One Hundred Ways to Satisfy Your Beloved Wife

Chapter 243: We said good together

Biquge, the fastest update of Jiao's wife is on the latest chapter: the latest chapter of a perfect marriage of 100 tricks!

Although they are eating and sleeping on time these days, they even obey the doctor's treatment.

But the spiritual power of human beings will be overdrawn.

She didn't sleep all night and all night. She was in a continuous dream and reality. Even if it would be walked by a bunch of people, that step was very faltering. It was not as steady as the old lady in the park.

Yu Qi walked behind her, and her numb heart blew up again.

Suddenly he began to hesitate again, shouldn't he take the roar now ...

During Hu Siran's thinking, they had come to the door of Yu Qi's study.

A Sheng received the advice of Yu Qi, opened the door, and Nuo also turned into an iron bull.

Through the secret passage in the study again, Luo finally came to Yu Qi's secret room.

This is an air-conditioned room, each of them wearing a thick coat. On the white jade table in the middle is a crystal box and a set of neatly-tidy clothes.

"Lao, Qin Chen is here."

Yu Qi took a deep breath and forced the whole sentence with his full strength.

He shook his hand and drew out a thick stack of firm reports from the safe, which were also placed on the jade table.

Luo looked at what happened in shock!

Pushing away the iron bull, he stumbled towards the stone platform.

Her eyes shone strangely, and she walked slowly.

There seem to be lines pulling her, making her movements stiff.

The crumbling body was worrying, but Yu Qi didn't dare to bother her without speaking.

Finally, Rao walked to Shitai, first grabbed the clothes, and looked at the identification report next to it ...

"I must be dreaming, right?" She stared at the pages of paper dizzily, and her entire face was afraid. It seemed that the black and white letters would change.

The faint ink scent eroded the wavy nose, she put it on the paper, and suddenly picked up the box next to it.

Long fingers buckled the code lock on it, but unfortunately, it was futile for a long time.


She turned her head quietly, and Yu Qi was frightening calmly.

The strange red light glowed in the red eyes, especially in the dark room.

Yu Qi frowned and stepped up.

He stretched his hands and gently wrapped the hair in front of his ears to the back of his ears. The **** voice even deliberately added a little hypnotic power to it.

"Lao, there is ashes in it, so do n’t disturb him? Walk with your uncle. You can rest assured that even if you have a baby, I guarantee that one of them must have the surname Qin."

His voice was very soft, very soft. Like the wind chimes of the night, the gentle breeze gently carried a reassuring emotion. The voluptuous stiff face softened with her voice, and there was a struggling force in her eyes.

"Lao, listen to me, please put the box down?"

Yu Qi whispered again, and the woman in front of her struggled even worse.

Suddenly, the voluptuous hysterical shouted, and two lines of blood and tears rushed out of the corner of her eyes. She attacked the plain clothes, and her face was pale. Only the **** eyes became her only eyes in the world.

Yu Qi's hypnosis completely failed, and the whole person stepped back a few steps to stabilize his body.

"Lao!" He stared blankly at the mad woman in front of him. He rushed forward and wanted to stabilize her, but he didn't expect that Lao's strength suddenly became great, and he seemed to lift it up gently. Both hands, he and A Sheng, were easily pushed out by Rao.

"Achen ... Achen ..."

"We said it's not separate."

Luo glanced blankly at her ring finger. The heart of the ocean above still exuded a bright light. She smiled faintly, and carefully picked up the ashes box made of jade from the ground. Put it on the cheek.

The blood dripped on the jade, exuding a splendid but extremely strange brilliance.

"Lao ..."

"Miss ..."

Several people tried to get close to her, but all of them were easily resolved by Rao.

The thin girl seemed to have been empowered by others, and suddenly had internal force for decades. Even A Sheng was not her opponent.

But this kind of powerful, but it makes people more worried, for fear that she is a precursor to returning to the light.


Luo seemed to have entered another world. She hugged both the box and the clothes in her arms, humming songs that no one could understand, and the weird tune seemed like a weeping cry.

The three adults listened and soured their eyes.

Yu Qi was afraid that she would be more irritating when she was near Luao, so she had to watch from a distance.

"Lao, listen to your uncle's advice, get up from the ground, don't forget, you still have children in your stomach, you are like this, even if Qin Chen is still alive, you will be angry with you! How can you not care about yourself so much? "

"Yes girl, there is something waiting for the child to be born. You will never be sad anymore."

Their voices were dumb, but they were still indifferent.

She buried her head in the tattered clothes, greedily breathed the smell of Qin Chen, holding the box with her fingers, and wished to blend that thing with herself.

Looking at the misty green smoke rising from the jade platform, Luo felt more and more in a dream.

