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After a brief silence, Luo and Wu He suddenly laughed together, and the little nurse passing by was startled and ran away, covering her chest.

"She must think you are crazy!" Wu He narrowed his eyes and quipped.

Nuo re-submitted the test report back, and once again checked whether the equipment on the iron cow was normal.

"Why aren't you crazy?"

"Well, there is a reason for this naturally, don't you know that you are famous outside now?" Wu He looked at Xuluo in surprise and couldn't help but envy.

Luo sat quietly across from her, and there was no trace of wrinkles on her fair face.

The same woman, about to run three.

But Rao is not like a mother of two children at all.

"Return to the soul! You haven't said why I am famous."

Luo looked at the clock on the wall, and it was time to massage the iron cow again.

I don't know what he did. Not only did he have a gunshot wound, he also planted some neurotoxins that can paralyze nerves. Rao had seen this toxin in her own laboratory, and it would be good to neutralize it with her serum.

It's a pity that Tie Niu didn't drive the special car back, and Luo had to quietly mix his blood into medicine and then give it to him while he was changing medicine and massage.

The slender fingers slender as if they were delicate, but they were extremely accurate points that walked on the iron legs. With that serious look, it's hard to imagine that the relationship between the two would be the master and the servant.

In other words, Rao's positioning of Tie Niu in his heart is not a servant.

Otherwise, Qin Chen would not be so relieved.

"It's nothing, but it's spreading outside, saying if you have a problem with your brain, don't leave the rich kings, and stay with a half-dead disabled person in the hospital every day." Wu He answered.

"Tie Niu is not a disabled person." Luo turned back and corrected.

Thinking of Qin Chen's paralyzed face, she increased her tone again.

"I didn't want Qin Chen, just now Tie Niu is at a critical moment, shouldn't I be with him? Really! I don't understand the media, why waste my time on me instead of not paying attention to those in need People? "

Wu Lao said cracklingly, listening to Wu He stunned.

At the end, I couldn't help laughing.

"Lao, do you know that you are like a person now!"

Suo narrowed her eyes in doubt.

"Our junior high school's teaching director is the one who runs late every day to catch up on the playground, and listens to her for more than half an hour of ideological education classes every time she is late."

Wu He laughed, but the sentiment was low.

She collected the golden needles that passed through the meridians and washed her hands with clean water.

There was a trace of loneliness in the hazel eyes.

Silent pain spread from the bottom of her eyes, leaves falling outside the window, and bare branches telling loneliness.

The woman stood quietly in front of the window, and the hazel sarong and heavy curtains merged together.

Wu He's smile came to an abrupt halt, and suddenly felt that the world around him was not too real.

Facing her concerned eyes, Luo smiled.

"Did I suddenly startle you quietly?"

"Yes." Wu He nodded seriously.

It is said that a person's temperament rarely changes with the world, but Wulu is different. Wu He was surprised to find that it was just five years later. She seemed to have changed a person.

"Well, I was just thinking, if I said, I really can't remember anything, would it be unfair to Qin Chen."

"In recent days, his special assistant has been traveling between the hospital and the company, and also brought me a lot of previous video materials. Frankly speaking, I clearly knew that the person was me, but I tried hard, but I ca n’t remember how, even when I was with Qin Chen, I always felt that there was something missing between us. "

Wu He listened quietly, and the voluptuous voice seemed to have some kind of magical power, and it was brought into her emotions unconsciously.

Of course, neither of them noticed this detail at the moment.

"Lao, have you ever tried to find a psychologist?"

Wu He said that he seemed to be afraid of misunderstanding and explained hurriedly.

"Of course, it's not that you have a mental illness. In fact, few modern people are completely healthy in my heart. I think a good psychologist is sometimes very important. I don't hide from you. I have been seeing a psychiatrist all the time. And I always feel that my ex-husband left me. My psychiatrist said that this is actually a subconscious sense of inferiority and exclusivity. Later it turned out that you saw ... . "

"Although ... when I found him derailed, the whole person almost collapsed, but then think about it, it seems like this, my heart is actually ready."

"Xiaohehe ..." Luo's eyes were wet, and she didn't expect that her friends hadn't seen the glorious beauty she had seen on the surface all these years.

