Chen Dong is right when he says that no one wants to drag his sick body to fight zombies.

Cold medicine is a bit more expensive, but if you lose your life, keep these supplies to help future players! !

Soon, all the cold medicine was gone.

Chen Dong's backpack is also filled with a large amount of combat supplies, such as crossbows, crossbows, daggers, hand axes and the like.

There were even people trading grenades, which Chen Dong didn't expect.

In the chat channel, some people still said harsh things to Chen Dong.

Number 10000: "10086, the mountains and rivers will not change, just wait for me!!"

Number 10010: "When I get over my cold, I will definitely spread your ashes 10086!!"

Chen Dongzheng was concentrating on organizing the combat supplies in his backpack. When he saw the harsh words in the chat channel, he chuckled.

Number 10086: "Yeah, I'll wait (smiling emoticon)."

After sending the message, Chen Dong closed the chat channel and ignored it.

"There are enough Molotov cocktails, ten grenades, iron animal traps, and quite a few crossbow arrows. Do you want to put some rust on the whole tetanus enchantment..."

Chen Dong sorted out the combat supplies.

For a time, he found that he could match the strength of a team.

At least compared to the other team in the villa area, as long as he is given enough time to set up, it is not a problem to kill the opponent alone.

Just when Chen Dong was about to shut down the system and take a rest, an advertisement popped up on the trading platform.

【Extra! A gold-level blueprint appears on the trading platform: Barrier Wall (this blueprint is the first gold-level blueprint on this trading platform)]

Chen Dong's heart suddenly became hot.

When I yawn, someone gives me a pillow.

He was still worried about how to avoid the invasion of zombies in the villa area. Now, if there is this barrier wall, then there is no need to worry about this problem.

Chen Dong immediately opened the trading platform, found the gold-level blueprint, and muttered to himself: "This time, I am sure to win!!"

As soon as this gold-level blueprint appeared, it directly shocked the chat channels of the entire apocalyptic world.

They didn't expect that just a week after arriving in this apocalyptic world, people had already begun to find gold-level supplies.

Not to mention gold, even silver is very rare and is usually at the bronze level.

In the chat channel, many people were jealous.

No. 546262: "How is it possible! This must be a lie again! I have never seen anyone so lucky! Why, how...ah, I am so sour!!"

No. 15424: "Yeah, yeah, how could anyone get such a good thing? A barrier and a wall! Wouldn't it be beautiful if you found a shelter and opened the wall directly? What are zombies? I'll just keep them out. "

No. 345345: "Damn it! He has put it up for auction. Do you really want to sell it?! But the price is so expensive. The starting price is 1,000 pieces of necessary daily necessities, and the price increases by 50 pieces each time. I can't afford it..."

Amid the wailing, many groups fell in love with this drawing of a fortification wall.

They had already searched for the shelter, and this drawing appeared quite timely.

In another villa area, a naked and muscular man was thinking about the drawing on the trading platform. He pushed away the woman next to him who had just vented about the great harmony of life, his eyes burning.

"I'm going to decide on the barrier and the wall! Whoever takes advantage of me, I'll kill him!!"

The strong man put on his clothes, walked downstairs and began to gather his team members and began to gather supplies in preparation for participating in the auction.

In a signal station, many people gathered around a handsome man, quietly waiting for him to give orders.

"Young Master Zhou, as long as you give the order, we will immediately collect resources and participate in the auction. Or, find the player..."

A man dressed in black next to him asked in a low voice, while making a motion of wiping his neck with his right hand.

The handsome man waved his hand and took a sip of red wine.

"No need, we are definitely not the only one who is jealous of this golden blueprint. It is even more impossible to snipe the seller. The system's protection in this regard is still very thoughtful. Moreover, I, Zhou Shujian, am not the kind of person who will use any means to achieve his goals. Lao Ma, prepare supplies and participate in the auction.”

The man in black next to Zhou Shuqian bowed respectfully and said, "Okay, Mr. Zhou, I will go and gather the brothers to start preparing supplies and prepare for bidding. I will do my best to help Mr. Zhou obtain the golden blueprint!"

Zhou Shujian sneered, looking very confident.

He is sitting on a lot of living supplies.

I can't believe there is someone more powerful.

In the troubled times outside, those unscrupulous people are probably still worrying about their next meal. Who can beat him?

Jiang Kai, who lives in the same villa area as Chen Dong, is also eyeing this gold-level drawing.

Although the number of zombies in their villa area is now very small, he has discovered Chen Dong's footprints.

If there are other players coming, he doesn't have the confidence to stop them.

But if there is wallpaper for the barrier wall, then all the problems will no longer exist.

Their team can resist the zombie tide that may appear in the future, and can also block the covetous efforts of many players.

But they had just experienced a big war and they didn't have enough supplies to participate in the auction.

Jiang Kai was so angry that he hammered the marble coffee table helplessly.

On a big tree in the wild, Qianbuduo, who was wearing glasses, was looking at the empty daily necessities in his backpack with worry.

There was only one gold-level blueprint left: the barrier wall.

He was a little helpless.

It was not that he wanted to sell this gold-level blueprint, but he had no choice.

"I hope more people will participate in the auction and raise the price, so that I can live a few more days."

Qianbuduo pushed his glasses and waited for the auction to start.

Soon, the auction house of the trading platform opened.

This was an auction specifically for this gold-level blueprint.

According to the rules of the trading platform, only materials that reached the gold level are eligible to participate in the auction house.

And now, there is only one barrier wall.

The forces that are eligible to participate in the auction have used their best abilities to collect materials and are determined to get the gold-level blueprint.

After all, this thing is too important for them!

In the chat channel, the gold-level wall blueprint also attracted many lone wolf survivors.

No. 46543: "Who do you think will buy this gold-level blueprint?"

No. 254318: "I don't know about other things, but there is a team in our East District, led by Niu Ziqiang, who is known as the largest group in the East District. They just occupied the villa area this time. I think they will definitely participate in the auction, and the chances of winning the auction are very high!"

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