One Hundred Ways to Satisfy Your Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 440: Iron egg blossom

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The poison capsule was burned by Qin Chen directly with a lighter, and it seemed extremely strange to surround the whole room with smoke ...

Crackling ...

And the heartbreaking voice of the female ninja ...

She was caught alive by the enemy! Even the opportunity for generosity is gone.

The poison capsule burned out, and the light in her eyes dimmed.

"How did you find me?"

"I'm obviously using the bone-shrinking skill ..." I also drilled into the sewer! Thinking of the sufferings and the sins she suffered, the female ninja was suffocating.

"It wasn't me who discovered you ... he discovered ..." Qin Chen kicked the killer on the ground and said indifferently.

The female ninja was stunned, the inquiring eyes swept the killer, and shook her head ...

Sorry wow, said a R language that the killer didn't understand.

"What is she talking about?" The killer children's shoes couldn't help but wonder.

Qin Chen raised her eyebrows and snarled the female ninja with a special rope ...

Looking at Qin Chen's professional technique, the woman endured Emei to frown, but when she thought of her practiced Dongying ninjutsu, she suddenly calmed down again.

"She said you were garbage!"

Qin Chen said bluntly ...

"What!" The killer was shocked!

"Shoo! Wow!" The Ninja looked at the killer, glanced at Qin Chen, and said again.

"He also said you can't ..." Qin Chen continued **** ...

"What! She said I can't?" The killer on the ground screamed and jumped up directly from the ground, and he couldn't care about his current situation. He hit the female ninja directly ... The eyes were quenched with poison, as if thinking The female ninja should be swallowed alive.

"Smelly ladies ... dare to say I can't do it ... I kill you ..." It seems that I was stepped on the pain point, and the killer suddenly became crazy.

Qin Chen originally wanted the female ninja to suffer first and then torture, but he didn't want the killer to go crazy.

Suddenly, he wasn't in a good mood.

Qin Chen kicked out, and the killer flew out directly and hung upside down on the wall ...

Qin Chen suddenly stretched out his hand towards the female ninja.


The clothes of the female ninja were torn to pieces by Qin Chen, and her petite but powerful figure was exposed to the air.

The cold breeze blew, and the pair of well-developed bunnies on the woman's chest immediately shivered ...

The killer eyes on the ground changed from O type to I ...

But Qin Chen's face was calm and he didn't blink. He reached out and quickly tapped on the woman a few times, sealing off some key points on the female ninja to prevent her from running ...


"Say, who sent you?" Qin Chen looked at her indifferently, her eyes turned into ice skates and hit the female ninja like substance.

Country R endured treacherousness and had strong beliefs and principles.

Therefore, although Qin Chen was in a great position, he actually wanted to try it out. It was best to ask, but if he couldn't, he sent people to the car.

But what he didn't expect was ...

With his movements, the anger on the girl who had just glared at him suddenly disappeared.

The female ninja was still tied to the chair by him, but Qingxiu's face turned red, and his voice was also the same as before.

"I ... My name is Muzi Kawashima ..." The Ninja opened her mouth shyly, and Qin Chen's goose bumps shattered to the ground.

"Continue." He took a few steps back indifferently, more alert in his heart ... Is she planning to seduce me to run?

"I'm 18 years old this year ... good at shrinking bones ... height 158, weight 89, size 85D ..."

Qin Chen :? ? ?

"Although I was a little lower ... but my father was tall ... I just wanted to be a ninja, so I deliberately adjusted my bones as a child ..."

"Say the key!" Qin Chen listened to a self-introduction, a little ignorant, subconsciously reached out and picked up the stinky sock on the ground.

"Is it important?" The female ninja's face suddenly turned red, and the voice of Xi Ruojia's voice sounded again: The important point is ... I have never been in love ... so please ask me in the future ...

"in love?"

"Advise?" What stuff! Qin Chen lost his socks in astonishment, examining the female ninja on the couch. This woman looks very smart, how come this IQ ...

Is the wrong donkey head correct?

Taking a breath, Qin Chen squeezed the palm with a urge to stun the woman.

"I let you say who sent you ..."

"No one sent me ..."

"Huh?" Qin Chen's eyes flashed coldly.

The female ninja noticed his displeasure and immediately shook her head desperately to explain: "No one really asked me to come ... I just saw a tall figure here, and you just solved them by hand. .. I want to compare with you ... "

"And I am not a ninja you imagine ... I just have voyeurism ... I like to drill pipes, and then I just ..."

"You don't believe you can look in my pocket ... the student ID card inside is here ...

Isn't it to kill?

Still an international student?

Between the speed of light, Qin Chen made up 10,000 possibilities.