The red eyes gradually receded into the flirtatious, but it was covered with green and yellow liquid.

She grinned and suddenly realized that she could not cry.

"Is it true that tears will also drain?" Luo said with a smile, his body crooked and fell to the ground.

Seeing her finally fall, three men rushed up at the same time.

Yu Qi had just grabbed the voluptuous wrist to probe the pulse, but Asheng's exclaimed in his ear.

"Sir, no, the girl's amniotic fluid seems to be broken!"

Yu Qi was stunned, and no matter what the difference between men and women, opened the voluptuous skirt.

The eye-catching bright red flows more and more.

Yu Qi's head was buzzing!


In order to give birth to children, the Yu family dispatched all the doctors and doctors, and the elders Yu Qi and Taishang directly took out all their treasures from these years.

The big one even shocked the other three families.

Except for He Yuqi who rarely approached the Situ family, the Nangong family Shangguan family and even the Long family sent a large number of medicinal herbs.

Even Grandma Qin Chen, who has been shut down, and Nangong Cymbidium came over with Yan Ran.

But Rao is so, but the door of the delivery room has not been opened.

Nuo dystocia, and the umbilical cord was spared for three and a half weeks.

Childbirth is not enough, but they don't dare to start one by one.

These doctors are all aware of the fact that she is a descendant of Phoenix blood. If this person had a length and a length of two, no one would dare to take this responsibility.

For a while, this stalemate came down, and Luo was also in a coma, not seeing wake up.

She lay there quietly, unable to wake up no matter what she said.

The madness faded away, and the vitality faded away.

Her face was pale and her lips were purple. If her heartbeat and other blood pressure were normal in the monitor next to her, Yu Qizhen would think she was gone

"Sir, I can't trust it anymore!"

It was already the fourth day, and the children in Luwao's belly were still active, but obviously not as good as a few days ago.

Yu Qi had a complicated look at his niece, who was full of tubes, and his fair skin was almost transparent, which was more fragile than the glass doll in the window.

"Then laparotomy! Remember, I don't want to listen to any choice. I want an adult, do you understand? I want an adult!" Yu Qi said coldly, his white hair added to his cold face A breath of dust.

The surgeon nodded hurriedly, turned and walked in.

The red light in the operating room finally lighted up, but the haze that enveloped the Yu family's heart did not dissipate.

Waiting for a thousand years to wait for a descendant of Phoenix bloodline, it was so so fragile.

This is the day when the glory of the Yu family has not yet been seen.

Their hearts are instinctively unwilling to accept.

Although all of them stayed in their positions where they should stay, all their thoughts were pulled by the operating room.

Twelve hours later, the operating room lights still did not light up.

In order to protect the privacy of Rao, there was no live broadcast of the operation.

Only Yu Qi went in and watched while wearing sterile clothes. After all, Luo could only lose his blood.

But wait for the right and wait, even Yuqi did not come out.


The sky was lightning and thunder, and suddenly a heavy rain began.

Poorly waiting for everyone in the courtyard, but they did not leave persistently, the hope in front of them was even worse.

But not everyone wants to live alive.

For example, Yuxing's father and daughter, such as Nangong Yanran, who is beside Nangong Cymbidium.

In the past few days, Qin Chen's body has gradually improved under the care of Ada's mother. After eating so many gene remedies on the black net, although his recovery rate can't keep up with the wandering, but the injury is good Eighty-eight.

It's just that he didn't wake up. To be precise, it was Nangong Yanran who secretly added a lot of stabilizer to him. The normal person with a large amount of weight may be stunned if used.

However, since I learned that Qin Chen could kill even the wild beasts, Nangong Yanran had no psychological pressure, and only waiting for the best to succumb to a dystocia and die, she would follow the trend.

After a whole night of thunderstorm, several elders who couldn't bear it had gone to rest.

Nangong Yanran was also arranged in the guest room, the one who was sleeping was called a down-to-earth.

But she heard about the beginning and the end of this matter. Yu Hongling couldn't die completely. Yu Sisi should be afraid that Yu Qi would be found. She had already left here under the arrangement of Yu Xing. Just wait for the storm to pass before coming back.

Yu Qi was also aware of Yu Xing's movements, and his doubts were confirmed.

It's just that the voluptuous situation is too dangerous, and he has no time to take care of others.

It is best to pray that all things are going well with the children, if not ...


In the early morning, the crowd was sober among the birds.

In Yu Qi's old house, a circle of colorful birds circled around the operating room.

Suddenly, a golden ray of light rose from the operating room, and the birds circling in the air fell to the ground one after another, worshipped in that direction reverently, and sang a beautiful song.

"Hundreds of birds facing Phoenix!"

An old man's voice suddenly sounded, and suddenly the entire jade house was boiling!

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