One Hundred Ways to Satisfy Your Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 324: Actually you are quite ...

Biquge, the fastest update of Jiao's wife is on the latest chapter: the latest chapter of a perfect marriage of 100 tricks!

"Girl, this is the CT this time."

Qin Long came in with a bag from outside, and successfully prevented the **** Shinto of the old drug king.

The old medicine king patted on Qin Chen's shoulder, leaving an intriguing smile, and then returned to his recliner, maintaining a half-dream state.

Undoubtedly, he opened the bag.

After reading a few photos, his expression became more dignified.

As he said, Qin Long's situation was tricky. The size of the brain tumor had already pressed on his pituitary gland, and the color looked very wrong.

There is something in the tumor.

Rao studied traditional Chinese medicine. Although Western medicine has a lot of experience, she has only dealt with animals in terms of actual combat experience. But Qin Long is a living person.

I'm just afraid ...

She is also not sure.

Qin Long seemed to be ready for the end of the tragedy. When he watched Rao put down the CT film, he took the initiative to speak.

"You have read the situation, so this is probably life."

He comforted himself with a smile, but also wanted to give Wuluo a suitable step by the way.

However, the glimmer in the girl's eyes shone brightly!

"No, you can't give up. If the equipment is okay, you can still give it a try, but I have to declare first that I'm mainly a creature in recent years. For the human brain, this is the first time."

Luo looked at him seriously.

"Do you believe me?"

Qin Long was stared by the clear eyes.

The memory turned upside down, as if the girl had said something similar before going up the mountain.

It's just that the primary and secondary are now reversed.

"How confident are you?" No one really wants to die, and detachment is no exception.

Rao picked up the films again, combined with the diagnosis given by the doctor next to him.

"To be honest, only 50%."

Luo said to herself, but also a little embarrassed.

She thought that with her special blood, she would have nothing to worry about.

But can the disease be solved only by its strong recovery ability?

As he said it, the heart of Luo was also very disturbed.

He was even ready to be mocked by Qin Long.

After all, she was strong before.


The poor table collapsed again.

Tears flowed on Qin Long's face.

His excited hands were still trembling in the air, and under that hand was a poorly torn table.

"Five percent! Fifty percent!"

Nuo was terrified by his anomaly.

Xin Dao, is this man mad by himself?

Otherwise, the man who was just so elegant, how could this be like crazy.

"Yes ... this is actually a conservative estimate, mainly because I haven't operated on people, and my assistant is now in a coma, so ..."

"I know this success rate is very low, Mr. Qin, I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have performed too confidently before, and it has affected you."

Talking, she was about to bow.

However, Qin Long looked at her strangely.

Seems to be laughing ...

But there are tears in my eyes ...

It's over!

This is crazy!

Nuo was constantly drumming in the bottom of his heart, and turned to Qin Chen for help.

This treatment hasn't been cured yet. It can drive people crazy.

Qin Chen was also stunned, just about to speak, but saw Qin Long standing up from the ground.

"No no no! 50% is already very high!"


"You don't know how those doctors told me, even if I was invited to the best brain expert abroad, the highest level would be 20%. Only you! Only you!" Qin Long said. However, an abnormal blush appeared again on the pale face.

Luo looked at the handsome man's uncle like a clockwork carousel twisting in the room, completely silly!

But what made her and Qin Chen even more unexpected was.

Qin Long hadn't turned a few circles yet, and suddenly he fell to the ground.

Behind him, the old man of Medicine King smiled very strangely.

"Um ... it's so exciting to have a bag in my head! I'm afraid it would hang up before I got to the operating room."

"Okay, it's getting late. I can't stand the old man. The two friends are next to the box. Please take it easy. I will talk about something tomorrow."

As the old man said, he lifted Qin Long on the ground with one hand and threw it on the bed.

Nuo had been staring at his movements, and the inner strength of the old drug king was similar to that of their family. But it's not the same.

It was too late to ask questions, but he saw the old man turned and went to bed.

But within a few seconds, his breathing became extremely smooth.

This is really a second sleep!

Luo whistled helplessly.

But no one else was asleep, and she could no longer get the old man up.

Looking at each other with a smile, Qin Chen walked to the door of the next room.


It's different from Luao's imagination.

The stone house next door is a guest room, but rather a palace.

There is not much difference between the outside and the house where the old medicine king lives, but there is a natural difference inside.

The four gilt gold pillars are painted with complicated and complicated lines, and the dim candlelight can't hide the low-key but luxurious luster of the pillar itself.

In this vast stone house, there are only a few pieces of furniture.

A gleaming glazed dressing table, the mirror above was covered with black cloth.