Especially the female ninja, despite her small size, was not lazy at all in the place where she should be ... in her trouser pocket, it was indeed bulging.

Qin Chen narrowed his eyes and suddenly turned to look at the killer on the ground.

The killer shivered inexplicably.

Unconsciously wanting to retreat, but glimpsed Qin Chen even picked up the sock comparable to biochemical weapons!

I rub it!

Can you still play happily! This is simply abuse of prisoners of war!

He thought about it, but he was forced by someone's Y Wei, still looking at Qin Chen with his neck stuck ...

"Brother ... I have something to say ..."

Qin Chen raised his eyebrows and stretched his hand to pull him from the ground. With a few flexible fingers, the killer's arm was already free to move.

Qin Chen pointed at the female ninja before being happy in the future.

"Go ... pull out the things in her pocket ..."

The killer looked in the direction of his finger, and the dead ninja was facing them ... in his pocket? The killer is in trouble ...

There is a pocket on the front of this woman!

He stepped forward tremblingly and glanced at Qin Chen again.

Pained and happy and stretched his hand toward the female ninja zipper.

"It's not that I want to treat you ..."

"Smile wow!" Island Mandarin.

"Alas ... it's a hooligan ... it feels good ..."

"Ah !!! I want to kill you!"

The crappy Chinese floated out, and the scene burst into five stars again.

Qin Chen sat elegantly on the sofa, watching the female ninja hit the killer with only one hand to life and could not take care of himself.

"No culture, it's terrible!"

As the killer was confused, the devil's voice fell on his ear again.


Five minutes later, Qin Chen, who had verified the basic information, sat calmly on the sofa and drinking tea.

Opposite him, it was the lady ninja who changed her clothes.

Oh no, it should be Muzi Kawashima.

"You can go ..." When Qin Chen heard the car downstairs, she threw her passport and documents to her.

"And ... here is Lowe, restrain your voyeurism, and next time, I promise to call you to change ..."

After Qin Chen finished speaking indifferently, he lifted all the restraints on Kawashima Muzi, and then guardedly copied his hand. If he planned to move the woman, she would just tie it up.

Just now he asked someone to check the identity of the woman. Originally, he thought that she was just a little girl with a mental illness. But unexpectedly, the information showed that this is a genius girl with an IQ of over 180, or a graduate student exchange student.

The most important thing is that her family turned out to be the young lady of the Kawashima family, one of the four major families in Japan.

Unless she really hurts Qin Chen, Qin Chen cannot kill her.

So, after the police took the dying killer away.

Qin Chen planned to let her go back and forth.

Unexpectedly, after Kawashima Muzi put away all his documents, he fell to his knees on the ground.

Qin Chen: ...

"Iron Egg King ..."

Qin Chen's forehead floated with a black line.

"What are you doing? I said that I won't catch you this time."

Kawashima Muzi shook his head quickly, then raised his hand and touched it towards the back of his head.

A white light flashed, and a hairpin was added to her hand, and the dense black hair fell down on her shoulders.

It had a baby face, and it was more and more small and cute with the long black hair.

"Please accept it."

"What am I going to do with this thing? You hurried away and it was dawning!" Luo was about to wake up and was found to have a woman in his house.

However, Muzi was misunderstood.

She tilted her head and stared at Qin Chen staring blankly, her teeth gnawed at her lower lip, and suddenly she seemed to realize something!

As soon as her eyes lit up, she happily put the hairpins away.

"You mean, will I come again after dark?"


"What are you doing?" Do you want to peep yourself? Qin Chen's eyes suddenly became cold again, and the thought of seeing blood swelled in his mind.


Kawashima Muzi blushed with blood.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he stuffed the hairpin directly into Qin Chen's hands, and then slipped along the window.


Slipped ...

Qin Chen pinched the hosta that still had the woman's body temperature, and wanted to throw it directly into the trash can.

But Chen Guang happened to report that a gleam of light shrouded the jade hairpin, and the hairpin of the hairpin even glowed with faint red light.

Qin Chen was startled.

Hurry up to the window and lift the hairpin to the sun.

I glanced at which line of clear small letters.

The Kawashima family ...

There was an ominous hunch in Qin Chen's heart.

Sure enough, a lame Chinese sounded downstairs next second.

"Tie Sang! After receiving the love tokens from others ... you have to be responsible for them!"

The female ninja shyly shook his hand downstairs!

Qin Chen's face was green ...

He hurriedly opened the window to throw the hairpin out.

But what I didn't expect was that suddenly I was light in my hand.

Hairpin has changed the Lord.

Looking back, the voluptuous in pajamas was smiling at him.

"Oh ... The iron eggs are blooming ..."

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