Thinking of this, Rao directly expressed her emotions with actual actions.

He stretched out his hands at Wu He and hugged her tightly.

The friendship between women is often so strange. The real girlfriends can cry with you, laugh with you, and abuse men together.

"I'm not afraid, I'll introduce you to a good one when we go home! There are many very good men in our family!" Wu Rao teased Wu He directly with a funny look on his chest.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became more active again.

Wu He took out a tissue and wiped away her tears, smirking.

"Who wants you to introduce, my sister's market is very good!"

"Yes, yes, our little Hehe is the standard high IQ Bai Fumei, Wall Street who chases you can't be ranked!" Suo said with a smile.

"Go and go, it's a bit overdone."

"Okay, don't say it! I'm coming with you this time. First, I haven't returned to my country for a long time to come back to visit an old place. Second, I really want to cooperate with you."

"How? Think about it, accompany me to find the weird old man, and then we will make our own company."

"Do your own company?" Was stunned. "Don't you say you want to be with Qin Chen? Or is it a winter series."

Wu He leaned her head on her shoulders and pulled her finger to say, "Originally I wanted to cooperate with Qin Chen, but I thought about it later, since you are the largest shareholder and an expert in biology , Why do n’t we do it ourselves? "

"Owning a company by yourself has nothing to do with Sr and Wu's family. It's like saving milk powder for my baby."

"Then, don't you return to country M?"

Wu He sighed, apparently not denying it.

"Don't go back for the time being, it just happens that you are fine, go out and walk around with me. I heard that there is a very effective temple on that mountain. I just remembered everything. "

Looking for a master to sign?

Luo's eyes lit up, but he hadn't really considered this aspect.

Seeing that Wao didn't refuse, Wu He patted her shoulder very cheerfully!

"Okay, that's it! I'll ask someone to book a ticket, and we will leave the next day ..."

Wu He is an activist. For her, it is better to spend time on work than to waste time here and be sad.

Thinking of this, she directly took out her mobile phone.

Nuo watched Wu He's startled move, and didn't react until the two tickets were placed in front of him.

"How do you still have my ID card?"

"Idiot, you forgot, we have gone out together in the past, don't worry about it. If you are not worried, we will go with the iron cow. I have consulted a doctor when I came in. The iron cow recovered. Very good, that is, the nerves are stretched for too long, and after a sudden break, there is little reaction.

"Although I don't have a local tyrant without you, I still have private jets and a professional medical team. I happen to be pregnant. The medical jet is in Los Angeles."

When it comes to this, Wuluo has no reason to refuse.

When talking with two children in the evening, when Qin Han heard that he should not contact his uncle recently, his face was almost screwed together.

No wonder he has not been able to link to the signals from his hometown these days. It seems that something really happened!

It is a pity that he is now living in a boarding elementary school. Although the school has given special care to him and his sister, they have separate rooms and servants, but he does not have enough equipment, otherwise he can hack into the satellite of the hidden family .

"Okay, Mommy, I will take care of myself and my sister, so you can go to work!"

Qin Han was worried, but the phone still had a sweet laugh.

Suo didn't doubt that he was there, and after a few words he hung up the phone.

However, after hanging up the phone, Qin Han hesitated for a moment, but dialed Qin Chen's number again.


In the office of the president of the SR headquarters, the clock on the wall has already struck twelve times, and has entered a new cycle.

Qin Chen rubbed his eyebrows tiredly. If there were not a few big cases that required him to make a final decision, he really wanted to give himself a month's vacation directly.

Just like Mr. Ma, the first down payment in the world.

When you earn 200,000 a month, you will feel very happy.

But when you earn two billion a month, you will find that no amount of money can make you happy, because that is not your own money, and you do n’t know how much responsibility you have to bear behind you.

In the case of SR now, it is no longer possible to describe the number of employees in thousands.

After all, there are branches and processing plants all over the world.

Every decision made by Qin Chen is related to the jobs of many people.

Just as he finished drinking coffee and was about to continue, his personal mobile phone shook.

Qin Chen was stunned, still a stranger.

The instinctive plan was pressed, but the phone was connected.

"Father with paralysis, how about we talk about a business ..."

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