And in the center, the big bed that people can't ignore even if they want to ignore it.

Above is a big red cup, and the pillows are a pair of jade pillows carved from white jade.

If it were n’t for a modern electronic clock with a date hanging on the wall, Luo had to wonder if he had crossed!

At the same time, I feel more and more strange in this place.

Luo and Qin Chen looked at each other, and they both saw shock in each other's eyes!

Did they really go to the wrong room?

The village road outside the window was so quiet that I could only hear a few barks.

Qin Chen pulled out a small box from his arms and glanced around the whole room before his eyebrows spread quietly.

He returned to the door, and the doorknob could be locked from the inside.

It opened with a light pull, and looked up, still the scene of the mountain.

It doesn't seem to be much different from just now.

Maybe they think too much.

Qin Chen shook his head, trying hard to expel the uneasiness in his heart.

When she turned around, Luo had taken off her coat and got into the quilt.

Looking at Qin Chen's eyes were confused, and seemed to be extremely sleepy.

Despite many doubts, Qin Chen also stayed up late for his wife.

Taking off his coat, he also got into the quilt, but the seemingly thin quilt was extremely warm.

"Sleep, he turned and kissed the voluptuous forehead." Put the woman's head on a few arms and closed her eyes.


This sleepy dream had a very strange dream.

In her dream, she seemed to be crushed by something. She tried hard to resist, but the thing was getting tighter and tighter, making her almost breathless.

She finally awakened from the dream, and she saw a shadow of a black squashed on herself.

Just about to exclaim!

The lips were covered with a warmth.

"Lao, it's me."

Qin Chen's familiar voice made Luo put down his guard.

But soon, she froze again.

Her two hands are being twisted into a strange shape and pressed against her chest. Qin Chen's two hands are holding her shoulders tightly, as for the two legs ... that's needless to say.


Luo was speechless!

No wonder he has such a strange dream. It turned out that this man was actually sleeping while he was still doing shy things!

Irrespective of the wandering struggles, Qin Chen seemed to be hit by a spell.

The warm palms were repeatedly nostalgic on the chest and lower abdomen, sliding to the mysterious part with a piece of crisp linen, and the overwhelming desire was pressing against the voluptuous.

The discomfort in the dream swept through my heart again.

This familiar and unfamiliar feeling made Luwa very adaptable.

She instinctively wants to use her talent to stop Qin Chen to see if she can make the man normal.

However, it is strange that no matter how concentrated the energy is.

None could activate her eyes.

Even more terrifying is that Qin Chen moved ...

Unlike the patience in the past, he is like a beast at this moment, leaving only the most primitive desire.

Luo struggled, puzzled.

In his eyes, it turned into the best accessory.

Once and for all.

Constantly climbing the peak.

Luo struggled to no avail, and finally had no choice but to cooperate.

Work hard to curl up the body, so that the two tissues fit tighter.

Until dawn ...


"Jade Girl, Mr. Qin, are you awake?"

Qin Long's knock on the door awakened the two in the room.

Suo narrowed her eyes, and when she opened her eyes, she saw the blue and purple on her chest and shoulders.

Looking at Qin Chen again, it seems that it is not good to get there. The broad and powerful shoulders are full of scratches.

This Nima!

How can you meet someone!

Voluptuously kicked her foot towards Qin Chen's leg and pulled up the cup to cover her face.

Qin Chen looked at her behavior funny and looked down, but he was stunned.

Was he really dreaming last night?

"Jade Girl? Mr. Qin?"

Qin Long knocked on the door again.

He did not intend to disturb the two deliberately, but it was noon, the rain stopped, and a lot of Qin Chen and the girl from yesterday were blocked under the mountain.

If they don't show up again, they may be chaotic throughout Wushan.

Qin Chen's eyes flooded with light, and he responded quickly.

"Please wait a moment, we will go out here."

After coping with the door, Qin Chen looked helplessly at the little woman under the quilt.

He actually thought he was dreaming, but he didn't expect it to be true.


It seems very intense ...

Finally, he pulled the quilt away and embraced Luo.

Qin Chen's wise decision no matter what happens in the end, it is definitely best to admit the mistake first!

"Sister-in-law ... I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Rao's eyelids jumped, trying to get up but his lower body was aching.

But he just turned over and his legs were trembling.

Suddenly hot!

"Do you still know that you are wrong? Then what are you doing wrong?"

Determined, Rao decided to be angry for a while this time!

Let men realize their mistakes deeply.

However, the emotional quotient of President Qin seems to have yet to wake up.

He carefully held the voluptuous little face, thinking hard about his beautiful "dream".

Involuntary grievances: "Daughter-in-law ... I think you actually enjoy it ..."

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