One Hundred Ways to Satisfy Your Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 364: Mrs. Qin, always exists

Biquge, the fastest update of Jiao's wife is on the latest chapter: the latest chapter of a perfect marriage of 100 tricks!

"Ken, it seems that I was really a Qu talent when I made you a special assistant. How about you go to the UC Shock Department to report tomorrow?"

Qin Chen raised his eyebrows and took a glance at the phone.

The news sent to Luo before the meeting hadn't been answered yet, which made people unhappy.

"Boss, you are really OUT. The UC Shock Department is no longer popular. You should let me be a self-media. If you don't mind, how about I use your identity to open a personal WeChat public account? Maybe not Raise a group of fans. "

"Open a public account?" Qin Chen raised an eyebrow.

It seems that this is really a good solution, not only can you record something, but also express something different.

But he did not intend to use the name Qin Chen directly, which was too dazzling.

"Let's talk later." Qin Chen said lightly, but he already had an idea in his heart.


Thinking about being able to spend a little more time with Luao, Qin Chen wouldn't take a lunch break at noon. Even at lunch, he would eat in the staff cafeteria and watch work emails.

Ben and Ken also accompanied him to work overtime, and finally finished the main work before 4 pm.

He put on his trench coat and took two assistants to the suite where Leng Qing was.

As soon as I entered the door, the strong smell of disinfectant water came out.

Seeing Qin Chen frown, the doctor next to him quickly explained: "President, because Ms. Leng Qing's fever has been delayed for a long time, and the severe cold has become viral, so the room has just been cleaned again."

Qin Chen nodded, stood at the door and did not enter, and then asked the doctor: "How is she doing now? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

The doctor glanced at the thermometer handed over by the nurse, flipped through the test data on his PAD, and shook his head.

"It is not used for the time being. The medical department of our hotel can still deal with this kind of case. Just pay more attention to rest, then you can't get cold anymore, and don't have to work hard in the near future.

"That's the hard doctor, the best if you use the medicine. As for the cost, just put it on my account."

"Good president, do you want to go in? It is best to wear a mask if you want to go in." As the doctor said, the nurse came up with a tray.

Leng Qing's door was not closed tightly, and she could vaguely see the scene inside. Bai Yunxi was sitting beside the bed, vaguely talking about something.

Qin Chen frowned slightly and made a decision instantly.

"Don't go in, I still have things. If you have any special circumstances, you can contact Ben or Ken."

The doctor nodded and went to the nurse.

When Qin Chen left the company, he directly dialed Luo's phone.

After waiting a few times, the voluptuous voice came to my ears with a smile, the infectious tenderness made Qin Chen's mood bright.

"What are you doing? So happy?"

"I received a great gift, where are you? I don't have to work in the military area this afternoon, I have returned."

"Then I took Si Luo to find you?"

"Or shall we pick Si Luo together?" Qin Chen asked softly.

Luo thought for a moment, then tilted her head and said, "Have you finished your business?"

"Things ... not yet ..." Qin Chen's voice lowered a bit.

"Then you will take Si Luo and come again, we will play hot pot at home at night."

"Hot pot?" What a familiar but distant word. Although Luwa didn't want to go to school with himself again, Qin Chen's heart was hot.

"Well ... I'm going to buy groceries in a while, and you will send me a text message about what you want to eat. I'll go to the supermarket to buy."

"I like to eat whatever you do ..." Qin Chen said earnestly.


"Then don't eat anything! Haha!" Rao chuckled a few times and cut off the phone directly.

Qin Chen looked at the cell phone with a blank screen in amazement.

When was my daughter-in-law so naughty?

Even joking with myself.

However, what made him even more curious was what gift Luo received in the end, and even had a good mood to eat hot pot at home.

President Qin's heart tickled, humming strange songs all the way, the two assistants sitting in the front row, countless times wanted to throw the pillow back and hit him.

It wasn't until the underground parking lot of the primary school where Si Rao was located that Qin Chen stopped singing and asked his two subordinates to pick up his daughter.

After all, those women yesterday were really terrifying.

What surprised Qin Chen was that Ben went alone, but returned three people.

Qin Siluo, who was bouncing, wanted to pounce on his father when he saw Qin Chen.

Qin Chen took her into her arms and squinted at the woman behind her, as if she was familiar?

"Mr. Qin ... I am Lin Xiaoyuan, Si Rao's head teacher."

Facing the legendary man for the first time, Madoka couldn't help being nervous.

When Qin Chen heard it, she was Sisuo's head teacher, her eyes suddenly squinted, and she narrowed her eyes to the short-legged little Lori who tried to crawl on herself.

"Mr. Qin, don't get me wrong. Siwa did well in school. I came to you to ask about your family."

"My family situation?" Qin Chen was somewhat stunned and raised his hand to stop Ken who was about to speak.

