One Hundred Thousand Formations Are Engraved On The Body, To Send Warmth To The Demon

Chapter 071 Bull Cup 666 Shout Out To Me (Please Ask For Flowers And Evaluation Tickets)

"Others are gone, as you use your best skills.

"it is good."

Then both sides laughed.

Hou Zhen and the others laughed.

It is stable.

Lin Fan's smile is a smile that refuses to admit defeat.

I still don't believe it.

Leave from the canteen on the second floor.

Lin Fan and the others returned to their respective companies.

In the first month of a recruit's enlistment, there are two main things.

One is training.

The other is to adapt to the life of the barracks as soon as possible.

Generally do not arrange sentry and similar tasks.

Train during the day.

There are generally no arrangements in the evening, and it is considered free time.

Lin Fan returned to his dormitory in deep thought.

Because he is now the commander of the tenth company, his dormitory was moved out of the third company during the day.

Now he is sitting on the bed.

All I can think about is betting.

Although it's not a big deal.

But Lin Fan is an unyielding character.

He still cares about it.

Look at the experience recorded today.

densely packed.


But Lin Fan is very clear.

Using the company commander's experience of 19, it is definitely impossible to defeat them.

You have to think of a new way of thinking.

The sword goes slanted.

"The improvement of strength, one is related to talent, and the other is linked to one's own efforts.

"Being able to graduate from the Advanced Martial Arts Academy and successfully join the military camp shows that their talents are not bad.

"Then I can only work on their efforts."

Lin Fan's notebook also recorded a lot of experiences Hou Zhen and the others said they had in spurring soldiers to work hard.


But Lin Fan thinks.

Cultivation is a personal matter.

The spur definitely has a role.

But it's better to let them take the initiative and work hard on their own.

It's like a student learning.

Even if the parents hold a stick to spur.

Students may be pretending to learn at that time.

But if parents can't see it at a glance, they may let themselves go again.

If the students themselves know how to learn.

That's the best.

This puts the parents at ease.

Children also get better grades.

The reason is very simple.

But the difficulty lies in what method to use to let them learn actively.

Lin Fan thought and thought.

For a while, I really had no idea.

Think about it.

Lin Fan almost fell asleep.

Suddenly, Lin Fan sat up from the bed with a jolt.

Just now he suddenly had an inspiration.

I thought of a wonderful way.


I thought about it over and over again.

This method absolutely works.

A smile bloomed on the corner of his mouth.

Then fell back to sleep.

The next day, correction.

I don't know what's going on.

All companies have tightened their grip on training.

Shilian also came here today.

The other companies have been training for a few days, and this is the first time they have assembled in the school field.

Lin Fan stands in front of the queue.

"Does anyone know about military exploits?"

Lin Fan suddenly asked.

"Report, know."

Someone responded.

"Tell me."

Lin Fandao


"Military merit is closely related to military rank, and any cultivation resources need to be exchanged for military merit. It can be said that military merit is very, very important."

said the soldier.

"Then do you know how military achievements come from?"

Lin Fan asked again.

"Make meritorious service, complete tasks and kill beasts."

"For meritorious service and completing tasks, the rewards will be based on the merits and the difficulty of the task. If you kill a ferocious beast, you can get ten points of military merit for killing a low-level ferocious beast, and you can get fifty points for beheading a mid-level ferocious beast." Military merit."

"If you kill a high-level beast, you can get 100 points of military merit."

The soldier replied enthusiastically.

"Very good, then do you know, under normal circumstances, how much military merit a mid-level martial artist can get on average in a year?"

Lin Fan asked again.


This time it was difficult for the soldier.


It was Ge Zhenhua's voice.

Ge Zhenhua said: "My cousin once told me that when he was an intermediate martial artist, he worked hard for a year and could not earn a thousand military merits.

"That's pretty accurate."

Lin Fan smiled: "Since military merit is so important, and it seems that it is not easy to obtain military merit, then, do you want military merit?"


Everyone spoke in unison.

Not to mention military rank.

Military merit alone is related to cultivation resources.

Who doesn't want military merit?

But it's really hard to get military merit...

"The goal I set for myself is to earn 700 military merits in the first year and I will be satisfied."

"Seven hundred, how dare you think about it. The task is difficult. If we kill the beast, we are still recruits. Let alone kill the beast, we will probably feel weak when we see the beast. Five hundred is about the same."

"I can't help it. I have to fight. If I don't have military achievements, how can I exchange resources."

A few people in the queue beeped softly.

At this time Lin Fan spoke:

"I'll give you a chance now, without you having to do missions, and without having to face fierce beasts."

"In a week, he was promoted from an intermediate warrior to a senior warrior."

"I reward each person with 2,000 military merits."


Lin Fan's voice fell, and the entire company suddenly set off a huge uproar.

"Did I hear correctly..."

"Under normal circumstances, risking great dangers, exhausting yourself, and earning less than a thousand military merits, the company commander just needs to practice hard and reach a high-level warrior within a week, and he can earn two thousand military merits?"

"Company commander, you are kidding us."

Lin Fan: "Do you think I am teasing you?"

"Company commander, even if what you said is true, do you have so many military achievements? After all, you have just joined the army.

Some people say it like a thief.

Two thousand for one person, one hundred and twenty for a company.

This is 240,000 military merits.

A super super scary number.

Lin Fan smiled, took out his warrior medal, and called out his military merits.

"See for yourself."

"Fuck, what a long string of numbers..."

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand... It's no good, my eyes are blurred."

"More than 800,000..."

"I stepped on the horse and knelt down." 723

"It's over just by kneeling? Awesome 666 shouted at me."

"Didn't you say that you can't earn a thousand military merits a year after working so hard? Why is there such a big gap between people?"

"No wonder the company commander dared to boast about Haikou."

"Has no humanity."

"Brothers, give it a go and turn a bicycle into a motorcycle."

"I did it."

"Oh, oh, I'm bound to win these two thousand military merits."

One by one suddenly seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood.

Lin Fan is very satisfied with their current state.

No need to do tasks.

Take no chances.

There is no need to face fierce beasts.

If you work hard like this for a week, you can be as good as normal for two years.

What's more, it's not me who increases my income by strength.

Who can resist this attraction?

"Okay, I've said everything that needs to be said, and I won't waste your time, you can arrange it yourself."


Lin Fan left with his hands behind his back.


In the same school.

In fact, Hou Zhen, Wang Hu and the others were secretly paying attention to Lin Fan from the beginning to the end.

Hearing that the Tenth Company set off a huge uproar.


It's quite good at mobilizing emotions.

But it's useless.

No matter how high the morale is, it can't match the heat of three minutes.

People are lazy.

Boosting morale is one thing.

What's more important is strict discipline and relentless encouragement.

It depends on what Lin Fan does next.


Lin Fan is gone...

how did he go?

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