"somebody is coming."

Before everyone rested, the guards found that someone was approaching here.

Xiang Ji and Zhou Di went over at the same time: "Human or metal?"


They are now on the second floor. Although the trees cover them a lot, they can still see a group of people approaching them.

"There are people from the Beacon Group." Zhou Di has already recognized that the people walking on the edge are his own people: "I'll go down and have a look."

Xiang Ji frowned, but didn't stop him.

After all, in the restricted area, it is best for people to gather together. . .



Ling Qiong didn't seem to care about what happened, and took out water and food to feed Qu Lanshen.

Qu Lanshen was already numb to Lingqiong's feeling out of thin air, she was a god, and it was normal for her to have unpredictable means.

"Are you still eating?"


Ling Qiong glanced at Qu Lanshen's stomach: "I'll be full after eating this..."

Qu Lanshen: "I'm not very hungry." He didn't walk much, and Xiang Ji gave him something to eat before, so how could he be hungry.

"Oh." Ling Qiong put away the things: "Then eat when you are hungry."


Qu Lan felt a little awkward being treated like a child by her.

Qu Lan took a deep look at the tiger lying on the side: "Does it want to eat?"

"Go and find something to eat yourself." Ling Qiong said to the tiger, "By the way, patrol around and don't let things that don't have long eyes touch you."

The tiger gave a low growl and jumped directly from the second floor.



On the other side, Zhou Di had brought the group up, nearly twenty people.

Half of them were members of the Fenghuo Group, and the other half were young boys and girls. Judging by their clothes, they were probably the children of dignitaries.

"Their spaceship was also attacked by the metal man, and the escape pod fell into the restricted area." Zhou Di explained to Xiang Ji.

Xiang Ji asked Fang Zhao to gather all of them together, and distanced himself from the newcomers.

He didn't expect this group of people to bring a group of young children, these people are unstable factors.

"Do you have anything to eat?" Among the group of young children, a boy said to Zhou Di, "Give us some food and water."

He took it for granted, as if Zhou Di was his subordinate.

Zhou Di's task has nothing to do with them, so he looked indifferent at this moment: "We don't have much food..."

"Then you still have more." The other party didn't listen, and asked directly: "Hurry up and give it to us."


"Team Zhou, if you still have food, share some with us. We'll figure out a way to see if we can find something to eat after dawn." The leader of the Fenghuo Group said, "We really don't have anything to eat today. , if you don’t replenish your energy, you won’t be able to leave tomorrow.”

Zhou Di seemed to know the team leader, he was silent for a while, and asked someone to bring them some food.

"That's all? Who can eat enough?"

The team member who took the food suddenly became unhappy, "Then don't eat it."

"What's your attitude?" The boy suddenly raised his eyebrows: "Do you know who I am?"

Team member: "..."

It doesn't matter who you are, if you enter the restricted area, it's still unclear whether you will live or die.

These young masters who are protected in the ivory tower probably don't know what they are facing.

The team members probably had Zhou Di's reminder, so they didn't bother with the boy, put down the food, turned around and left.

"You stop!"

Reluctantly, the boy stepped forward and grabbed his arm.

"Did I let you go?"

"Enough!" The team leader on the opposite side stopped the boy, "This is a restricted area, stop messing around!"

"You are here to protect us, how can you help them..."

Ling Qiong quarreled over there for a while, and finally ended the farce with a reprimand from the team leader on the opposite side.



The team leader is also very annoying to receive this task, but he has to obey the arrangement above and cannot disobey the order.

After setting up these little bastards, the team leader sat aside and observed Xiang Ji and the others. When he saw Qu Lanshen near the window, his expression changed slightly.

"Team Zhou." The leader got up and found Zhou Di: "Have you caught Qu Lanshen?"

Zhou Di was taken aback, "Catch?"

Why arrest him?

Qu Lanshen... Qu Lanshen...


Zhou Di heard Ling Qiong call the boy during the day, and it was indeed the name, but he didn't have time to think about it at the time.

At this time, he was reminded by the team leader that he seemed to remember that this name appeared on the arrest warrant.

The photo on the arrest warrant looked much smaller than Qu Lanshen at this time, and he didn't open his eyes at all, so he just thought it looked familiar at the time.

"Where did you catch him?" asked the leader.


He didn't catch it!

Zhou Di didn't even know how to deal with the team leader.

"We just met by chance..." Zhou Di said euphemistically: "Now in the restricted area, it is more important to survive, and other things are not important."

The team leader frowned, "Do you think we can leave the restricted area?"

Along the way today, they also lost people.

He also brought a group of little bastards...

"..." As long as you don't make trouble, it should be fine! "In the team..."


Shouts pierced the night.

Zhou Di and the team leader looked there at the same time.

The majestic tiger threw a boy to the ground, with its sharp fangs hanging under the boy's neck, as if it would bite off the boy's neck in the next second.

"Don't!" Seeing that the person on the team leader was about to shoot, Zhou Di hurried over: "Don't shoot!!"

The tiger grinned at Zhou Di and pressed his paws on the boy's chest.

The boy screamed again and again.

Zhou Di pulled the rest away, and stopped the leader who wanted to save people.

The team leader glanced at Xiang Ji and the others who were sitting quietly on the other side, then at Zhou Di, and raised his hand to signal everyone not to act rashly.

Zhou Di: "What's going on?"

Among the group of people huddled behind the soldiers of the Fenghuo Group, one of them trembled, "It suddenly jumped in and jumped on Zhan Yuwen..."

"What did you do?"


On Xiang Ji's side, someone said, "They wanted to grab Mr. Qu's blanket just now."

It was very cold at night in the restricted zone, and they didn't have much equipment. This group of people were pampered and spoiled, so how could they have suffered such hardships.

The girl Zhan Yuwen likes is also there, so when he saw Qu Lan wrapped in a blanket, he wanted to show off.

He wanted to buy it at first, but the other party didn't sell it.

Zhan Yuwen's father is a high-level executive of the Fenghuo Group. He is used to being arrogant on weekdays. Anyone who sees him must call him Master Zhan.

He didn't want to lose face in front of the girl he liked, so he started a conflict.

But before he could do anything, a tiger suddenly jumped in from the window.

Zhou Di's brain throbbed in pain, and before he had time to warn the leader, the group of people started acting like monsters.

It's not good to provoke anyone!

Going to provoke the god warrior! !

Death is so precise, there is no one else!

Zhou Di looked at the girl who didn't say a word, and walked around the tiger, "You see, he has also learned a lesson, why don't you let him apologize to you, forget it?"

Ling Qiong waved his hand, and the tiger let go of the boy reluctantly.

Zhan Yuwen's chest hurt like hell, and it felt like his ribs were broken.

Before he got up, the tiger suddenly turned around again, opened its mouth and roared at him.

The tiger didn't know what it had eaten, and the smell of blood was so strong that Zhan Yuwen rolled his eyes and fainted.

——Every krypton is empty——

It’s the last few days of this month, and the Spring Festival is coming soon, my dears, there is a monthly ticket to vote~~

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