One Hundred Ways to Satisfy Your Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 280: Who believes is important

Biquge, the fastest update of Jiao's wife is on the latest chapter: the latest chapter of a perfect marriage of 100 tricks!

The red oil in the pot rolled up, rising a piece of milky white smoke.

The bell pepper, a specialty of Sichuan, has spicy lips that are red and swollen.

She was holding a tea cup, and her light brown eyes were also smeared with a layer of mist, and her face was rarely saucy.

Looking at Qin Chen's proud look, Luo really didn't know what to say.

Relatively speechless, only the grunt of hot pot.

After supper, Qin Chen and Luo walked side by side.

For a long time I haven't been exposed to such heavy oil and spicy things, and Luo only feels that his throat is burning.

When getting off the elevator, Qin Chen's cell phone suddenly rang.

Before waiting for him to speak, Luo consciously turned his head aside.

There are mirrors on all three sides of the elevator. She saw Qin Chen's mouth outlined a bit of abuse.

Picked up the phone, but hung up in a few words.

"A friend hit it, man."

When he came out of the elevator, Qin Chen naturally put his coat on his shoulders and explained in a low voice.

His fingers flicked over his neck, like his voice with an indescribable magic.

Suo slightly stunned, then reacted.

"I didn't ask you."

She said pretending to be casual, but her brows inadvertently appeared a little bit of joy.

Qin Chen leaned down and bit her ear.

"I am a very conscious man. This is what I should do as your man."

"It's like this. I have a friend who got divorced and came back from country M. He organized a wine bureau at Youlai Laiyi Winery. If you don't have to go back in a hurry, go with me?"


"Yeah, they are all old and abandoned by their daughter-in-law. Isn't it miserable?"

"Don't drink too much, if you don't want to go, we will go back."

Qin Chen's eyes were deep, and he couldn't say anything if the voluptuously refused.

"it is good."


The car crossed the chaos and left the bustling city, stopping in front of a brick building whose appearance did not differ much from the abandoned warehouse.

Walls of grotesque graffiti, rotating neon lights.

Let Rao not be able to connect the scene in front of him with the literary store that Qin Chen said.

It seemed that she was aware of her doubts, Qin Chen smiled and didn't explain, and then pulled Wuluo toward the crooked doorplate.

The door of the room opened and a handsome face appeared.

"Mr. Qin, you are here, President Su has been waiting for you for a long time."

Qin Chen slightly foreheaded, and led Luo behind the waiter.

The light gradually became brighter with the eyes of the corridor, and the magnificent atmosphere also appeared.

On both sides of the secluded corridor, abstract art paintings hang, without signature, but in no way inferior to those famous artists.

About ten minutes walked, they only came to the lobby.

Unlike the shabby decoration outside, the grass and trees here are exquisite and atmospheric, and the waiter led them to a box and left.

Qin Chen turned the doorknob gently with his hand, and closed it as soon as he opened a seam.

Luo vaguely saw a figure in it.

"Wait here, I will go through ventilation first."

Qin Chen turned around and urged Luo to push it out a few meters away.

He kicked on the door with great strength, and even the chandelier on the floor of the corridor shook.

"Fuck! Who, is he **** crazy !?"

A furious male voice swarmed from inside with heavy smoke. It was a man with a head lower than Qin Chen. His eyes were crimson and his eyes widened abruptly.

"Achen? You came quite quickly!"

"But what is the good kick door doing, is it expensive?" The man mumbled, but the anger was not as great as before.

Rao still had time to see his appearance in the future, and Qin Chen had pushed him in.

After a few minutes, the door opened again.

The smoke and mist in the sight were all gone, and the air was filled with the smell of cologne.

Looking around, the private rooms are large, but they are the only ones.

"Are you a brother? I'm divorced. Are you still bringing a woman?"

The corpse-like man on the sofa suddenly bounced up, looking dizzyly towards Luo.

"And, this is not so bad, your taste is getting more and more peculiar!"

The man sucked his lips and said disapprovingly.

Qin Chen took Rao into his arms and ignored his introduction.

"Yuluo, this is my best brother, Su Muchen."

"I just finished the divorce formalities today, and I also lost M's mind. Don't know him in general."

Su Muchen slouched lazily on the sofa, and when he heard Qin Chen's words, he began to roll his eyes in disapproval.

Raising a hand lazily, waving softly towards Luo, it is a hello.

Immediately afterwards, he extended his hand to the wine glass on the table to stop smoking, so he had a drink.

"Mr. Su."

Luo said in a warm voice, in the eyes of the man in front of her, she did not feel any anger, but felt a deep sense of confusion and despair.

