Biquge, the fastest update of Jiao's wife is on the latest chapter: the latest chapter of a perfect marriage of 100 tricks!

Luo did n’t know anything about what happened in the election.

I woke up every day and ate, and soon after I ate I slept again.

In the words of Tie Niu, he feels that taking care of Rao is like feeding a young piglet. He is so angry that he smashes him with a book, but when his sister raises her hand by half, she feels extremely time-consuming and laborious.

Yu Qi looked in his eyes, anxiously in his heart, but was helpless.


Qin Chen carefully guarded Nangong Yanran early in the morning, just waiting to send her out on the road.

But he didn't know what the real route was, only Nangong Yanran how to go, he followed.

The two shuttled back and forth in the jungle one after another, and they beheaded a few eye-catching ones.

Nangong Yanran looked down at her watch. The remaining survival number displayed on the small instrument was only 30. Now that it is less than a week before the end of the election, Qin Chen's hope for victory is still great.

It's just that she is very entangled. If Qin Chen really passed, what hope would she have?

It is absolutely impossible for her to bless them!

Thinking of this, Nangong Yan couldn't help but speed up the pace and walked in the opposite direction to the exit. The map left by her mother had an extremely dangerous place where there was a python that had lived for hundreds of years. I don't know what it was Species left over from the period.

It is said that a head is the height of an adult man's body.

It's just that he has been sleeping for many years, and he has also been paid attention to by the formation.

Nangong Yanran asked herself that although her martial arts could not be shot, her light skills were first-rate. She had already calculated that she would first introduce Qin Chen into the danger circle, and then let Qin Chen glance at how dangerous the way out was. Can't get out at all, and then stay by the way.


She underestimated Qin Chen's IQ and also overestimated her mother's memory.

Before they reached the land, the two had encountered many secret arrows. If it were not for Qin Chen who had been on alert, they did not know how many times they would be injured.

Seeing the woman's originally fluttering posture change, Qin Chen's eyes flashed a complex, and after avoiding another burst of sword rain, he dragged Nangong Yan to climb an old tree. Looking down on the muddy swamp on the ground.

Leng Sheng asked: "Yan Ran, are you sure this is an exit?"

Nangong Yan hung her head, just covering up the panic in her eyes, and then nodded her head frantically.

"Okay, import and export are in two directions. I'm pretty sure it's here. I just don't know if the terrain hasn't changed in recent years, or my mother didn't remember clearly."

"The terrain hasn't changed, and it's not been a day or two since the swamp was formed here," Qin Chen said calmly, breaking a thick branch on the side tree trunk and hitting the ground fiercely.

The branch fell on the ground and bounced. Just as Nangong Yanran was ready to relax, the calm ground suddenly rolled up, and bubbling bubbles popped up, like a boiled chocolate melt, and the branch was only in an instant. It was completely swallowed.

A pungent scent came out of the bubbling mud.

"No, this thing is poisonous!"

Qin Chen frowned, and dragged Nangong Yan up indiscriminately, running all the way in the direction they came.

It seemed that they knew their trajectory in general, and the bubbles in the swamp followed them all the way. Qin Chen opened the last kit left by Qin Chen Yuqi.

Sure enough, there is a gas mask inside.

Otherwise, Yu Qi is the **** operator in all the families of this generation. He has counted the dangers that Qin Chen can encounter.

But he thought about Zhou Xiang again, but he did not expect Nangong Yanran to suddenly appear.

Still so ...

"Put this on, hold me tight!" But after hesitating for a few seconds, Qin Chen gave the mask to Nangong Yanran and chose to face the poisonous gas.

Fortunately, he also undergoes special apnea training and breathes every once in a while.

"What about you?" Nangong Yanran was finally nervous.

However, he did not directly take out his own rescue signal.

She is betting that her luck has always been good, this has not reached the monster's territory, how could it be easy to run into it, how bad luck is that!

"I have my own way. I need to hold my breath and stop talking."

Qin Chen said quickly, then took a deep breath.

Although these toxins are not fatal, they also lowered his physical quality.

He raised his hand and touched his chest. There were still two bottles of medicine, which was the concentrate that Su Muchen gave him when he left. .

Qin Chen is very clear about the consequences of his irritability, and he does not intend to show his cards.

However, God does not seem to want to be on their side this time.

Suddenly, 10 figures jumped out of the forest in front.

They wore camouflage tights and only had a pair of eyes exposed. If they were in a proper posture, they would not be noticed by people in the forest.

Nangong Yan screamed in surprise: "This is the most powerful dead of the Dragon family!"

Qin Chen stunned and immediately laughed.

"Oh, he's still afraid of me." He whispered softly, his voice was very small, but Nangong Yanran heard it.

Compared to Qin Chen's indifference, she said in a hurry to Qin Chen's ear: "You still laugh, do you know how these people trained? That was thrown into the wild since the age of six, thousands There are dozens of people left in the child at the end, and all the facial features have been worn off. Even the fingerprints are not. It is better to say that it is a man-made machine than a human. "

Qin Chen listened quietly, as Nangong Yanran said, the ten figures on the opposite side seemed to be settled, standing there motionless.

