One Hundred Ways to Satisfy Your Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 291: Hello, the prince is busy, please wait

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"Prince of Dubai? Haman?"

Qin Chen frowned and took a few seconds to react.

"Yeah, the prince said, in order to show their sincerity, so tonight, I have already contacted the clothes and the stylist. You can get in the car."

"This is the lady, please allow me to praise your beauty. My name is Adan and I am the manager of SR Dubai Branch."

"Hello, I am Yuluo."

Nuo stretched out his hand and shook it gently with him, then he took Qin Chen's shoulder again.

They quickly got on the bus, and Wao also changed into local clothes with Qin Chen's insistence.

Originally proud of the figure, wrapped under the veil highlights the exquisite and elegant.

Rao is wearing a gauze on her face, and is also gaining eyeballs when she walks into the Dubai Palace.

Because the dinner did not start, they were led to the VIP room.

I thought there would be other guests. After all, what Rao saw in the book, these royal banquets were rarely held for personal reasons.

But when I entered the door, I realized that there were only four of them in the big banquet hall.

"The prince has not yet returned from the House of Councilors. Please take a break first."

Qin Chen nodded and sat on the sofa together with Rao.

As the outside world has rumored, this is the most luxurious palace in the world. This is Dubai. Even the chandelier on the top of the VIP room is composed of countless diamonds.

Not to mention all the furnishings, following the usual preferences of the people in the Middle East. What can be made of gold, absolutely do not need other materials.

Even the floor is made of gold. I just walked up and felt that the whole person was going to be immortal, and the reflection became taller.

However, Qin Chen's family was not surprised.

No matter where you are, the elegance in your bones follows.

This also made the servants of the prince treat them highly.

It didn't take long for an older servant to walk in again at an elegant pace.

"Mr. Qin, Madam. Two lovely little angels." He saluted respectfully, and then said again.

"My prince called, would you please go out and answer it?"

Qin Chen nodded, and then walked out with long legs.

It didn't take long for Qin Chen, who had gone out, to return, followed by a chef pushing a dining car.

It is a cart of exquisite dim sum, high-end desserts from all over the world are gathered here.

Soon, Luo was filled in front of him.

The chef never left, and asked one by one their respective tastes, quietly leaning on tea and coffee. The focused eyes and skilled skills were like a visual feast.

She looked at this table with puzzles, she had such a big stomach to eat these, and she would not need dinner.

Is this a custom in Dubai? Entertaining guests also requires a large amount to show money.

Realizing the confusion in Luo's eyes, Qin Chen immediately put her head in her ear and whispered: "Poo, let's eat first. We may have to wait a little longer at night."

"(⊙o⊙) ... Huh?" Was looking at him puzzled.

Because the food is too tempting, her eyes are full of small snacks, and she automatically ignores Qin Chen's ears and lips that have quietly turned red because of ghosts in her heart.

"The prince said he had something to do and might not be able to return to dinner on time, so today's dinner may have to be cancelled."

"Ah ... the cooperation between you, didn't you mean to solve the problem? Would he deliberately avoid you ..."

Luo couldn't help but make up, said worriedly.

Qin Chen was stunned, instinctively wanted to shake his head, but remembered the lines he had just made, how could he mess up!

A moment of melancholy rose from the character's face.

He leaned on the sofa helplessly and sighed.

"It shouldn't be, otherwise he won't invite us to live in the palace. But now the initiative is with them, we can only wait."

"But ma'am, I spent a lot of money this time, you can eat with peace of mind, and then happily play here for a few days, otherwise my heart will hurt!"

Without outsiders, Qin Chen's morality and bottom line evaporated out of thin air.

Looking at him, half-truth lines are the most easy to fool people.

So she believed.

Moreover, these pastries really look delicious! Didn't see that their family's younger brother Qin Siluo was so happy?

So, after giving the "injured" Qin classmate a loving hug, Rao ate it obediently.

After Qin Chen saw that her attention had finally shifted away from business, she let out a sigh of relief.

Taking advantage of the inattentive time, he picked up his phone and quietly sent a text message to a prince.


The mood of Dubai Prince Harman at the moment is mixed.

He had nothing, but he had to pretend to be sitting in his humble office in the city hall, which was not much different from the furnishings.

And this kind of day must last at least 3 days!

However, it is gratifying that SR's Qin Chen finally agreed to surrender the management rights of SR Intercontinental Hotel to him!

This is what he wanted for a long time!

SR Intercontinental Hotel! In the past few years, the top ten hotels in the world have been replaced by golden bricks, which can be stacked up a layer.