This allowed Rao to exclude any derailed scripts as soon as possible.

Moreover, although he talked to himself just now, he was full of ridicule, but his eyes were clear and translucent, which made people feel happy when they looked.

"Hello there."

"You just said what's your name?"

"Yuluo." Rao repeated indifferently again.

"There are also personal quotations?" Su Muchen suddenly climbed out of the sofa again, staring drunkenly at the quotation of his face.

The scorching eyes, with rich thoughts, looked creepy and creepy.

Especially, the corner of his mouth even had a smile that seemed to be non-existent, as if looking at others through her.

This feeling is terrifying and very depressed.

To make Luo uncomfortable, but because of politeness and Qin Chen's face, she had to face Su Muchen.

"Mr. Su, is there something on my face?"

She suddenly opened her mouth, and a faint red glow appeared in her eyes.

The involuntary coercion spread out and took a direct look at Su Muchen's atrium with a magical charm.

Su Muchen's light brown eyes were slightly stunned, and suddenly his head shook back and forth.

"No ... you are not her."

"She looks better than you."

He said absently, his head drooping weakly.

Luo looked at his lost expression, and took off his glasses unexpectedly.

Is it because the lens is blocked?

Her special ability was so easily escaped.

Just wanting to study further, a glass of Jincancan juice blocked her view.

"Say what!"

Qin Chen carried the freshly squeezed orange juice and put it in the hands of voluptuous.

Standing with Mu Muchen behind, he stepped on him with his toes quietly without trace.

This is a unique way of communication between them, and the meaning of various actions makes each other have become instinct from the habit.

At the moment, Su Muchen howled, and then pushed Qin Chen sideways.

Picking up the wine glass on the table, he whispered: "I got water in my head today, and the sound of the sea is in my ears. I don't know what I'm talking about. I don't mind what I just said."

"I will punish myself for three cups first. This is the first time Achen has brought a woman to him in so many years. It can be seen that he has taken care of you. Come, come on. I will do it first, brother and sister.

Before Wuluo reacted, Su Muchen had raised his neck and drank the wine.

He drank foreign wine, although the degree was not particularly high, but this suddenly went down a few glasses, plus the amount just before Qin Chen did not come, Rao Shi Su Muchen had a good amount of wine, and his body could not help shaking.

Just now, there was a point of focus. At the moment, it was completely loose. Stumbled around in the room, sometimes singing, sometimes sad.

Obviously he was drunk, and he could not find the north anymore.

This was the smoke in the room, and there was a strong smell of alcohol.

Qin Chen's eyebrows condensed into a big Chuan character, and suddenly he regretted that he had brought her.

"If we feel uncomfortable, we will go back first. Here is his own property, and nothing will happen."

Through Su Muchen howling there again, Qin Chen lowered his voice and whispered.

The woman's eyelid lifted slightly, and the corners of her lips rose inadvertently.

"No, I think your friend is very good."


"Humanity is temperament." Luo bit the straw and gave a friendly evaluation.

"In a temperament?" Qin Chen's eyes meandered a trace of abuse.

He lowered his head and stared at the voluptuous fingers with emotion.

It's great to hide the intriguing smile on his face.

When he raised his head again, there were ripples in those black eyes.

Invisible smoke entangled in circles, drawing Luo into his atrium.

The crisp numbness passed from the fingertips made Luluo's head full.

The already red lips, dipped in orange juice, look very radiant.

Qin Chen's face was pressed down inch by inch, and he was about to succeed.


An orange came from afar and hit the bridge of Qin Chen's nose straight.

Rao: "..."

Qin Chen: "..."

"Is there any sympathy! I'm divorced. Are you still showing love?"

Qin Chen dismissed his lips dismissively, throwing the oranges back.

"It was made by yourself. No one like you. Everyone is pregnant with children. You are still messing around outside. The Wu family has not interrupted your third leg and has given you a lot of face."

Qin Chen said politely, admiring Su Muchen's expression became very wonderful.

He squeezed the bottle's hand and slowly hugged his head, his eyes full of despair.

Lips were pale, and no traces of blood were visible.

He stared at Qin Chen intently, as if to see him through.

"Achen, don't you believe me?"

"I don't want to do those things anymore, no matter what!"

The turbid liquid filled his eyes, just like the madness just now.

Qin Chen sighed and stepped forward to pick him up from the ground.

Word by word: "Mu Chen, I naturally believe in you, but I believe it is not important, Wu Hexin is important. What did you do that night, why did you stay in that little star's room?"


Su Muchen trembles his lips.

For a long time, he threw his throat hard.

Mumbled: "Achen, I seem to have seen Rao."

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