Biquge, the fastest update of Jiao's wife is on the latest chapter: the latest chapter of a perfect marriage of 100 tricks!

"Everyone is gone, the boss's decision, as you know, cannot be changed." After a long silence, Ken turned off the LED screen, breaking the deadlock in the back room.

"But don't worry too much, I believe the boss will pass the test and will return."

Just last night, Qin Chen gathered all the executives who were doing Dragon Soul together, held an internal meeting, and replaced the position of his Dragon Soul Leader by Ken.

When the decision came out, the high-level officials were in an uproar.

They don't believe in Ken's ability, but if he does it, the centripetal force of Dragon Soul may be attenuated a lot. You know that many people joined the Dragon Soul organization at that time because of Qin Chen.

Although there are not many people in their organization, they are all geniuses.

Geniuses are destined to be very proud, and it is difficult to truly recognize a boss.

"What is the boss going to do? Why not even the leader of the team."

"Yeah, in addition to the black net this year, is there anything else we can't do?"

"What is the black net, give Lao Tzu another year to ensure that all their base defenses are overcome."

"That's right, Brother Ken, Ben, you are following the boss every day. Did he encounter any difficulties? Say, the money is still bad, the brothers are not crying out loudly!"

"Yes, except for the daughter-in-law, the boss takes it casually!"

Suddenly noisy in the conference room, everyone began to fumble on their bodies, watch wallets and various emeralds placed a table, and a few even took out the computer directly and began to transfer money to Qin Chen's account.

Fortunately, Qin Chen's account has been frozen in both directions by him at this moment, and he cannot enter or exit for a period of time, otherwise he will be promoted to the top 10 in the world's rich list within one day.

Ben and Ken stood silently, looking at everyone's sincere eyes, and had no false thoughts at all. Suddenly my eyes are sore.

This is the boss's personal charm and the cohesion of their dragon soul.

One person's business is everyone's business.

This kind of disregard for reporting effort makes people unimpressed.

But what can the boss do?

He remembered Qin Chen's face that Qian Dingwan had commanded before, and had taught him something worth tens of billions of dollars.

They have such a big brother, which is really something to be proud of.

"Your kindhearted boss has taken the lead, just what he is going to do. No one can help him this time. I believe he can come back safely, and you should also believe him. Well, just like that, everything is in accordance with the original I ’m only acting on behalf of each of my duties, this position will only be him. "

Ken shoved his eyes and wiped away his tears at the moment the eyes were blocked.

Qin Chen has left, and he can no longer let everyone's minds loose at this time.

Hearing his words, the crowd added a little more firmness.

Yes, their boss can only be him.

So he will definitely come back!


Although Qin Chen left the meeting room early, the surveillance video did not turn off.

The huge projection screen makes the faces of every brother in the meeting room very clear.

The words of concern seemed to be in my ears, and Qin Chen's mood was very complicated.

Touched, helpless, but feel heavy.

He didn't want to leave, but Luao and his children could not give up, it was something more important than life.

He just sat quietly, looking at the dark screen without moving.

He remembered the love of the brothers, and he, Qin Chen, would also work hard to win this opportunity, not to disappoint everyone who believed in him.

It's only 5 hours away from departure.

Qin Chen got up from the chair and turned into the bedroom.

The package was already packed by Ken. He took it out of the room and affixed a seal to the bedroom that belonged to him and Luwa, and opened the highest level electronic lock.

His villa was built five years ago when it opened in Lanting Bieyuan. It seems to be only luxurious. In fact, all the materials used are the world's most advanced technological particles. Once the highest authority lock is turned on.

Even if the shells of the tank can't be opened, and there is an upper limit of force, once the maximum value is reached, the self-destruction device will be activated to dissolve everything at a high temperature of thousands of degrees.

Time cannot last forever, then let memories last forever.

Regardless of whether he can come back alive, at least he retains the little woman's breath, which is a unique memory of the two of them, no one can take away.

Thinking of this, a touch of tenderness appeared in Qin Chen's mouth.

As always, he started an hour of fitness at 5:30, and then took a shower.

Like every working day, drink black coffee at breakfast to watch international financial news.

Uncle Zhong, the old housekeeper, was drinking morning tea slowly, and his head was uncomfortable.

Seeing Qin Chen put down the chopsticks, the old housekeeper also stood up and walked slowly carrying the teapot.

"Uncle Zhong, I'm going out soon." Qin Chen was surprised when the old housekeeper sat in front of him suddenly.