Not to mention the connections behind this hotel.

Those high-end customer groups are what he really wants.

Although their royal family does not have much say in political affairs, but money can make Mo push ghosts not!

Qin Chen was actually happy for his wife!

Just give up the right to manage!


What a beautiful woman this can do!

The prince thought about it, and finally reached 9 o'clock, he can leave the office.

At the bottom of my heart, the index of curiosity for Mrs. Qin Chen also rose to a peak because of boredom.

He took the phone and secretly called his housekeeper.


Sure enough, Rao and Qin Chen waited until 10 o'clock in the evening, the so-called prince did not appear, and the dinner party was naturally spoiled.

To this end, Luo also kindly comforted Qin Chen with a sad face.

But Qin Chen got cheap and well-behaved.

I couldn't help but want to breed the terrible idea of ​​not kidnapping the prince directly for ten and a half months!

But if it is based on interests, I believe Prince Harman will be happy. I'm afraid that without Qin Chen's hands, you can tie yourself up!

The next day, the housekeeper brought breakfast to them as usual, but also informed them that the prince was busy and had something to do with Y.

But back in two days, let them have fun.

Moreover, they also opened a garage for them intimately, and hundreds of luxury cars were driven casually.

Wao was originally worried about Qin Chen's work, and he had to think about ways to say anything, but in the end he still couldn't stand the soft and hard bubbles of the two babies. Follow Qin Chen and walk out.

I just didn't expect to meet an acquaintance before going out.

As soon as the door opened, Luo only felt that the fragrant wind came over, making her want to sneeze.

It is not clear yet, a figure has rushed over like lightning.

Because of the sore nose, Rao had tears in her eyes.

I could only see the glittering high-heeled diamonds.

The next moment a tall woman was within easy reach.

With a startled voice, she turned and spread her arms towards Qin Chen.

"Qin !!! Is it you? I miss you so much!"

Qin Chen opened her arms and touched the woman's arm, but instead of touching her body, she stepped back a few steps.

The woman stared at Qin Chen in disbelief.

There was no reaction for a while!

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Halle! Come and introduce you, Rao, this is Princess Halle of Dubai and sister of Crown Prince Harman. I once saved her once. Partner, important friend. "

"Hello. Princess Halle." Rao said generously.

"Hale, this is my wife, Yuluo, and my two Babys!" Qin Chen's lines for introducing Rao are very short, but the tenderness in her eyes shocked Halei.

Although they had known each other for a long time, Halle also knew Qin Chen.

Knowing that his temperament has always been indifferent, he did not expect to have such a gentle side.

However, this gentleness does not belong to you.

"Mrs. Qin is really blessed." Harley said, and she seemed to extend her hands in a friendly manner.

It was just that the fingertips of the two had just touched, and she quickly recovered it.

It looks like there is something unclean in the hands of Luo.

The arrogance at the bottom of the eyes is also a good thing to hide, and the Qin Chen who looked at it suddenly felt unhappy.

It was just because of the two-year cooperation habit that he didn't get angry directly, but he embraced Luo's shoulder with a salty smile and smiled.

"No, I am blessed to be able to meet such a good wife."

Halle froze!

A man like a king in her heart, who should be a supporter for a woman to lower her status?

Is she watching the celestial column?

"Ohmygod! Qin, you are so sensational!"

"But I remember when you last met, didn't you say your wife was no longer here? This is ..."

"Look, what I'm talking about, don't mind Miss Jade, my person talks faster, and I think where I say it."

Haley exaggeratedly said that she would not believe that the woman in front of her would not be angry at all.

However, it turns out.

Luo just reached out and rubbed her own baby ’s head, and suddenly raised her head to look at Qin Chen, her face full of stubbornness: "Achen, I do n’t even know, but I just left for a few years. Say I'm gone outside? "

Her vivid expression and slightly raised brows were extremely playful.

Qin Chen froze for more than ten seconds before digesting.

Immediately, he also learned the exaggerated movements of Halle and raised his hands above his head to make a surrender: "Madam, the conscience of the world! I am self-esteem, thinking that you do n’t want me, I will do that.

Rao: ...

Halle: ...

Both of them were scared by Qin Chen's funny behavior.

I don't know what to say now.

A little red appeared on Luo's face, and Qin Chen gave a scornful look.

Thinking about the lines, there was another beautiful figure at the door.

A hearty female voice followed.

"Hale, I have looked for you for a long time, hiding here with you."

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