Obviously there are ten people, but it looks like it was produced from a mold. The same clothing, wearing a thick finger cot on the hand, even the eyes are the same, just as the machine sees the aiming hole of the target!

"Qin Chen!"

Nangong Yan said anxiously that she really didn't think the two of them could deal with these people.

Qin Chen waved his hand and suddenly touched his chest, squeezing the small bottle of ampoule in his hand.

He didn't want to be rash, he didn't want too much sin. But God doesn't help him ...

Before taking it, a sudden roar sounded behind him!

Looking back, it was the rash beast that had always been guarding this forbidden land.

It is said that the snake has two more feet than the snake, covered with green pustules and white earthy yellow smoke. The strange fragrance just now squeezed out from the broken bubble.

It was in response to that sentence that there were jackals, tigers, and leopards before the chase.

Seemingly seeing this too, the dead of the dragon family stayed still.

"Qin Chen!"

Nangong Yanran is really anxious!

There was a hint of crying in the sharp voice.

Qin Chen looked back, looked at her indifferently, and suddenly smiled.

It was a very ironic smile that made Nangong Yanran stunned. All his thoughts seemed to have been seen through, and suddenly he drummed in his heart.

"You ... you ... how did you laugh?" She flinched instinctively. For her, this smile was not as good as Qin Chen's cold expression.

Qin Chen raised her eyebrows and suddenly raised her hand towards her waist.

Somehow, he pinched in his hand the little thing that Nangong Yanran hid on her for transmitting signals.

"Let's go, I know you won't leave yourself with a retreat."

"And, you stay here will also drag me down, won't you?" Qin Chen sneered, swallowing the bottle of medicament into his throat, the strange red liquid, especially striking in this dim environment.

Qin Chen raised her hand and touched her head with a smile.

Send the signal out at random.

Then pointed at the person across from him, and said coldly: "This is the young lady of the Nangong family, Nangong Yanran, your goal is me, there is no need to hurt her. We go to fight on the other side."

The ten white men looked at each other and took the initiative to take a step toward the right. It seemed to agree with Qin Chen's proposal that they were the dead of the Dragon family, and their loyalty and recognition to the Dragon family were not generally high.

Indeed, as Qin Chen said, killing Nangong Yanran will only cause trouble to the Longs.

Moreover, in their eyes, Qin Chen will die.

Seeing the cooperation of the enemy, Qin Chen smiled even more.

The special-effect medicine stimulated the irritability factor in his body, and his eyes turned red instantly, and the already full muscles swelled up like a strong sailor who ate spinach.

Nangong Yanran was stunned by this change directly!

Jingliang's eyes stunned! Qin Chen's face was greedy with a greasy smile. With a wave of her hand, she was directly thrown out a few meters away, and then the people who led the Long family quickly disappeared into the jungle.

Nangong Yanran was thrown out of the distance by Qin Chen, and she was able to stabilize her figure with light skills. The roar and fighting sound of the beast gradually went away, and her heart was half cold.

Unwilling to want to catch up and look at it, but it is not willing to give up his own life.

Yes, although she likes Qin Chen, she has not reached the point where she is willing to give her life.

The sky gradually darkened, and the sky whispered.

Nangong stood blankly and refused to leave for a long time.

Behind him, he knelt and received a signal to greet her Nangong family.

"Well, let's go back." Nangong Yan said tiredly, just about to turn around, something slipped from the scabbard on her waist.

The subordinates on the ground immediately picked up the thing, put it on the body and wiped it cleanly before holding both hands to Nangong Yanran.

Nangong Yan didn't take it for granted and took a look, instantly stunned.

Isn't this Qin Chen's wristband that represents the side of life? Probably because he was too hard when he just threw himself, so he threw it out.

Because the time to leave the owner is not long, things are still jumping.

Nangong Yanran sneered, and split it directly with a sword, and after confirming that it had issued a death signal, he threw it to his subordinates again.

"Just find a fight scene to deal with."

She said condescendingly, and regained the icy coldness of the day.

The subordinate responded, and disappeared into the jungle again in an instant.

Nangong Yan sneered again and again, no matter whether Qin Chen was alive or dead, she wouldn't make Luo better.

Now, things are broken, I believe Yu Qi can see it there.


In fact, at the moment when this thing was destroyed, Ashen hurriedly found Yu Qi.

Yu Qi was going to eat with her, so she persuaded her to eat more.

Just ready to push her to watch the moon and stop by.

A Sheng passed this news to Yu Qi's ear.

"What! How!"

Yu Qi shook his hand while holding the bowl, and the soup was scattered.

Luo looked at him suspiciously. In her memory, Yu Qi's chances of such gaffes were really not much.

Yu Qi greeted her gaze, feeling more and more painful, and hurriedly thrown in an uncle something, then went out anxiously.

Luo looked up at Tie Niu again, the latter still smiled and said: "Girl, let's go, let's go around, there are prenatal education classes at night."

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