Uncle Zhong smiled and put the teapot on the table. He took out an old mechanical pocket watch from his arms and wrapped it in a red cloth and handed it to Qin Chen.

"Hold it, your dad gave it to me back then. Now it's for you."

"Don't look at the older year, this is a good thing, not only does it not use electricity, but also recognizes the direction."

Uncle Zhong said, reaching for a tap on the watch.

Under the small dial, a small compass popped up, engraved with ancient Roman numerals, and a north-facing hand, swinging up and down with Qin Chen's movement, very precise.

Qin Chen suddenly thought of the compass used to touch Jin Xiaowei. This should be a high-end product in front of him, but how could his dad have such a thing.

It is impossible for a businessman to fight back.

Before waiting for him to speak, Uncle Zhong raised his hands and patted his shoulders, and said seriously.

"Xiaochen, your uncle has been with you for so long. He grew up and became a family, and he has a career. I think I know you well. I know you are going to do a big thing, even dangerous. "

"Uncle has nothing to accompany you, you just keep this, just to take the hope of me and your dad, you must come back healthy and healthy."

Years did not deliberately treat this kind old man, and the wrinkles on his face were the ring of rings.

Qin Chen moved his lips, and his words stuck in his throat.

He was always not good at expressing, and he did not want to live up to the old man's hope for himself.

"Okay, don't say anything. Come on, I will take good care of this house for you."

The old man said, taking the initiative to let go of his hand.

Turning back and back to the rocking chair next to it, the squeaking chair and the sound of the old record merged into one, and bright sunlight poured in.

It symbolizes the new life and also sounds the parting horn.

Qin Chen's fingers closed slowly, carefully placing his hand close to his chest.

Facing the terrible unknown, he was suddenly full of confidence.

He was never fighting alone.

"Mr. Qin, the route of the aircraft has been set up. Mr. Yu asked me to hand this over to you. There are three tips in total. If you are in crisis, it will be opened.

On Yuqi's private parking apron, a white airplane was parked quietly.

The servant handed three kits to Qin Chen, and then backed away.

Qin Chen looked back complicatedly at everything he knew. Without hesitation he stepped into the plane.

At the same time, the thoughts of watching Ben and Ken in the basement watched the plane that disappeared in the sky, and did not know where they were towed.


The news that Yu Qi's body healed seemed to spread quickly in the Yu family as if he had wings.

The elders were shocked and happy, and called Yu Qi to ask questions for a day, and then let them out at dinner.

Originally preparing to open the ancestral hall after New Year's Day and let Luwa go in for worship, it was also three days before New Year's Day because of Yu Qi's persistence.

This is also what Yu Qi promised for Qin Chen, and will let Qin Chen see him again before he enters the election.

But it can only be seen from a distance, not to be disturbed. After all, Luo ’s current month is too big, and his physical condition is also extremely unstable.

Therefore, only the advanced ancestral shrine, and then the identity of the daughter of the Jade family, can be followed by Yu Qi at the time of the hidden family celebration on New Year's Day.

As for how she would be looked at by her stomach, Yu Qi herself was a rebellious one.

If you dare to look for something, you can just destroy it.

Therefore, Luo didn't rest in the yard for two days. Before the third day, it was called by her personal assistant Cong Tieniu.

For this horrible name, Rao was one hundred protesting.

Obviously it is the opposite of A Sheng!

However, Yu Qi told her that this is called Anti-Mengchai, and their names are recorded in the genealogy and cannot be changed randomly.

Luo had to give up, but every time he saw the weak appearance of Tie Niu, he couldn't help but twitch in the corner of his mouth.

Gee, what a good boy.

How to find the object under this name in the future.

It's a pity that Tie Niu couldn't understand the kindness of his lady. When he didn't look at himself with the indescribable and regretful eyes, he would ask very seriously.

"Miss, are your eyes really okay?"

Even personally adjusted eye drops!

Lu Rao :! ! ! ! ! !

What else can she say?

In the ancestral hall, Yu Qi's grandfather placed a small vessel in front of Luao, with unprecedented seriousness and solemnity on his face.

"Lao, come, drip your blood in."

This is to check the concentration of blood vessels, and whether it is the children of the Yu family.

Luo had already done his homework, and at this moment he was not afraid, so he put his hands on it.

There was a slight pain in the fingers, and the instrument in front of him suddenly sounded at a distance. For a time, there was a harsh mechanical sound bursting through the temple.

Listening to that frequency, Luo felt no good.

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