One kind of unlimited supplies every day, I pushed through the doomsday

Chapter 146 Testing the herbicide, it really works

Not long after walking, Chen Dong and his team encountered mutant plants.

At this time, they were besieging a small team of survivors, and four or five people were whipped by vines and had no power to fight back.

Chen Dong saw this scene and nodded.

"It's a good time to try our special herbicide to see if it works."

"If it doesn't work, we'll retreat."

The three got out of the car and walked towards the mutant plants.


Ajie was very unlucky and actually encountered mutant plants.

Encountering mutant plants now is like winning the lottery.

However, one is extremely lucky and the other is extremely unlucky.

Ajie and his team had just experienced an attack by mutant plants and did not have any Molotov cocktails on them.

Moreover, they were more or less injured.

Their captain was also pierced in the stomach by a mutant plant, and is still gritting his teeth to support it.

But I don't know how long he can hold on.

However, there are only four or five of them left, and a few pistols.

Presumably, soon he will also be pierced by the mutant plant after the captain's retreat, and become nutrients for the mutant plant!

The captain lying on the ground suddenly vomited a large mouthful of blood and was about to die.

At this moment, three survivors walked towards them.

A man wearing silver armor, followed by two beautiful women.

One was as gentle as water, and the other was as cold as a winter plum.

The three survivors walked over blatantly and walked straight towards the mutant plants.

What are they going to do, are they looking for death? !

Don’t they know how terrifying the mutant plants are?

If it weren’t for this invulnerable mutant plant, how could their captain die?

Seeing that these three strange survivors were about to go forward to die, Ajie couldn’t bear it and couldn’t help shouting: "Hey! Mutated plants are too dangerous, don’t go over to die!"

The three stopped.

Ajie breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that they still have some brains.

Then, Chen Dong turned his head and looked over.

Without saying a word, he directly took out an energy pulse sword.

Ajie was secretly shocked.

How could there be a weapon like an energy pulse sword?

Shouldn't this be something that only appears in science fiction movies?

Xie Anqi said, "Old Chen, be careful."

Tian Xiaoyu also smiled slightly.

"Come on."

Facing the encouragement and concern of the two peerless beauties, Chen Dong just nodded slightly.

Ah Jie felt a little sour and jealous for no reason.

But then, these negative emotions were directly replaced by shock.

Damn, how did you rush directly into the roots of the mutant plant!

Did you ignore what I said?

Ah Jie shouted, "Hey, don't joke with your life just to show off! Mutated plants are very dangerous! Come back quickly!"

Xie Anqi turned her head with a smile and said, "Don't worry, he won't be afraid of this mutant plant."

Ah Jie almost couldn't help rolling his eyes.

What are you talking about?

This beautiful sister, you are probably obsessed with this man.

You know, even the strongest teams now are helpless with mutant plants.

But soon, he opened his mouth wide.

Chen Dong suddenly accelerated his running.

The instant burst speed was so fast that it was hard to see with the naked eye.

Is this the speed that the survivors can reach?

Even if he had reached level 10, his speed was not so terrifying.


The mutant plant's vines swung violently and whipped directly towards Chen Dong.

Ajie couldn't help but swear.

Their captain was whipped like this before and was pierced through the stomach.

How could he not be shocked when he saw the mutant plant repeating the same trick?


Ajie swore again.

This time, it was not because of the mutant plant, but because of Chen Dong.

When the mutant plant's vines whipped over, Chen Dong grabbed the vines directly and used the force to close the distance.

How many battles did it take to have such a sophisticated conditioned reflex and emergency response!

When he was about to rush to the roots of the mutant plant, the mutant plant seemed to have noticed the purpose, and the vines gathered and surrounded Chen Dong.

The roots of the mutant plant are vital points, and protection priority is the first priority.

Chen Dong held the energy pulse sword and slashed continuously.

The weapon in his hand was very powerful, and it could even cut off the vines of the mutant plants.

However, it was useless, the vines would grow out soon.

If the mutant plants don't die, you will be exhausted to death!

Ajie sighed.

He had seen many survivors who were overconfident in their own strength and looked down on the mutant products of the doomsday world.

In the end, they lost their lives in vain.

But why were these two beautiful women not panicking at all?

Judging from their appearance, they should be partners, but their expressions were so calm.

Could it be that they still firmly believed that their partners could escape until now?

They were really optimistic...

Ajie smiled and shook his head.

At this time, the mutant plants suddenly rioted.

Ajie knew that this was the mutant plants getting angry.

The vines surrounded them, and they couldn't see the situation inside clearly.

At this time, their pressure was also relieved a lot.

Take this opportunity to leave as soon as possible.

Ajie said to Xie Anqi and Tian Xiaoyu: "You should leave quickly too!"

"Your companions, I guess, I guess..."

Xie Anqi looked over and asked in confusion: "Estimated what?"

Ajie hesitated for a few seconds and said: "Estimated... Shit!"

What did he see?

Ajie swore that this was definitely more exciting than watching a science fiction movie.

"This is too fake..."

The scene in front of him was even more fake than the white wine he drank in the old world.

The vines of the mutant plant began to turn yellow, wrinkled, and withered visibly.

Finally, it fell directly to the ground and lost its vitality.

All the vines of the mutant plant had rotted in just a dozen seconds.

As the mutant plant died, Chen Dong, who was surrounded by vines, also revealed his figure.

Ajie was stunned.

He didn't die?

On the contrary, the mutant plant died?

Didn't several large teams clearly say in the chat channel before that the mutant plant could not be killed at all?

But what Ajie saw was the reality that the mutant plant could not die any more.

Even the roots had begun to rot!

At this time, Chen Dong walked towards him.

To be precise, he walked towards his two partners.

After removing the uniform, he revealed his handsome face and sturdy and well-proportioned body.

Ajie pouted secretly.

He is even more handsome than me...

After taking off his uniform, Chen Dong walked to Xie Anqi and Tian Xiaoyu and said with a smile: "The special herbicide is indeed extraordinary. Just drop a little bit on the roots of the mutant plants, and they will wither visibly with the naked eye."

Xie Anqi was very surprised.

"That's great. It seems that we don't have to be afraid of mutant plants in the future."

Tian Xiaoyu frowned and poured cold water on him.

"But it is still too difficult to get close to the roots of mutant plants. Chen Dong can do it, but it is still a bit difficult for us."

For this question, Chen Dong added: "Dripping it on the vines can also be effective, but it requires more special herbicides. But at the critical moment, there is no need to save it."

Tian Xiaoyu suddenly realized.

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