One Hundred Ways to Satisfy Your Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 334: Nothing to do with you

Biquge, the fastest update of Jiao's wife is on the latest chapter: the latest chapter of a perfect marriage of 100 tricks!

"Su Muchen ... Are you going to go crazy?" Qin Chen's eyes became worse.

If he can, he really wants to pry off Su Muchen's head and wash it with washing powder.

"I ... I'm not ..." Su Muchen opened his mouth, but found his language so poor, he looked back at Nangong Yanran, the woman still smiled brightly.

It's just that the smile was too blinking, and weird everywhere.

"Mu Chen ... your life is good." Suddenly, she opened her mouth again.

Su Muchen's figure seemed to be inexplicably injected with chicken blood, and he blocked Qin Chen's heart for a while.

"Achen, are you going to kill her?"

Qin Chen's eyes lingered: "You don't have to worry about this."

"Can you let her go?" Su Muchen's eyes dodged, but he was still brave enough to speak his mind.

"Let her go?" Qin Chen sneered again and again: "Su Muchen, do you know what you're talking about? Want me to remind you again, isn't she whirling?"

The smile on Qin Chen's face was too ridiculous, as if an invisible sword had pierced into Su Muchen's body.

He felt like a clown stripped out of his clothes at the moment, and placed in the spotlight of the circus, making him laugh.


"I know ..." He lowered his eyelids and raised the corners of his lips slightly inaudibly.

Seems to be mocking himself, but also to explain to Qin Chen.

"But ... I've already had a relationship with her ... you let me watch her die, I can't really do it."


Qin Chen's hand was raised again, stopped in the air, but fell down weakly.

He stared tightly at the good brother in front of him, and for the first time he felt that he was a familiar person, but now he became very strange.

"Just because of your relationship? So you want to stop me?"

Qin Chen only felt that he heard the most interesting joke in the world.

His brother, who had been closer than brothers and brothers for many years, fell asleep as an enemy who pretended to be his wife, and even wanted to kill her?

I'm afraid it's not a novel to be edited like this?

"I ..." Su Muchen's eyes dodge, and his unmoved body has already explained everything.

Behind him, Nangong Yan smiled extremely happy. The twitchy body and the mocking eyes seemed to be saying to Qin Chen, look, how can you treat me?

"Do you know she killed so many people?"

"M Country Chanel Plastic Surgery Hospital, it was dozens of lives." Qin Chen stared at Su Muchen intently.

Su Muchen's eyes dodged, looking back at Nangong Yanran, who was still smiling.

The ghost made the gods say: "Why do you do this?"

"Why?" Nangong smiled piercingly.

"Just for Qin Chen? So you are willing to seduce me?" Su Muchen murmured to herself, his heart filled with a sharp sword.

"How can you say seduce!" Nangong Yanran raised her hand to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth: "It seems like it was wishful thinking from the beginning?"

"And, even if I am fake, don't you still treat me because of this face? Su Muchen, do you think you are good?"

Nangong said disdainfully, sighed him.

Tu Mo Xing Zi splashed on Su Muchen's face, let the man finally experience what is called insult.

He pressed his eyelids, and Liu Hai, who hadn't been trimmed for days, already covered his eyes.

He stood like that, as if his soul had been taken away in a flash!

Qin Chen frowned, and his heart was complicated.

He gave instructions and took the person out of the hospital directly, but instead of returning directly to Luocheng, he went to Wu's house.


Nangong Yanran was shackled and locked in a separate room.

However, Su Muchen didn't pay attention to it, and even Qin Chen didn't say much about him.

It seems that he is airy, exists obviously, but is ignored by others.

Qin Chen and Mr. Wu Lao went to the study room to discuss the matter of cooperation, and Nuo accompanied Wu He to sit in Wu's garden.

Nangong Yanran's words, like a catalyst, spurred seeds of doubt in her heart.

Luo thought that it was impossible for him to have a relationship with Su Muchen, but Nangong Yanran's words were full of weight. It seemed that all the Yu family members were the same except for themselves.

Thinking of this, Rao took out her mobile phone, and suddenly wanted to make a phone call with her uncle.

However, just after dialing the number, there was a footstep behind him.

She looked back, it was Su Muchen.

"Wu He, Rao."

Su Muchen saw them from afar, but he dared not get close.

Especially Wu He, he really didn't know what face he should face.

Because a woman resembling a voluptuous woman divorced her, and then the Wu family found out that the woman was a fake, and has been using him.

He felt like a joke!

"Oh, this is not Dr. Su University."

Wu He glanced at his black gloves, and said coldly.