Although he has always been to the point of dying for feelings, he is not disgusted by the woman in front of him.

Especially those eyes, which are clear like his voluptuousness.

"You ... don't get me wrong ..." Seeing Qin Chen's eyes narrowed, Teacher Xiaoyuan couldn't help but panic again, and sweat squeezed from his forehead.

"Huh?" Qin Chen frowned deeper. The teacher's psychological quality was not good. How can I say a few words still nervous?

"This is so, because your information is confidential, so I can't see it. But from the perspective of child growth, I think you are obligated and necessary to handle your personal emotional life."

"After all, the child is still young, and Siluo is such a precocious child. Words and lessons are very important. I heard that your emotional life in previous years has always been blank. Why is it so late ..." Teacher Xiaoyuan thought for a long time, also Did not come up with any suitable adjectives.

He simply stubbornly said: "This is the case. Since you were exposed to the cold home a few days ago, many people have asked me for your contact information, intending to recommend yourself, and even more, just find it directly. Si Rao, so you saw it yesterday. "

"Of course, I don't mean to interfere with your private life. I just think that this school is a place for everyone to learn, not a platform for rich family dating. What do you think? Of course, children who may go to school here will go abroad to study in junior or high school. Ordinary children take the college entrance examination like that, but ... "

Seeing that Qin Chen kept silent, Mr. Xiaoyuan said what she thought in her heart.

Not to please anyone, nor to attract Qin Chen's attention.

Just simple, I hope the child is good.

Although her way of speaking and wording at this moment are still very immature and flawed, I believe that in time, she will become an excellent teacher.

It's just that although the words vomited quickly, I was afraid to follow.

In particular, there are only a few of them in the underground garage, and the empty square can still echo even the breathing.

Lin Xiaoyuan looked at the cold face of Qin Chen in front of him, and felt more and more stressed.

I really am ...

"Is Teacher Lin Xiaoyuan right?" Just when Teacher Xiaoyuan couldn't stand, Qin Chen spoke.

"Yes ..." She shuddered back, and oppressed by Qin Chen's powerful aura, she wanted to run away.

"Thank you for your words today. It is their luck that Siluo and Hanhan can have a teacher like you."

"Ah?" Teacher Xiaoyuan couldn't help but widen her eyes.

"Well, I admit that I have been busy recently, so I ignored the emotional education of children, but you can rest assured that this chaotic situation will be over soon. In addition, if someone is asking me about Xiaoyuan ... Then tell them that I have a wife. "

"Ah?" Teacher Xiaoyuan was even more surprised.

Qin Chen held Little Loli in her arms.

Suddenly opened his lip corner: "Without Mrs. Qin, how could there be such a lovely Si Luo and Han Han, I did not do well, so the teacher bothered."

"Well, at the parent meeting on the weekend, I will attend with my wife. You can make this public in the parent group."

Until Qin Chen's children and assistants left, the campus teacher was still standing in the garage for a long time.

Qin Chen's tenderness when she finally spoke made her almost attracted.

But soon, she recovered herself.

This kind of man is not something she can think of, but she can finally get rid of those whimsical colleagues and parents, it is still worth being happy.

I just don't know, where is the legendary Mrs. Qin?

Could it be that Miss Lengjia who was in the air a few days ago?


In the hotel suite.

Leng Qing woke up and fell awake.

It wasn't until it was dark that the fever was finally gone.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she glanced at Bai Yunxi sitting at the bed, looking at herself with anxiety in her face.

"Mom, what time is it now?" She said weakly, angry.

Seeing her wake up, Bai Yunxi immediately picked up the medicated meal that had been prepared next to her.

"It's 8 o'clock in the evening. The hotel's kitchenette has stewed medicinal meals for you. Are you hungry? Would you like some?"

"It's 8pm!" Leng Qing was surprised!

Today, but Qin Chen agreed to accompany her on the last day of acting, and originally planned to send her parents back to the United States tonight.

She is sick ...

Leng Qing struggled to get up and got out of bed.

Bai Yunxi frowned, and quickly reached out to support her crumbling.

"what happened to you?"

"Mom, I have something to look for Qin Chen ..." Leng Qing said softly, but there was a flash of decisiveness in her eyes.

"Now?" Bai Yunxi looked at her pale face.

"Well ... it's too late to be late."

"Too late?" Bai Yunxi was even more puzzled.

"Yes ... you can't go out first, let me make a phone call?" Leng Qing felt a bit soft all the time she sat up and seemed to be unable to walk at all. She simply wanted Bai Yunxi to leave and call herself. .

But to her surprise, her good temper will not refuse her adoptive mother.

After getting up, he closed the door instead of leaving.

"Mom ..." Leng Qing looked at her in shock.

"Are you hiding something from me?"

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