One Hundred Ways to Satisfy Your Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 259: Thirty years of professional pit father

Biquge, the fastest update of Jiao's wife is on the latest chapter: the latest chapter of a perfect marriage of 100 tricks!

"Say what, how could I marry your dad."

"Okay, since today is too late, you should live here first."

Luo laughed dumbly, and then reached out and touched her head.

Little Loli cheered in the room for a few turns before stopping next to Rao.

At this moment, the waiter who finally delivered the meal finally pushed the dining car in.

"Ma'am, please take your time slowly," he said gentleman, and then took out a red wine from under the dining car. His hands were carefully held in front of him.

"This is a special gift from our hotel for VIPs, I hope to like it."

"Thank you."

There is no doubt that there is him, after all, she lives in the presidential suite, more than one hundred thousand nights, it is normal for the hotel to give a gift.

After receiving the red wine, Luo let the waiter go.

Little Loli looked at a cart of sweets, her eyes glowing green.

"Pretty aunt, can I eat these?"

Suo was stunned, and then she embraced her.

"Of course, but it's too late now, you will feel uncomfortable when you eat it!"

"Go to bed now, tomorrow, aunt will invite you to eat something else, okay?"

Little Loli bit her lip, her eyes full of reluctance.

She loves sweets the most, but if she eats too much now, will she scare her mom away?

After all, her food ...

Nuo looked at the little face and twisted it together, her heart was melted.

In fact, she also wanted to eat, but these two in the middle of the night ... If she had eaten this car, would this child treat her as a monster?

My son still likes this little girl very much, and he has to be a classmate with others.

What if the little girl ran off, and the son would hate himself later?

For a time, the big one and the small one were in a state of entanglement.

But the synchronized eyes were staring at the cake car in front of him, and Luo was okay, but he sniffed his nose and did not express it too exaggeratedly, but Little Loli was the bubble that appeared in his eyes.

A cart of French desserts!

Usually she eats two of his dads who despise expensive!

Yes, Qin Chen has felt the crisis of being oppressed by the Long family in recent years. He always feels that his ability is not strong enough and there is not enough money.

Therefore, Xiaolioli usually has a limited amount of food.

Obviously has reached the world's richest man, but she needs the approval of her father to eat a dessert!

Fortunately, Qin Chen can't deduct employee's salary. Many handsome uncles of Ben, Ken and SR will buy her various snacks.

Qin Chen opened her eyes and closed her eyes when she saw how much her daughter ate.

But Little Loli wanted to take the money from him, it would have to do everything possible.

It is precisely because of this that Xiao Loli created her own design company brand at a young age, hung under SR, and saved money by paying dividends.

"Girl, when we came out, we brought a lot of special hawthorn pills. If the child wants to eat, you can let her eat it." Tie Niu couldn't help but persuade him when he saw that their eyes were to be straight.

Luo old face blushed, scratching his head embarrassed, crouched down and parallel to little Loli.

"You can eat, but you can't eat too much!"

"Uh huh, in fact, it's okay for me to eat as much as possible. My dad said that I'm a big stomach."

Little Loli hummed embarrassedly, but she was no longer shy.

Tie Niu saw that both of them were sitting at the dining table, and took the initiative to arrange for them.

One by one exquisite dim sum, looking at the exciting shape.

Although little loli was very greedy and wanted to eat, she sat there properly and waited for Rao to move the knife and fork first to touch the things in front of her.

She sipped quickly, but her movements were extremely elegant and quiet. At first glance, she had received a good education from the nobility.

Luo watched her eat, and her mood improved.

After all, only food and love can't live up to it. Of course, it's delicious to share with the person you love.

One big and one small, the food is extremely open.

Say good to eat and rest assured that in an hour, the two of them even killed a large car.

Voluptuously licked her lips, only to realize that half of today's snacks were eaten by Little Loli, and suddenly panicked, and quickly reached out to touch her belly.

Little Loli smiled indifferently, and let her touch her generously.

Feeling that the belly was still soft, Luwa finally let out a breath.

"Unexpectedly, you can eat it too."

Lying in bed with little loli, looking at the small face with big slaps, Luo discovered that the negative emotions that would appear in the middle of the night were gone.

"Hee hee, pretty aunt doesn't dislike me for eating more!"

Qin Siluo shook his finger embarrassedly, his face filled with a happy smile.

She changed her pajamas well and lay in her arms, holding her doll, and greedily breathed the faint fragrance of her.

Is this the unique taste of the mother?

It is a pity that my father is not here, otherwise it will be more perfect.

"Of course, Auntie also likes to eat."

"However, most people can't eat much, and Hanhan doesn't like to eat sweet, except matcha."