Su Muchen lowered his head and looked involuntarily towards Wu He's lower abdomen. Gu left and right said to him: "Child, how are you?"

"Is it related to you?"

"Don't you all have Xinhuan? Why? She won't have children? I heard that you are planning to recognize other children as fathers." Wu He deliberately stepped on his feet.

I don't know why, watching him lose himself, he should have been happy, but at the moment it was not happy, inexplicable anger.

"You ... you don't know ... what dad do I ..." Su Muchen smiled bitterly, looking at the slightly swollen belly, wanting to breed his own child inside, he instinctively wanted to stretch out Touch it.

Having been a doctor for so many years, he even delivered a baby in special circumstances.

But this touches other people's children, but their own, it is a completely different experience.

"Stay away from me! Don't blame the old lady for being unkind to you!"

He was just a few steps closer to Wu He, and the guardians of the Wu family hidden in the dark looked at them together, and the dark muzzles were aimed at him at the same time.


That was the bullet-loaded sound made by the Wu family.

Su Muchen's hand was suspended in the air, and then fell down weakly.

"I just want to see the baby ..." he said absently, his voice lonely.


"Nothing to do with you!"

"Su Muchen, I warn you, I don't move you now because of Qin Chen's sake. If you dare to miss anything, don't blame me cruel.

Wu He said coldly, pulling up Rao and turned and left.

Su Muchen trembles his lips, hesitating for a few seconds, but he has no courage to take steps to chase them.

In the empty garden, Wu He's decisive voice echoed.

"That's my child, it has nothing to do with you."


The old man's study on the top floor of the Wu family.

One figure and one figure stood side by side.

"You have also seen that his appearance can only bring trauma to Wu He. Seriously, even if Wu He can forgive him, I can't accept it."

The old man said heavily, disappointed in his tone.

In fact, he was optimistic about Su Muchen. Although the Dragon Soul was not well known in Luocheng, in Europe and M countries, it was also famous for its good reputation and strong power.

In addition to being the second person in charge of Dragon Soul, Su Muchen is also a superb medical doctor. The parents died early, just what their Wu family needed.

In the past five years, Wu Family spent a lot of resources on him!

Father Wu also secretly did not know how much he helped him.

The reward in return is that he can take over everything right away. The child will be born and his life will be complete, he will not do it ...

It's ridiculous!

Still being fooled by a woman!

"It's my thoughts, but the Wu family is the largest family in country M. The woman's identity is very special, and now it will be safer to just put it here."

"I listen to you, it seems to be called Nangong Yanran?" With the disappearance of his granddaughter's figure, Grandpa Wu also converged the disappointment in his eyes.

Sitting opposite Qin Chen, sipping hot tea slowly in a bite.

"Yes, it was originally the next heir of the Nangong family, but it got frustrated ..." Qin Chen couldn't help but think of Nangong's various deeds.

The bottom of his eyes showed little chance, he tried to analyze Nangong Yanran's motives.

Although this time he said that he caught the woman easily, the woman was calm and terrible, and she seemed not to be afraid of using her torture or killing her.

"Can't kill?" The shrewd old man asked softly.

"I want to. But I can't." Qin Chen did not evade the problem and said bluntly: "First of all, it is not clear what her current power in the Nangong family is, and secondly, my wife's uncle suddenly and mysteriously disappeared. Before, there seemed to be a war broke out in the family of the hidden world. I suspect that it was related to Nangong Yanran, but when I went to interrogate her, I fell down. "

"So, Luo is a member of the Yu family?"

Qin Chen nodded.

He has nothing to hide from this old man.

Master Wu narrowed his eyes and was silent for a moment. He walked towards the shelf and took out an album.

Turned there in front of Qin Chen's face, pulled out a slightly yellowed photo.

Above is a group of people who seem to be attending a banquet.

There is an extremely beautiful woman, there are dozens of people in the photos, but your eyes are reluctant to move away from her.

"This was discovered when I sorted out my son's relics. According to his record of the photos, it seems to have attended a banquet in Los Angeles. At that time, there was an extremely stunning woman, who seemed to be called Yuxi ... When I went to Waluo, I felt that they were somewhat similar. But Xiao Hehe said, Waluo is a child of the Lu family, and I did n’t think much about it. "

"Now that I have talked about it, this photo will be given to you. I believe that Rao must want a picture of her mother. After all, in a place like the Yu family, there are generally only portraits and not preserved. The appearance of a stranger is also a kind of protection. "

After all, for them, there will be countless assassinations.

Qin Chen took the picture with both hands and was very grateful: "I believe she will be very happy."

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