professional players to stay with their families for a long time, unless... ..

"What a wonderful day, even better than winning the O'Brien Cup." Yiyang, who had been playing with his son for an afternoon, sat down on the lounge chair exhausted. The sun in Gondria was not harsh at all, but Yiyang actually enjoyed it. This feeling of sunlight gently hitting your face.

"By the way, I heard that Vince has renewed his contract with the Mavericks for another year?" Vignali was chatting, thinking of the news she saw a few days ago, "If I remember correctly, Vince is 41 It’s so old!”

"Well, Vince renewed his contract again. Although he is 41 years old, he is still in competitive shape. Dirk also renewed his contract, with a salary of 5 million a year. People said that Mark was crazy and that he was running a nursing home, but I I think the price is very suitable." Yiyang thought of the old guys who accompanied him to win the championship, and couldn't help but smile.

"These two guys are really old naughty boys. What about you? Yi, do you also plan to fight until you are in your forties?" Vignali just asked casually, but Yi Yang was thinking seriously in his mind.


Yiyang looked at his wife, son, mother, and this beautiful afternoon. In the past, Yiyang felt that the basketball court was where he belonged. But now, the happiness and sense of accomplishment he gets at home are much more than the happiness and sense of accomplishment he gets on the basketball court. At this time, in Yiyang's heart, family really comes first.

"Maybe I will retire after winning two more championships to build a second dynasty."

"Then if you never get it, will you never retire?" Vignali joked.

"Damn it, you crow mouth, stop talking," Yiyang took off his sunglasses and looked at his wife confidently.

"There's no way I can't get it!"

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