Thinking of his son, the voluptuous tone could not help but be gentle, with a hint of gentleness peculiar to the Jiangnan woman, listening to the music.

"Is Han Han the name of my brother?"

Little Loli raised her head and wentssip.

"Well, I am amnestic, but his name says that his uncle said that he followed his father's surname, Qin."

"Wow, then we are the same! And beautiful aunty, you see how fate we are. My name is Siluo, and you also have Luo in your name, and my brother and I are still the same surname. If you marry my dad, even changing the name is easy The most important thing is that you can control him. Then I can eat a lot of cakes every day! "

"And my dad has been particularly slammed in the past few years. I don't know how much money I have saved. If you marry him, the money will be yours!"

"Otherwise, I will tell you the password. I know his account number. I will transfer the money to you first, and then you can marry him!"

Little Loli said more and more excited, and her eyes shone with thieves.

If it were n’t for her, she would have to get out of bed and turn on the computer to transfer money!

"Okay, go to bed! It's already past 2 o'clock!"

Crying and laughing, she squeezed **** her face: "But you can do it too, even my dad sold it for the cake!"

"Who called him so stupid, I haven't found my mother back for so many years!"

"And, beautiful aunt, I really like you!"

Little Loli murmured, shaking Shao's arm gently.

In the end it was young, and the little guy fell asleep soon.

Feel the little guy beside him breathe more evenly, and the movements of the whispering follow him softly again.

She lay quietly on the bed, in a good mood but without any sleepiness.

Little Loli's words are like Pandora's magic box. Once you touch it, you can't help but think about it.

Coupled with what Yu Qi said in the morning, Han Han also needed a father in his childhood.


That man looks very unfriendly to Hanhan ...

And Little Loli said it all by himself. He left his daughter at home and went out to play. Is such a man really reliable?

Thinking about it, Wuluo couldn't stand insomnia anymore.

Qin Chen, who was waiting for news on the other side, was also extremely anxious.

I was immersed in the realm of missing and wandering, and now that he is not separated from the wall by the wall, it can't sleep anymore.

Yes, this is Ken ’s tactics for Qin classmates, let Qin Siluo go inside the enemy. Then another bottle of red wine was added.

If it is drunk, the raw rice is cooked to mature rice ...

It's a pity that he couldn't predict what he thought, his daughter was bought because of a cart of dessert, and even planned to sell himself!

No, to be precise, it should be reversed.


Fu Changqing stayed in the army for more than ten years. Although he had a hangover yesterday, he woke up early.

The strange environment made him vigilant.

Looking down again, the clothes on the body also changed! Fu Changqing was dumbfounded!

Fortunately, his car keys and wallet were still there. He sat by the bed for a while and finally recovered his missing reason.

"Mr. Fu, you are awake."

In the living room, Tie Niu was eating breakfast while watching the current news.

Fu Changqing was startled, and nodded subconsciously.

"Rinse for breakfast, SR's breakfast tastes good."

"Are we at the SR Intercontinental Hotel?" Fu Changqing asked, and walked to the bed before his words fell.

Overlooking the morning of Los Angeles, this domineering feeling made his head dizzy, which was a hangover from hangover.

But looking back, I saw people drinking red wine there early in the morning.

And the degree does not seem to be low, the natural appearance, as if he was drinking not milk, but milk.

"Mr. Tie is so excited. Will drinking these in the morning affect my work?"

Tie Niu smiled slightly and pushed the dish over.

"It's just a habit. You haven't seen our girl yet. That's breakfast. Sometimes I drink white wine."

"Girl?" Fu Changqing looked dumbfounded.

"Yes, it is Yulu. Because she is not married, so according to the rules we have to call her girl."

"Oh, that's traditional."

Fu Changqing bowed his head to eat breakfast and did not have to admit that SR's breakfast was really the best among its peers.

But Luo didn't wake up, and he was not good to bother. Just sit in the room with Tie Niu and watch TV.

The atmosphere was unusually quiet, until Xiaozheng came out of the house in his pajamas, too sleepy.

"Early, Uncle Iron Cow."

"Master, is breakfast the same as usual?" Tie Niu said softly.

Xiao Zheng nodded too, then turned his eyes to Fu Changqing.

"Uncle Fu."

"Huh?" Fu Changqing's instinctive body was tight, and somehow this little boy always gave him a lot of pressure.

"You can't do it. My mommy likes drinking, so if you want to chase her, it's better than she can drink, and she won't touch Baijiu under 20 years!"

Fu Changqing: "!!!"

"Yeah, she doesn't touch Baijiu for less than 20 years." Xiao Zhengtai finished, took the remote control from Tie Niu, and looked directly at the international financial channel.

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