Just like yesterday's high-intensity training.

His boxing strength has only increased by two hundred in one day.

And after a comfortable sleep, the punching strength can be equal to that of the daytime for six or seven days.

This is too unbelievable.

Could it be...

Could it be that I trained so hard yesterday that I accidentally opened up Ren and Du's two channels, and now I have become a master of martial arts like no other in a million?


There is no better explanation than this.


Hee hee hee.

Ge Zhenhua suddenly felt that life was full of hope.

The future looks bright.

It may not be long before I become the next Lin Fan.

Look at these brothers in the company again.

Originally, Ge Zhenhua was not outstanding in Shilian.

Can only be considered average.

But now.

Humph, I just want to say that everyone here is...

"Damn it, your fist strength has increased by more than a thousand."

"Yeah yeah."

"Me too. Me too.

"It's simply too unreal. "727" is real."

"The pie fell from the sky on our heads."

"I used to hear that the harder you work, the luckier you get. I didn't really believe it, but now I believe it."

The rest of the company chattered excitedly.

Ge Zhenhua didn't finish his sentence and almost died.

I thought I was born out of nowhere.

Become the most dazzling new star after the company commander.

It was brilliant.

As a result, it's all...

"The guy just said is right, the harder you work, the luckier you are, let's continue to practice.

"That's right."

"Ooooh, practice."

A group of people are now very encouraged, and everyone seems to have been injected with chicken blood.

And so the day passed.

After a day of super-intensive training, his strength increased by about 200 due to multiple punches.

At night, they dragged their tired bodies back to the dormitory one by one.


She slept very sweetly.

The night passed, and it was dawn.

Another day of liveliness.

Came to the school field full of anticipation.

A punch on the dynamometer.

The fist strength actually increased by more than a thousand.

Surprised or not?

Is it unexpected?

After a burst of jubilation, everyone went into training again.

But there are also "smart" people.

Everyone else is training now.

Ge Zhenhua rushed to the dormitory.

He understood it.

After a day of hard training, the strength of the fist will increase by two hundred.

After a good night's sleep, his fist strength increased by more than a thousand.

Then you have to choose to sleep.

He is rushing to the dormitory now, just to sleep.

He was also smug.

Such a simple truth, even my comrades-in-arms couldn't understand it.

Fortunately, I am smart.

It seems that I want to leave them far away.

Ge Zhenhua returned to the dormitory, covered himself with a quilt and began to sleep soundly.

Before going to sleep, he still fantasized about it, and when he woke up, he mentioned more than a thousand more.

His fist strength was more than 3,000.

Increased by more than 1,000 for two consecutive days.

It's more than 6,000 now.

Then when I wake up, I may be a high-level warrior.

Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck.

This is something I didn't even dare to think about before.

These are all high-level warriors soon.

I'm so excited I can't sleep.

No, I must sleep.

How do you become a high-level martial artist without sleeping?

Then Ge Zhenhua started counting sheep.

One sheep, two sheep, three sheep...

Three thousand three hundred and forty-two sheep...

Lin Fan had breakfast and came to the school field.


Why is there one less person?

After asking, I found out it was Ge Zhenhua.

A soldier said he saw Ge Zhenhua go back to the dormitory.

Lin Fan was puzzled.

Didn't you just wake up soon?

Why did you go back to the dormitory again?

Is it because you are not feeling well?

As a company commander, Lin Fan still cares about the soldiers very much.

He hurried to the dormitory.

"Five thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine sheep..."

Ge Zhenhua finally felt drowsy, and now he was counting mechanically, and he was about to fall asleep.

"Ge Zhenhua, Ge Zhenhua, wake up.

Lin Fan patted Ge Zhenhua's face with a very concerned tone.

Ge Zhenhua woke up suddenly.

He wants to die now...

Lin Fan asked about his situation.

Are you feeling unwell?

Ge Zhenhua had no reservations about the company commander, and directly expressed his thoughts.

After listening to Ge Zhenhua's words.

Lin Fan had a weird expression, but he was still suppressing a smile in his heart.

This guy...

What a talent.

"Okay, your idea is very unique. It's not bad to try it out boldly. Write a 5,000-word report to me later. If it is true and effective, it will be promoted."

Lin Fan said.


Ge Zhenhua was encouraged.

I also saluted Lin Fan.

The company commander is really enlightened.

I am now ordered to sleep.

The company commander entrusted himself with a heavy responsibility.

He deeply felt the company commander's expectations of him.

Guaranteed to complete the task.

He's more agitated now, though, and falling asleep is more of a challenge.

How many times did I count sheep?

have to...

Count again.

one sheep two sheep three sheep

Wang Hu, Hou Zhen, and the others learned that today's tenth company's collective strength has increased by more than a thousand...

They were suddenly Spartan.

"Is it so mysterious?"

"According to this progress, one day, Lin Fan's soldiers will all become high-level fighters."

"We lost this time."

"Winning or losing is now secondary. If we can unravel this matter and find the secret of Shi Lian's leaping strength, then we can also replicate the miracle of Shi Lian."

"Fuck, yeah, why didn't I think of this."

"It's quite normal during the day. After a hard day, the punch strength increases by more than 200, mainly at night.

"Then let's go to Shilian dormitory to sleep at night."

"Yes, let's find out."

"No, how can we tell Lin Fan then?"

"What to say, what are we so thick-skinned to be afraid of?"

The day passed quickly.

Night fell.

Ge Zhenhua, who finally fell asleep, has slept until now.

The first thing he did when he woke up was to rush to the school field impatiently.

Standing in front of the dynamometer, he punched all the time.


Numbers...exactly the same as measured this morning.

how can that be.


Still the same...

At that time, others were stupid.

After ten o'clock in the evening, everyone dragged their tired bodies back to the dormitory.

Ge Zhenhua returned to the dormitory in a daze.

I am clever but I am mistaken by cleverness.

After waking up, the high-level warrior did not realize it.

It also dropped everyone's two hundred punches.

Now I feel like dying.

After simple washing and cleaning, many people began to rest in bed.

At this time, several people rushed in with 3.9 bedding,

It was Hou Zhen, Wang Hu and the others.

Everyone didn't know which part the company commanders sang.

They all stared blankly.

"Hush! Go to sleep."

Being stared at in a daze by so many people, Hou Zhen blushed.

"Commander, why are you here?"

At this time Lin Fan saw them.

"Our brothers want to have a long talk with you all night."

"Today we just want to sleep somewhere else."

"We came to you to take refuge."

three people...

Three rhetoric.

The atmosphere is awkward.

"Uh...cough I fell asleep, I was really exhausted training recruits during the day."

"Ah, oh, yes, yes, I am sleepy."

After talking, several people chose a place, made up their beds, lay down on the bed and pretended to sleep.

Lin Fan pouted.

I'm ashamed to tear you apart. .

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